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This is my second installment in a houdini quasi-tutorial series; this is a setup to pre-shatter and sim a deforming character with accurate shatter deformations, custom rigid body activation, bullet packed primitive RBD setup, and post-sim multi-tile UV setup for greater flexibility. I will be following up this tutorial with another on how to create a custom shader setup that includes accurate inside displacements, multi-tile UV layered shader setup for separate shaders/displacement for inside and outside pieces, and how to mix true displacement and bump maps together in one setup Hope some of you find this helpful! Note- As are most things on the forum, this setup is a result of research and techniques compiled from both personal workflows and development and various techniques found here on the forum and elsewhere So thank you to everyone who posts here to share workflows and ideas to make these tutorials possible NJ_character_crumble.hip
Before elaborating, I am not a huge fan of the material fracture solution, which also gives similar issues. Apart from the node just taking 10 seconds to place. 10,605 children in 18.0 and >11,000 in 18.5. Also, the performance I was getting out of it was really not useable, so I'd always go back to looping over pieces and shattering (the usual) where I'd have control over the iterations and such. But maybe I'm just really too dumb to use the materialfracture correctly to get well tweaked results out of it, in a workable speed. So instead I've been trying to build a more lightweight solution to use which is a voronoi fracture which brickers the cutting geo and replaces the voronoi with a shatter. The issue is that the shatter apparently just gives bad output geometry when trying to fracture a second time, the geo is just completely broken. This is the base output which is marvellous. It almost stays interactive (0.1s / frame) while the materialfracture SOP would take around 10 seconds to calculate for a similar result. This is a preview of the cutting planes generated from the voronoi source points. When looping over the pieces from the first iteration, the outcome is always broken like following. I've tried quite some variations of loops, but apparently the first fracture just screws up the geometry. Any sort of cleaning/fusing would also give no better result. Is there any way the fix the boolean shatter itself? Or to get behind why it's outputting the fracture geo in the first place? The simple file with the asset included is attached. voronoifracture_plus_185_v01.hipnc Thanks in advance, Martin
Hey there guys! I was playing with a little Mixamo animation I downloaded. The animation consists of a dude falling down, I want it to fracture when he falls down and have a little control over that. So I tried to import the Mixamo, convert it, file cache it and apply a simple RBD glued sim. I changed the source to be a deforming active object so the shattering applies to the animated mesh. I tried to play with the glue parameters to have more control over when I want the guy to shatter but the only results I'm getting are crashes, so I obviously think I'm missing something. Here I attach the file and the fbx. Any ideas? Thank you! Trapo. shattering_animation_01.hipncFalling Down (1).fbx
Hello folks! I have a pre-fractured piece which is a watertight mesh (from the previous simulation) and cutting plate (grid with noise) and planned to do a secondary fracture. Direct boolean fracture is failed to cut them apart. Meanwhile, when I VDB remesh the pieces before boolean fracture it works like a charm. Here's the network. Fracture result: LEFT(VDB remesh before shatter): The cutting is working as expected. Mid(Regular remesher before shatter): The cutting is not working at all. Right (Original pieces): The cutting is not working at all. I tended to use the original pieces as I want to have the original UVs. But the fracture is failed. Any tips to prepare pieces to fit into boolean shatter tools? What's actually causing the problem here? Thanks! File for troubleshooting:Booleanshatter_TroubleShoot.hip
Hello everyone For one of my scenes, I need to cut a 3D model of a human floating in space into several pieces. For that, I try to use the boolean node in shatter mode but I get strange results (see picture below : in the setup, I try to cut my 3D model with a bunch of deformed plane). However, the setup works on the PigHead test geometry. I tried to increase or decrease the number of points in my 3D model with a polyreduce and also to fix possible problems with a polydoctor but I still have strange artifacts and the 3D model does not cut well. I have attached the Houdini hip file below. Here is a link to download my 3D model : Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks by advance, Brazen Boolean_Shatter_Issue.hipnc
Hey magicians, I'm wondering what will be the best way to art direct a fracturing for this shot? I'm thinking about getting Applied Houdini IV wich seems perfect, but meanwhile here are some thoughts: Separate the bridge in 2 parts, one for the foot hits and keyframe manually, and other for the rest shattered with dynamics, might look fake tho Using colliders/forces in certain zones to push the breaks towards the character Manually shatter with curves for the desired parts, add rbd and pray to god to match playing with seed Any thoughts? Thanks!
Hey magicians, I'm getting crazy with rbd. I was requested to break a statue having "hits" like this gifs from independence day. I follow a tutorial from Applied Houdini, made constraints and stuff, but I can't get the parameters to work right, I got some better control results with voronoi fracture, but with booleans I'm having a hard time. I'm new to fracturing, I tried messing with the connect adjacent pieces, as well as glue amount. Anyone can give me some tips or direction to achieve this? Thanks!
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Hey magicians, I'm trying to do some shattering with booleans but I get the parts like paper, I played with facet, polycap, polydoctor nodes, as well as boolean shatter operation types with no luck. Only way I found to fill the mesh is going to zbrush and doing some stuff there, I've also tried converting to VDB, but ideally I would like to use the model as it is, since is provided by the client with all the UVs and stuff. Any ideas to solve this? Thanks!
Dear odforce, I want to show you this short teaser, which without the treasure of knowledge and tips found within these forums, I would not have been able to create. Please take the minute that it lasts () to watch it, and turn your volume up! A little bit about the project: a former boss at a studio in which I worked needed a quick, raw and eye-catching portfolio teaser that would be independent from client-work. A project that would be created entirely by ourselves, and that would serve as a portfolio-item in the end. I had mentioned to him the idea of having something caught in the moment of shattering, as a photograph, and he found some images that kicked our motivation off. He told me to take this project under my wing, and leave everything up to me.. so my expectations were very high. Based off of the photography, all fracturing-methods felt very CG, and despite how complex my fracturing-setup was, I always ended up seeing these eye-sores which were the typical convex voronoi pieces. Then comes H16 with its new boolean method. The possibility of using custom cutters as surfaces to pre-fracture an object, and simming it with perfectly stable results, changed the game. I started seeing how much customizing I could add to the overall fracture, via VOPS, VEX and everything that makes Houdini what it is (you know what I mean). The rnd of a whole year went to the trash and I put all my hopes into this new method, and after ~220 logged hours, I am really proud to present this fully CG short. You can find some more details to the process in the Vimeo description, and please feel free to ask anything I haven't mentioned. I completely forgot to share this project here, so having just recently updated the video (minor details + new audio) I am doing it now. I truly hope you like it! Chris 08052017_bustshatter-wip01.mp4 12052017_bustshatter.v2-wip01.mp4 14052017_bustshatter-wip01.mp4 14052017_bustshatter-wip02.mp4 15052017_bustshatter-wip01.mp4 18052017_bustshatter.v5-wip02.mp4
hey all! I'm trying to put some noise on the internal faces of a shattered model with voronoi fracture, I promoted the group "inside" from primitive to point to use the mountain sop, but I'm getting noise everywhere...inside and outside...I'm also struggling to subdivide a little more the faces inside keeping a nice topology...does anybody have any idea on it?
Hallo, I have following problem: If I shatter an Object in Houdini, the smaller pieces get an inaccurate guide geometry for the collisions. The Geometry Representation Type is: Convex Hull. Does anyone know a way to make this representation accurate? Would really appreciate it, as the smaller pieces are only spinning around now... Thanks, Zac ShatterGuideGeometryTestproj.hipnc
Hello! Firstly, I'm very new to Houdini (coming from Maya), so I apologize if this has been posted before; when looking for a solution I may have just not searched the correct terms. At 49:00 in the below video, Jeff Wagner demonstrates an RBD solver that is 'driven' or on some level involves a POP network. I want to achieve a similar effect. I currently have a shattered object (using another tutorial to create jagged voronoi). Additionally, I'd like to scatter points along the inside point group (from shatter) to create wires, Entagma recently released a tutorial that I can probably use. Getting curves that are affected by gravity would be a perk, but it might be beyond ability trying to make them dynamic constraints to the shattered pieces, etc. If I don't do this however, I might have an issue with them clipping into the geo. Thoughts on how to make them collide-able at least would be appreciated. Would love anything to point me in the right direction. Thanks!
Hi! Just sharing another work of mine, this one took me a lot of time and I like more what this setup can achieve than the result that I got , but at least I finished. Hope you like it!!
Alright I'm still quite new to Houdini but I'm enjoying its shattering system and its dynamics are much more viable to use over the likes of Maya. My question is whether or not it is possible to bake object shattering and interactions with other objects as set keyframes. Reason for this is so I could possibly transfer it over as an FBX file to Maya. I apologize if this seems a bit obvious of a question. Thanks for any help, Belt
Hey guys! I'm working on a special effects shot for a short film in which a bowling ball hits a windshield and shatters it. I'm trying to get the ball to actually stick into the glass, or possibly go all the way through. The shot will be from the inside of the car, so I may end up tracking the render to the live windshield footage - or if all else fails I'll just do it practically. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to do this sticky glass windshield kind of thing in Houdini? Thanks!
Hello world! I'm working on a school project which consists in a gun bullet going through a robot helmet. The modelling and animation has been made in Maya and exported as an alembic. I imported this alembic into Houdini and separated each object of the scene with the Pick option. I added a Scatter node and a Voronoi node on the part of the helmet I want to break. Then I did all the RBD stuff and the destruction works fine except I have a very annoying problem: the shatters of the helmet are too visible. Some screenshots to help you understand: Frame 1 (notice the shatters on the opposite side) Frame 34 (after impact) I'm a noob on Houdini so I might need precise explanations! I've been stuck on this for days and I'm getting desesperate... Thanks in advance for your help!
packed sop force constraint_general.otl constraint_between.otl forces_v3.hipnc
Hi everyone Just recently finished one of my Houdini test projects, It was mainly for practicing RBD sims, shading, lighting and rendering (Mantra) and also to get a better understanding of outputting passes in Houdini, Please watch the final video here: Hope you like it! Sina
Hello everyone, let me show my new tool for fracturing. It's all based on volumes, without cookieSOP. Hope you'll like it
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