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  1. Hi, I am creating beach wave and having issue with my whitewater simulation. I am getting bouncing issue with collision. I tried changing pysical property of collision and particles both. I change collision resolution. But still having same issue. Please let me know if anyone have faces same issue before. IMG_5620.mov
  2. Is it possible to jack into or change the Noise in Repellents, other than the standard controls? How is the noise calculated? Can we add to it or change it? Add a Perlin noise or custom vel? Vex or Vops? Maybe effected by a POP sim? Or is it hard coded? Cheers!
  3. Hey ODForcers, I have a FLIP sim and WW, and it was working but now it just emits from the whole FLIP, when it didn't before. It seems to be from Vorticity AND Curvature and makes NO SENSE! I'm trying everything but wonder if there's something obvious I've overlooked. I would upload .hip but there are multiple caches ... so ... Any help much appreciated. Thanks Nick NB: it seems to happen when everything has ZERO vorticity too AND when you turn up vorticity range to say 3000 to 5000
  4. So im simming a waterfall into a lake but am running into problems with the whitewater sim. When i color the vorticity attribute on the fluid sim i get a beautiful result but when i go to place a whitewater source down it doesnt seem to respond accordingly. In the images i attached are from the same frame, you can see where the vorticity is colored i would get nice whitewater on the waterfall and some ripples and the hopefully where its black there would be no whitewater but when i go to place a whitewater source and run the simulation i get a completely different result. I also notice that changing the vorticity settings in the whitewatersource SOP do not give any changes when i change the range or remap values so i am not sure if i am missing something? thankyou.
  5. Hello, So I've been working on a breach SIM, but I run in to 2 quite large and possibly related problems. Water spawns around my breaching object below surface level and when the object goes out of the water. The water level is lowered by the amount of particles around the object that is no longer there When this starts happening, the surface volume also disappears. Rising From Deep_6.3.hipnc The surface volume disapears at some point probably related to 1. The Whitewater SIM only takes a small vertical sliver that goes all the way down. ~whitewatersource ~simmed whitewater
  6. Hi all.. I'm trying to find the solution, how to control water (or whitewater) shape behaviour around the floating boat. I would like to obtain shape like in top picture on the left. But my results always looks something like on picture bellow, (very extensive side ripples) which I don't want to. Nobody in tutorials or PRO courses doesn't explain how to control that behaviour, if I don't want leave simulation to work 'naturally'. I think it has something to do with the custom velocity values, but I had no good result with my experiments. I saw some tutorials for Maya's or Max's PhoenixFD, where was really good looking results. So, does anybody know, which parameter, feature or node is responsibile to control that, if I want to avoid natural behaviour and obtain the shape like on top left on the picture? ps: The top picture simulation made somebody in Houdini (all boat floats is 58 km/h) with some personal 'KA_wave' tool, which doesn't exist for commercial use. ..I can pay for explanation or shared example hip file..
  7. Hi Everyone, I'm looking to create EXACTLY this effect in de houdini docs: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/shelf/largeocean.html#using-large-ocean (example vid) I've traced it back to the launch event of H17: (skip to 01:20:00 or so) Ofcourse there's no tutorial or documentation to be found on how to achieve this. Would anyone know how to achieve this? As far as I can tell the Whitewater setup still requires FLIP as input. I've had no sucvces doing this in the popsolver; it just doesn't look right... and I'm a noob much obliged!
  8. Any other suggestions on how to take a large wavetank sim, and crop just a small swatch, to do whitewater testing on, instead of the huge tank? I need to take the compressed fluid cache, and crop out a small bit. Tried something like this which sort of worked, but the whitewater source changed completely, so I am guessing I am screwing up something? Cheers! this is the ww source before cropping - this is ww source after, completely different as if it has more curvature?
  9. Dear Houdiniers, I am doing a heavy FX shot, mostly FLIP colliding with geometry and whitewater from that FLIP. I need to cache multiple .sim and .bgeo.sc sequences for various different SOP and DOP nets. It WAS..... all working fine, but now caching anything it seems, whether "save to disk" or "save to disk in background", doesn't work properly. In save to disk it seems to hang and when in background randomly decides to finish early and jump to 100%. There seems to be no pattern to the amount of $SF it gets to, at least none I can discern. I have tried down rezing it and allowing caching to disk to no sucess. I hope someone can help. This is a shot that may land me my first job in the industry, fingers crossed! Cheers 5D PS: haven't included .hip because it has so much cache all over the place. Should I upload it anyway??
  10. I posted about this on the sidefx.com forums and got no response. This is about a feature that SESI has shown and discussed in the Houdini 17 Launch Presentation video. I'll link to the original post and copy it below. https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/61375/ "In the Houdini 17 Launch Presentation video https://vimeo.com/293116223 [vimeo.com] at around 1:20:00, Scott Keating briefly shows and mentions using the whitewater solver for spray and foam with only a deformed ocean surface (no underlying FLIP sim needed). I can't seem to find anything on how to actually do this in Houdini 17. The whitewater nodes and shelf tool still expect a FLIP sim. Can anyone point to what I am missing?" Anyone know how to do this? Or at least can confirm that this feature is missing? It'd be great to know either way. Thanks!
  11. Hi Friends! I'm trying to do a floodwater simulation and whitewater came nearly to 1TB, what is the best method to render this as particles or the VDB?(for production use) I have to send this to the lighting artist, sending 1TB caches is tough to deal with for us, looking for help on optimizing
  12. rendered with arnold GPU, 1 beauty pass straight out of the renderer
  13. Hi there! I have a FLIP + whitewater simulation I'm putting together and trying to figure out what's causing these popping artifacts in the simulation? They seem to pop up every time I try to start playing with whitewater! Preview attached-- thanks for any guidance! whitewaterJitter.mp4
  14. Hi there! I'm working on an effect to create a kind of hero / tidal wave look using the regular Ocean Spectrum SOP and a VOP-based deformation. I was trying to find some information online about the various approaches for an effect like this to create some secondary simulated effects for whitewater / splash. There's a couple threads here bouncing the topic around but curious how you would approach an effect like this. Currently I'm taking the output of Ocean Evaluate and deforming it + copy and pasted the same VOP inside the "Ocean Foam" node in the displacement section. As you'd expect, because the velocity of the deformation itself is sort of lost in all of this (and because I don't think the Ocean Foam SOP is meant for this sort of thing) the foam particles just stick to the top of the mesh. I also noticed in my research that in waves like this there is this sort of upward-moving whitewater that creates beautiful streaks in the wave (in addition to the bubbling, foamy cusp of the wave). Ultimately looking to add a collider into the scene and create a sort of "surf" effect but that comes later Really loved these big waves as a reference: I've attached my *pretty basic* .hip file for you to take a peek at! Excited to hear your thoughts! TidalWavePrototype01.hip
  15. I am creating a long animation of a boat on an ocean surface. I am using the new guided ocean surface with Houdini 16 to make use of the extended fluid surface blending to an infinite ocean. I am encountering a couple of problems, one being that as the sim continues the boat becomes a submarine due to so much fluid, but also, relating to the topic of this post, white water emission is occurring everywhere making blending into the ocean a problem. The question is, how to I use the volume mask created by the particle fluid mask node to reduce the velocity, curvature, and vorticity of the compressed fluid sim so that the white water emission will blend better with the infinite ocean? Any insight would be very welcome. Thanks
  16. I'm doing a whitewater sim, but the repellants are floating on the bounding box of my surface SDF... Has anyone experienced this?
  17. Hello guys, i have a doubt on my whitewater sim.... whitewater01.mp4 i want whitewater to be only on the areas of splashes not on the previous frames rising up... could someone tell me how to make that work?
  18. Hi everybody, I'm having a problem with the Houdini Ocean Tools. In particular, the Foam SOP doesn't seem to be working at all. To make a comparison, here are some screenshots of an ocean rendered with Houdini 15 prior the introduction of the new HOT (when the foam was texture based). This organic pattern seems quite impossible to achieve in Houdini 18: no matter the density of the foam that I get in the viewport, I can't manage to get this pattern in the render. All the caches are working and linked to the Ocean surface shader properly, and all the tweakes I did on the shader itself only enhanced the whiteness of the waves whitecaps. Even the same Houdini files from the Ocean Masterclass in Houdini 16 doesn't give the same results as the presentation videos. All I could do was to render out the Ocean Foam SOP particles as points using a Principled Shader (or giving them a Density attribute and then render them out as a volume) but having the foam working properly from the Ocean Surface shader would be much more handy. Does anyone knows a possible solution for this? Is it a bug?
  19. Hi everyone, I'm walking around the whitewater system. I watched the whitewater masterclass with Omar Zarifi, and near at the end he uses an attribute called @pbfstiffness, and it's really cool. I'm wondering if there's any more attributes like that which can be used for greater control. Is there any list out there about the available attributes especially in the whitewater environment?
  20. hey... I had an idea of directly fitting in the whitewater source via a sop solver in dops as a post solve, is this possible? I have tried it. but with no luck, also by applying a compress fluid. before Im gonna send scenes Im just wondering. And about the experience. was trying to get some more fluids overtime to fill gaps like you would do in a sopsolver in dops thnx
  21. Hello! How to Increase Particle Separation for Spray - Setup whitewater solver?
  22. Hello all, I've been trying an effect where a character runs into the water. As soon as the character starts moving and colliding with water little spheres or maybe bubbles start emitting and I don't know why. Below I have attached my hip. file and a screenshot of my exact problem. man_water_run_v11.hip
  23. Hello everyone. I'm trying to make a simulation of a fire hydrant spraying water at a high velocity. I'd like my effect to look something like this: FireHydrant1.jfifFireHydrant2.jfif I have the FLIP fluid behaving how I want it to, but the water looks too clear. I would assume that whitewater could fix this. However, I don't know which settings I would need to change for the whitewater to encompass the entire fluid shape like it does in my reference pictures. When I use the shelf tool, whitewater is only produced on the leading edge of where the water is first sprayed, like this: I don't really know where to start, and would appreciate feedback from anyone with more experience. My .hip file is here: HydrantHelp.hipnc
  24. This is one of the FX development I did for the Chinese animated feature 哪吒 (NeZha). All the FX are done in Houdini using flip and custom airfield to generate the waterfall effect, rendered in Mantra and final comp in Nuke.
  25. Waterfall Bending VFX breakdown from 哪吒 (NeZha). I was responsible for all the FX and rendering FX elements. All the FX are created in Houdini and render in Houdini Mantra, final composite done in Nuke.
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