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Found 15 results

  1. Hi, if you could have a look at this hip, I bet I'm doing it wrong cause it's very slow. It's 2500 boxes (copysop + stamping) growing up. I scatter points on a painted grid, fuse points to avoid overlapping, attributeVOP to randomize and add a fadeout effect. I'd learn a lot if someone could point out the mistakes. Might not be mistakes, but maybe there's ways to optimize. I'm not comfortable with coding yet, so I couldn't wrangle this, but if I'm not mistaken, VOP is VEX, so I was expecting faster cooking. Could it be slow elsewhere ? the copysop? I checked "packed geo bedore copying" just to see... still slow. Or before the VOP? I unchecked "relax "iterations" in the scatter node to speed up the scattering, in case it was cooking it each frame, but no. OR the number of boxes is the pb and there's no way to optimize? I doubt that as I've got heavier scene running smoothly. if you have the time, I'd appreciate thanks, cyril. optimizeBOX.hipnc
  2. Hi everyone, I'm trying to do something quite simple but i'm struggling with it. I have an imported pile of sticks, i want to take this pile and copy each stick to a different point on a grid, i know how to do this using the method of having each stick have its own geo node and pluging those into a switch and copy stamping them onto a grid, but i want to achieve this result without having each stick be its own node, as there are 214 individuals this would make for a very crowded network. Could anybody help me out? I have attatched my current set up, I am guessing I need to specify in the copy stamp that for each point it needs to select one of the 214 points which are being fed into it, but i'm not sure how to command this expression? Thanks in advance! Dbrs_wood_twig_T_rfkkwaa_LOD0.obj
  3. Hey magicians, I have 3 alembics with time offset for randomness wich I'm copy stamping with a switch node. Is working good except after some frames I get a weird "jump" on the clone position, any thoughts? Thanks!
  4. Hello, Everyone. recently I meet a challenge: is how to let a lot of textures in the different grid, and it does not have the same one. I tried to input the stamp value to MAT or SHOP, But it doesn't work. If anyone knows how to fix that, please help me, I will be deeply grateful. 1. The first image is my failed work, I just want to get the second image result. but it clearly, I failed... I only get the first result.
  5. Hey all, Consider me very new to the forum and to Houdini, even though I've been a member for a fair while (lurker at the best of times, absent at the worst), and a fan of Sidefx since Houdini 1.2. I just have not used Houdini as much as I would like to over the years, so have remained an eternal beginnner! I'm hoping for that to change gradually, starting now. Thank you for your patience with what will no doubt seem to be foolish questions. I love seeing spreadsheets of values while I work, so I can learn quickly whether things are working the way I think they are. I've copied a sphere primitive to some points, and stamped a scale value to each one, which I'm then using in the uniform scale of the Sphere SOP. What I'd love to be able to see is a spreadsheet of the stamped scale values for each copied primitive. Do I have to create an attribute after the Sphere SOP and set it to the stamped scale value, just so I can see what that value is in a spreadsheet, or is there a more direct way without any further effort/overhead? Thanks! M
  6. Hi all, I'm building a crude crowd-like system using POPs and I'd like to copy my imported walkcycle on to the particles with a random timeoffset. The old method of copystamp with a timeoffset value on a timeshift node works - but it's really slow. I've been reading up on the for-each / compile block method but I'm unable to compile timeshift or file nodes. So my question is - is it possible to do it with a for-each/compile setup or am I stuck with the old copystamp method?
  7. Hello all, I'm modeling some tentacle creature and ran into a problem. I don't know how to stamp attribute into the VOP sop and use it to drive turbulent noise to randomise shapes for every copied tentacle. Then i want to copy that tactically geometry again and randomise tentacle shape and/or animation. I have tried to just bind stamp("../../copy" , "id", 0) into the vop and connect it to Offset of the Noise, but for some reason, Houdini just stuck in the loop. Please see .hip below. I feel like it is something obvious, but I cant see it. Please advice StampinVop.hip
  8. Hi, I have some particles that I was trying to use instance to Copy lights on them. But I want to control their intensity base on random point/id numbers, so each particle will follow different intensity. I couldn't come up with a way to control the lights intensity for each individual particle separately. I came up with the idea of using copy stamping after my popnetwork node. but I need to use a way such as object merge, but unfortunately it doesn't support lights. I would like to know if there is anyway to import light in my nodes with something like Object merge. Any idea that how can I do that or how can I control each individual lights intensity based on random id/point number? Thanks
  9. Hi everyone, Here's a weird one: I am trying to use the crowdsource to copy a simple agent animation on a point sim. It is basically a swarm test. Now the problem is that when I try to render my agents they render as boxes. So far I have done a couple days of research but I didn't seem to be able to find a solution or anybody with my same issue. The simple answer that I gave to myself was "use the copy sop with some timewarp stamping for each point" but the copy sop gets too heavy to quickly. Does anybody have an idea of what am I doing wrong? I have attached a zip file with the hip and the fbx of the bee animation. Thanks for your help! bees_test.zip
  10. Hey guys, I have a bunch of planes on a copy sop and I need all of them to be always "looking at" the camera. I found this topic at sidefx' forum showing how to make it at sop level (I know, at obj level it's quite easy ), but I couldn't make it work. This is what they did there: I actually don't know what to put at the "lookat_path". How can I put a path to another object, like a camera, in there? Thank's Alvaro
  11. Hi, I have a fractal patern on which I copy stamp multiple inputs geo from a switch I would like all the stacks to be different height and type but I can't figure how to do this using the copy stamp. Could someone point me in the right direction. Thanks example_od.hipnc
  12. Is it possible to access a single component of a vector in a stamp expression? Or is it just limited to single numbers? I've searched and haven't found anything specific to copy stamping and vectors. For example, if I had a vector attribute called size and I wanted to just get the second component. I've tried: stamp('../copy1', 'size.y', 0) stamp('../copy1', 'sizey', 0) stamp('../copy1', 'size[1]', 0) I know it would be easy enough to create an extra attribute with just the second component to stamp instead. But it seems like this should be unnecessary.
  13. Hey guys, first post here. I'm extremely noob at Houdini and I've got a very basic question. I've got a particle system going, and after the POPs system in the Source Particles SOP it creates, I'm trying to use the Y position of each particle to drive a Blend Sequence that is copied onto the particles with a Copy SOP. What I haven't been able to find is how to query the Y position of my particles. I can find their positions with the Geometry Spreadsheet, but the name of the attribute it gives me is "P[y]", and typing that into an expression doesn't seem to work. I had thought it might be "@P.y" but that errors out as well. I think one of the problems is that I'm not telling Houdini WHAT to find the Y position of. But again, not sure how to find that. I've googled and did a cursory search of the forums here but all the posts I've found are way more advanced than this simple thing I'm trying to find Can you fine gentlemen/ladies point me in the right direction to find how to query this sort of basic data? wk2_copy.hipnc
  14. Hi, I want to control an animation range by a color attribute. I want to use attribute transfer of color (black is default, red is the color transferred) so that when the points are black the animation is at frame 1, and when the points get to red the animation is at its endframe. I have tried some tutorials and got some copy stamped animation on some spheres (see attached file). As the point colors change to red it triggers the animation BUT this will only play through once and never get triggered again, even if the point color returns to red again. I cant figure out how to do this - and I would love the help of some more experienced folk please. thanks from chris sphere_anim_triggered_by_color.hipnc
  15. I confused is it a right way to describe this question. I have some spheres turn to RBD object .When it falls down, the sphere will come to smaller. It is simple to do this use sop Solver. But the sphere transform smaller all the same as each other. If i want to do a unequal transform, how to ? Is it possible to do this stuff use 'stamp' expression function in sop solver. such as `stamps("../dop", "OBJID", 1)` I have try this, but failed. And is it a way to do the RBD packed object scale by sop solver. It seems i can not dop import the packed object each. Any help will be appreciation. Thanks! sopSolver_stamp.hip
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