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  1. Hi, we are turning some animated geometry (alembic, non-deforming animation) into clouds, but because we want the noise of the clouds to be in local space (not be affected by the animation), I am trying to work out how to apply the animation after the creating the clouds referencing the intrins...
  2. Hello guys, From a transform matrix attribute (which includes "Transform", "Scale" and "Rotation" values), how can I extract only the "SCALE" component, and then apply it, to the geometry? I mean I don't want the Translate and Rotation of that matrix. I tried the cracktransform() VE...
  3. Hey Guys! Basically, I have those grids that come into a for each loop and each of them have rotations in the 3D space. Is it possible to get each of them back on to an unrotated state with matrices? Thank you all for your help.
  4. 3@transform = set( {-0.146396,-0.0727609,0.0550026},{0.0605058,0.000363445,0.161525},{0.0682531,-0.156387,-0.0252152} ) ; -- Instance with @transform p@orient = quaternion(3@transform); DELETE @transform attribute -- Instance with p@orient Different Results...
  5. Hi guys, I'm Aureole. I've been trying to wrap my head around Matrix and transformation stuffs lately, but there's still something intriguing to me that I can't figure out, especially pivot and vector cracktransform(int trs, int xyz, int c, vector pivot, matrix xform) function! For example:...
  6. Hi everyone, I need to switch low res pieces for high res ones. Unfortunately, only for this one object, the transform matrix is empty when coming out of the dop network. The other object coming out has a perfectly working matrix What could be causing this?
  7. In short, how can I calculate the transformation matrix, or just rotation similar to how a geometry constraint/rivet works, where you define a few points as reference to glue a geo to an animated one? Long one: I want to procedurally animate the preroll of some packed RBDs, by comparin...
  8. I try to copy the intrinsic data (matrix3) from a DOP animated to an static object. Unfortunately the rotation vector is somehow funky. Have a look at the hip please: Credits: Tutorial by Alessandro Nardini on you tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9DjkDt-6Js S...
  9. I'm trying to replicate the text effect shown at the beginning of the attached video. Where the characters are randomized and then are replaced with ordered text. I hacked together something that is nearly a solution however it still have issues. I'm packing the characters in the font sop by centroi...
  10. Hi. I was trying to use some "maketransform vex code" I've seen in a tutorial in order to scale objects along custom axis. But kind of lost and don't know how to apply the code properly. Any help? The file is included. I was thinking maybt it's better to apply some matrix that will bring every obj...
  11. Hey ppl! I'm trying to extract transform, scale and rotation from one geometry and apply it to another with VEX. In my case I'm extracting from a grid (2nd input) and applying to heightfield (1st input) which only takes Y rotation. Help me figure it out? Thanks! transform.hipnc
  12. Hello, I'm trying to stick a transform sop's UI handle to a point or prim without loosing control of the pivot functionality of the transform node. I've bundled this into an HDA and promoted the handle and used a point expression to get a position from the point I've got the rot...
  13. enda

    vex function

    Hello, How can I write the following functions in VEX? There are two box objects in different positions. How do I get a matrix that can move the first object to the second object?
  14. A while ago I used some very simple Matrix multiplications to bring geometry, that is positioned anywhere in space, back to the origin and from there, back to its original position. Maybe anybody here can help me remember? I think I created a world space transformation Matrix, called it myMatrix...
  15. I extracted the transformation matrix from an animated Alembic object A. This object is rotating around Y (amongst other things). Then multiplied P by the inverted transformation matrix, to lock it to the origin, which is working as expected. Another objects, B, is supposed to be interact...
  16. Hi! This is like a mixture of rigging and effects. I'm trying to add some cool dynamic parenting behavior to a working system that I have (the inputs from the locked null) but I hit a wall and I can't figure out how to solve my problem with all the attribs that I have (I created custom attribs for t...
  17. After packing geometry, if I use this VEX snippet to edit the pivots I get predictable results: vector pivotOffset = chv("manual_pivot_offset"); vector pivotCentroid = primintrinsic(0, "pivot", @ptnum); vector newPivot = pivotCentroid + pivotOffset; setprimintrinsic(0, "pivot", @ptnum,...
  18. After setting up the rotations for packed objects in point vops (after scattering), I just couldn't do the same for scaling and translating. I want to find a solution for cases where the scattering has already been done (or there are many instances of the same object). Can some one help me ou...
  19. For the full course, visit : https://www.cgforge.com/course?courseid=quaternions-matrices In this quick tip, we take a look at a practical example which takes advantage of both quaternion and matrix (and/or Euler) based rotation.
  20. I'm importing a vector4 as a point matrix within a VOP SOP; but it's position as in the transformation matrix, does not align correctly with the object prior to the transformation matrix ? The problem is in this VOP network, as the problem is only experienced in this VOP Network ?
  21. Hi everyone! I've made an illustration video-tutorial about the Heat Method application to point clouds by Keenan Crane et al, Yang Liu et al and others.
  22. Hello everyone, I have created few videos to introduce vectors and matrices in a fun way, with lots of real-world examples. Please go through them and I would love to get a feedback. Intro to Vectors | An Idiot's Guide to Vectors and Matrices, Part 1 Intro to Matrices | An Idiot's G...
  23. Dear all, A simple looking question about how to pick up an @ttribute's value inside a MATRIX : 2@boo = set(1,2,3,4); printf("boo[0] : %g\n",@boo[0]); it doesn't work while it is working with vector or obviously with array. Saddly, i feel stucked, if needed to pick up one of...
  24. Hi everyone ! As says the title, I want to export scalar values attached to voxels (VDB) into a 3D matrix because I want to access to voxel data into another software (matlab) does someone know how to do that ? thanks ! Alex
  25. Hello, I'm working on a project and I'm a bit stuck on matrix transformation. I don't have a strong background in matrix manipulation. Here is what I am trying to do: I have a packed alembic that has been created from an external program. The alembic has a fullpackedtransform intrinsic that con...
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