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  3. Each boat has its own simulation, then you merge it into one render new Houdini FLIP Sop has Moving Domain, you can utilize it. merge two domain
  4. You need a transform with a pivot to do that, there are couple ways however I just try to do what you already set up there. I store both attributes @transform matrix3 + @pivot from packed DOP IO. Then copy it over the "copy to point" result. Re-apply the matrix. File attached pig_copy_to_pts_transform_matrix_vp.hiplc
  5. Yesterday
  6. Hello guys, I tried to rig a curve using KineFX and as you can see in the image below, the root joint does not fully rotate. How can I fix it? Thanks for helping. fullbodyik.hip
  7. Hi all! We have a course that starts tomorrow at 10:30 am PDT, I think it would be great for anyone who wants to feel more comfortable in the program, it's not a topics-based course but an efficiency one, here is more info.
  8. It is the case by default. You can simply test it by writing a sequence of some frames once as one abc files and then do the same as a sequence of single abc files. If it would save the mesh data every frame, the sizes should be roughly the same but the one single sequence abc file is much smaller than the single file sequence. If the files sizes in your case do not differ much you may have accidently changing topology... just did a simple test with a deforming torus and the single file sequence shows 18mb whereas the one large file has a size of 7mb. Of course this depends a lot on the point data you have. If you have a some per point data, they will be saved per frame for every point so if there are a lot of them the difference will be quite small.
  9. Thanks for the response! Yeah that is what I always thought and I know that with packed primitives you can do that only saving the transforms and applying it when you load it and there is a option for that but for deforming meshes with constant topology is really hard to check that and it is inconsistent with the file size sometimes it gets much bigger than "bgeos" so that is why I am not sure that is doing that sometimes. Is there a way to check it or a option to enforce that?
  10. This is not correct. Alembic does only store the topoplogy once if you have a deformation without topology changes if you save as one large alembic file. If you need to use abc file sequences, it should be possible to layer alembics one with the topology and one with the changing points. Basically it's the same behaviour as in USD.
  11. chatgpt to the rescue! https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/expressions/substr.html
  12. I want to use $HIPNAME in filecaches but remove the hip file version suffix so that all scene versions can read from the same cache folder. I'm using QLib to create versions with _v001 suffix. Is there an hscript that can do that, along the lines of `truncate(5, $HIPNAME)` ?
  13. Last week
  14. It is a shame, Well thanks for the feedback
  15. Use USD. All other formats cache full mesh per frame
  16. Because setpointattrib() only sets attribute values on the output. So in your case, the normal attribute doesn't exist during code execution. So if you want to have everything in the same wrangle, set it to detail and apply your positions with setpointattrib() too.
  17. I have the dictionary parameter "facade_rule" on the "shape_grammar" node. Is there a better way to iterate the dictionary: dict rule = chdict("../shape_grammar/facade_rule"); string keys[] = keys(rule); foreach(string key; keys){ string value = rule[key]; printf('key: %s | value: %s\n', key, value); } snippet_parse_dictionary.hiplc
  18. You could convert those boats as vdb to be use as a colliders. I highly recommend to do some prep work before to them such as convert that geo as convex hull in a static frame, then using point deform to get them back in place. other than that the geo can be use as colliders individually inside dops, or merge them in sops.
  19. Yes, this is working... Ok, why it does not work if I set the position in the same wrangle where I define attributes? snippet_move_points_same_aw.hiplc
  20. Can't you just set @P directly? The only time you need to use point is when running in detail mode.
  21. I have a two-point curve and I need to shift the point's positions towards each other. I am calculating vectors from 2 points and adjusting positions along those vectors. If I do everything in the same wrangle it does not work, but once I move setting a new position to another wrangle it behaves as expected. What is happening? snippet_move_points.hiplc
  22. I know this must be a really recurrent topic but I could not find anything on this so here is my question: In SOPs if I have a deforming mesh with no point count change like a character or a water ripple is there a easy way to just save the mesh once and cache only the points positions in different frames like in USD? I thought Alembic could do that but I don't think it does. I tried to do that with vex trying to store all the positions on a detail attribute but for heavy meshes it is really slow. Any ideas on that? Thanks!
  23. Just look it up. That's one of the most famous nuclear test documented.
  24. Now with Sky voice (Scarlett Johansson soundalike)
  25. In Out context you candrop Texture Baker node . You can Bake all Kind of Passes Like displacement , bump, diffuse, light , Emission, ao and 1 Million more to UV space of an lower res Mesh.
  26. Thanks guys! Sorry for this question, do I need to have Unity for Texture Baker?
  27. Bake Megascans Textures to Low res Geo with Texture Baker
  28. Librarian


    @uupsayaya just search Nebula Karma Shader XPU on duckduckgo endless HDA and files.
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