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In case you want to try it, this is the link to the repository - Do hit a star if it helps you!!
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Hey folks, proud to present LYNX Tools, a collection of production proven open source tools to accelerate your workflows! All mentioned tools are free to download via the links below and are licensed with a full HoudiniFX license. All Houdini Assets have complete Houdini native documentation available. Repository: Lastest stable release: Please give them a test drive, so we can improve them further Roadmap | So far there are three tools: LYNX_force_general | Tweak your sims with this all purpose & intuitive force field. Built to mimic force fields in other DCC applications, but with support for more features and a natural Houdini user experience. LYNX_fabric | Create fabric/weave patterns with ease. Perfect for creating that holiday sweater you never wanted. LYNX_velocity | Get control of your velocities via an intuitive UI or groom them for absolute fine tuned control. More info on my website, including full release logs: Houdini User Group Munich Presentation:
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Hey friends, Had a fellow 3d person stop by my youtube channel where I mostly sculpt random Zbrush stuff and ask for this model to be donated to the Houdini community: Which I think is a brilliant idea as I dabble with Houdini myself and love it. So here you go, have fun, would love to see some awesome things created with my humble sculpt Use it for whatever, personal, commercial. A link back to me/my channel always massively appreciated, but no obligations. Cheers! EoL PS hope this is the right section of forum to post this, apologies if not. xportPigHead_v01.fbx xportPigHead_v01.obj
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Hi there, I want share for free my HDA for combine and export the cache of fluid from cluster system and convert it in VDB. Download here It's a open HDA so you can edit it if you want, please let me know if you do/did it and let me know if you use it in production. It's free, but a little donation is grateful Have a nice day Matteo video demo
Hi, thought I'd share this in this section too: I wrote an article for the german “Digital Production” magazine about my free LYNX VFX toolset. For the article I made a couple of renderings using the LYNX fabric tools. Luckily it even made the cover Here are my personal favorites, the rest of the images can be found on Artstation. You can also find the complete scene on GitHub under the Demo Files. So now anyone can design an ugly Christmas Sweater;) Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with, enjoy! Links: LYNX VFX Toolset Odforce Thread: LYNX VFX Toolset (Sweater Scene File included): Artstation (HighRes Renderings): Digital Production Magazin: Alternatively view the article in my latest blog post:
Hey everyone, if you're using MPlay to view and write out multiple flipbooked image sequences, you should check out MPlay Batch. It's a package that adds on an extra menu to MPlay that has options for quickly writing all the in-memory sequences to disk either as an image sequence, a video, or both! If you wind up giving it a try (or have any questions) please let me know what you think. Thanks!
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Hi there, I want share with you some of my tools/HDA I created in the time. Some is free and some not. For more of it you can I write also the documentation and create some tutorial. I'm also on orbolt and I think to publish some new tools soon... for now that and thanks for visit... mm Split RGB v.02 - tool for Houdini (Free/donation) Description: This tool was created for my patreon channel and from the question of my student in Italian school. Assign RGB Color with based on the range from 0 to 1. You can split the simulation like RBD or Particles, but also the elements (created with the copy sops for e.g.) and assign or extrapolate it with the color RGB. Video ______________________________________________________________________________________ mm Plexus FX v.01 - tool for Houdini (free and pay) Description: You can create a Plexus effects inside Houdini. This tool is available in 3 version: lite (free-ware), complete and open HDA (you can edit it). LITE: The restrictions for Lite Version are Scatter Points limit to 50 Not available Load points options. Not available Extra points Shapes tab. Not available noise on line options. Not available triangles by Geometry options. Not available splitted BGEO cache options. Not available all ABC (Alembic) export options. If you use in Commercial Works quote my name and the name of tools (I appreciate a lot). Complete: Open HDA: ______________________________________________________________________________________ mm Volume Fracture V 01.0 for Houdini 16 and up (free and pay) You can create the Voronoi Fracture and drive it with the Volume (vdb), apply the noise (if you want) on it and control the position of it in the space XYZ (if you want). Also you can: Apply more details on cut edge like a noise/distortion. Create a new smaller pieces inside your pieces based on the percentage of your original Voronoi Fracture. LITE: Complete: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Digital Asset "mm_Fast_ScatterFX" Houdini and Cinema 4D Very easy tools for create a fast and smart scatterFX, I think this digital asset for Cinema 4D users... The price is very symbolic for help me and continued to develop more tools also for Cinema 4D, Houdini and so on... video:
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- cache split
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Inspired by a tool done by Simon Houdini I decided to recreate same tool on my way. Basically is a nested boolean system which iterates over itself. Starting from a basic cylinder there are three ways to add detail. First is a cylinder which is usefull to generate pivots or a central hole. Second is a circular array of boxes or a circular curve and third is a ray node projecting points over the mesh and copy cylinders there ( useful to attach bolts, screws or make small holes). There are a lot of room for improvements, maybe is not the most user friendly tool of the world and I should try to find a clearer ways to manipulate the tool. I had a lot of problems adding handles or guide geometries because I didn't find the way to switch the guide geometry to older iterations and things like this. At the end I kept at it was without guides and handlers. Please take a look and test the tool. Would be nice have your feedback and ideas for improvements. The tool can be downloaded from here: Thanks for testing it. O.
Check out for more tutorials. In this quick-tip, we learn about curved particle motion blur whenever you're rendering with redshift. Curved motion blur can be a pretty big deal if you're trying to achieve certain effects, and with Houdini / Redshift, it's pretty easy to accomplish once you know how it works. Thanks for watching!
Hello all. I wanted to share my production library of tools I have posted on Github. Previously a lot of these were posted on after my 2016 GDC talks. The tools were originally designed to be used in a HOUDINI_PATH style library as opposed to individual hdas. In this manner they can include a larger array of script based tools that don't fall in the paradigm of Orbolt. This toolset is generally complementary to the GameDev, Mops, etc toolset, there are only a few overlaps nowadays. There are two primary libraries of tools. - This is the production library built up over the last decade of work that has been cleansed of studio specific work. This currently contains a set HDA's, a common python library, shelf tools, and example files on how to used the .hdas. Some fun tools in here are an Ivy Generator inspired by Thomas Luft Ivy generator . File Cache nodes that have been tested on over a dozen productions. RBD to FBX extractors, and an array of ROP tools. Also a module of python code that includes a few sub-modules such as verbosity logging, multiple hda queuing, fbx exporting, file explorer opening, and the large set of options for file caching. Additionally it contains shelf scripts so that you no longer need to use the Material Library, you can just tab and use the shaders like normal nodes. - This is over one hundred hda's to test Houdini Engine implementations in different DCC's and game engine. Each of them test a simple principle from UI parameters to different geometry types and more. Hope they help you at some point. Feel free to branch or leave comments here and I can update the source. Thanks, -Ben
Dear All I am new to Houdini and learning as much as I can at the moment. I have the time for a while to develop my understanding and looking for people to collaborate with. I am willing to work for free on projects in return I would be mentored and taught becoming better with Houdini. So Please let me know if anyone is interested. I have a good workstation and have some time to work and learn. Thanks
Hello Everyone, Happy New year I've been making a series of videos for beginners over the last couple of months. These require no prior knowledge of houdini. I've uploaded them to youtube as well since Youtube generates really good subtitles automatically. I'm putting the link below for the youtube playlist. I hope you find it useful. Houdini playlist regards
... and made Unreal Engine 4 free for EVERYONE!
Dear Artist Brothers ! Here is a model of a turtle which i wish to share with you all ! please unrar the turtle archive to use the .hip model ! turtle.rar
Hi, I've seen a few topics on this subject, but none actually solved the issue in the end. So here's the problem: I'm writing out a flip mesh (vdb) to disk (using the rop output driver), and the first 1-2 frames go just fine (takes +- 3 min per frame). Of course Houdini uses a lot of RAM for this, but the problem is that it doesnt flush it after its finished writing out a frame. The cache stays, and houdini doesnt free up the memory, causing the whole computer to slow down (it then takes like 3 hours to write out 1 frame!). Is there a way to clear the node cache/memory after cooking a frame?flushing the cache from the cache manager isn't really possible (since I'd need to stop the writing after every frame). After i stop the writing, the memory only frees up again after I actually close houdini. p.s. I have an AMD FX8320, with 12GB RAM and a weta digital 3TB green HDD. Using houdini 13, on windows 7.
Python in CG pipeline Masterclass with Pavel Giydenko originaly taught in Russian, translated (by me) to English. Toppics include - Python in CG Pipeline intro - Implementation of PyQt - Python- operators in Houdini - Live Connect and Data Transfer - Correct pattern for Object Oriented Programming Formore info, scene files and code: Pavels Blog
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