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Found 15 results

  1. Hi there, I'm trying to understand Dopnet a bit more in depth and try to understand a bit better how you can transfer data from one object and use it in another. While playing a bit around I ran into a problem where I don't understand why this isn't working. I created a simple particle setup, and after a hit of a particle, a sphere is created into another object (called 'col_gen'). What I try to do is using these spheres in the next frame as a collision for the particles again. But somehow I can't get it get to work. Simple as that, right? What I did try is using the path "../:col_gen/Geometry" in the soppath of the static object. That doesn't do anything. So I tried to reference the geometry into an sopGeo node, and apply that data onto the staticobject. But that doesn't work neither. Question 1 is: Why doesn't this work like this? And question 2 is: How would you solve this problem? Cheers, Sander (The hipfile is hidden underneath the screengrab) generateCollision.hip
  2. are there any good resources to explain these two subject? object - data what are they exactly and what they do inside DOP network? any pages of documentation or any piece of information you give me is acceptable
  3. Hi; I'm looking for some training on how to work with DOP Data. I mean several ways to fetching and applying DOP data, to control velocity, temperature, and so on... Thanks for helping.
  4. Hi there I have some data coming into Houdini as a .csv as animated points, which is mocap data. I would like to parent bones to the animated points to be able to export as as a fbx. How can I parent bones to this data? (mp4, .hip and csv data attached) thanks bones_animate_02.mp4 bones_animate_02.hipnc mx_allframes_eval.csv my_allframes_eval.csv mz_allframes_eval.csv
  5. Hi guys, I have a rigid body sim with constraint network, I want to access the previous frame and current frame data of the constraints (impact, forces etc) inside a sop solver in DOPs. Currently when I call the attribute in a wrangle from the relationship geometry node I don't know if it's current frame data or previous frame. How to get both the current and previous frame data in a wrangle in sop solver in dops?
  6. Hey guys, I was wondering if it is possible to export exr images with deep data information in them. It would be to use those in Nuke later for Deep Compositing. Also, I would like to know what is the difference between exporting a fully textured model from an explosion or a fire. Cheers! Trapo.
  7. Hi, I have a simple particle setup here which has attribute wrangle providing velocity in the second input of my dopnet. How can I use that velocity in the second input to affect my particles or (RBD)? thanks in advance vel.hip
  8. Hi there! I have just started with Houdini. I have already tryied to transfer data from a csv file to the triangles of a triangulated globe. Then I' ve colored this data and I've extruded the data according to the values of the csv files. Now what I want to do is to be able to manipulate this data. ex. If a specific value from one triangle is really high, when its neighbours is really low, I want to give some % of the higher value (triangle1) to the lower (triangle2). How can I do that? I' ve attached pictures of the modules and the simulation model. thanks!
  9. Hey there, first odforce post and of course a question. i am currently looking for an option to add costum meta data to my render output (exr file). to be more specifiy, i want to save the focal length of my render cam to the meta data of my exr to read them later on in nuke. all ready found a way to put it in the comments, but would be cleaner to have it as costume data. i even found the vm_image_exr_attributes, but it seems like its not working (or i am using it wrong). would be great to get some help. cheers
  10. Hello! I'm trying to visualize data from a csv file as a node tree (similar to Houdini's Network View). I also want to be able to animate it's sequential growth from top to bottom. What would be the best approach to do this? I'm familiar with getting data into Houdini via the Table SOP. But I can't quite figure out how to do the tree structure. I've attached some sample data and a corresponding mockup. Thanks in advance! NodeGraph_Data.csv
  11. Hi family i have a geometry that went through a simulation, now in sops i have point position data, how is it possible to export an array of the position data across all frames of a desired point?
  12. Hello everyone, I've been getting into DOPs recently and i just cant figure out something. I have a SmokeObject and an RBD object. They are both plugged into the Pyro solver. The smoke has a collision relationship with the RBD object, and the Pyro solver's option "Temperature Merge" is set to "Collision Interior". In order for the "Temperature Merge" to happen the RBD object has to have a temperature field. Now what i want is for the RBD object's temperature field is to be just like what the smoke's temperature is but subtracted by a number so that the RBD object is always cooling the smoke. I've Created a fog volume that consists only of value 1 voxels inside the RBD Object and value 0 voxels outside of the RBD Object. I'm planning on using this as a mask for the smoke's temperature field (multiplying these two fields) and then lowering the value for all the kept voxels. Now i don't know what is the best way of achieving this but i thought that I can bring in the mask field (the only 1 or 0 field) into the dop network using the "Sop Scalar Field Node" and then extract the temperature field out of the SmokeObject using the "Fetch Data Node", wiring these two into the "Gas Calculate Node" and then blending and doing post subtraction in there. I don't even know if that is the right way to do it, but anyway once I connect the scalar field (the temperature mask, brought in from sops) into the gas node everything is ok. Once i plug in the data (SmokeObject's temperature field) into the gas node it reports an error saying that the connection to the fetchdata node is the wrong type. How could this be? Both the "SopScalarField" and the "FetchData" nodes output data, how come that the gas calculate will accept data coming from the "SopScalarField" node and not from the "FetchData" node ? I've been trying to resolve this for a while now, if anyone could help out it would be greatly appreciated
  13. I'm trying to get attributes from a volume and group them by whatever data type they are. I was able to get the float type attributes imported, but I'm having difficulties with the vector types. My plan was to use the attribsize function to separate the attributes per type, but I believe that my code at the moment isn't looking in the right place. int attribType = attribsize(0,"prim",attributes); printf("Attrib %s = %s\n", attributes, attribType); If you have any ideas or solutions it'll be highly appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Hi all, I have been using the Pipe In chop and recording it with the Record Chop. I am now trying to save the data as a '.bclip' by right clicking the record chop then, save data channels. I get to choose the location, name and type. But when I click accept is says 'save failed: unknown reason'. I have tried all the different formats and saving it from chops further down the line. Also switching on and off the export flag. Has anyone had a similar problem? Is it a licensing thing? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  15. How can I make "detail" or "global" data in dop? (like detail attribute in sop) Can it only attached to objects? I can do work without it. But just curious. Thank you~
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