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  1. Hello Is there a way to copy the rotation data from a path deform into a curve? Essentially I'm making a path and then doing some scale ramps in a "path deform" I then wanna animate an object on that path via carve cop but take in all the orientation and deformation attributes from the path deform...
  2. Hello, I'm trying to transfer the normals from a stretched sphere, to a spiral around it, then sweep it using the ribbon shape. It looks like the normals are transfered no problem, but then when I sweep, it doesn't look right. It's either stretched, on an weird angle, or noisy (kind of lik...
  3. For each loop with different 'attribute transfer' values and exporting custom attributes (like any vector attributes) What's the problem I have one grid with UV. I have created some groups(bounding sphere), to scatter only one point on the grid. So that I...
  4. Hi; In a multi pieces geometry, how can I transfer attributes like UV, piece by piece? Actually I need to UV each piece procedurally in a fixed (rest) version of geometry, and then transfer UVs to deformed version of each piece. Thanks for helping. Transfer_UV_Piece by Pie...
  5. Hi guys, i'm stuck on this stuf.. I would like to stop instance from rotating (with fade) with attribute transfer. Any help would be appreciate. N. Orient_fading.hip
  6. Hi guys' I would like to transfer some attributes from a fixed object to an animated one, using the Solver node but it seems that the Solver node doesn't accept animated geometries on its input, right? How can I fix it? Thanks for helping. AttributeTransfer_01.hip
  7. Hello Everyone I am mixing fluid colors in a pretty simple small scale flip simulation. To that point things behave as expected. This is the problem that I encounter: I set the desired color to my emitter (let's say it is required to match an existing product), the Cd attribute is the...
  8. Hi guys, i have a problem about growth solver. It's working when I select the start group by hand. But its not working when I created to group by animated sphere. Also there is same when i try to create starting group by attribute transfer. I seached about it and I found this topic : https:/...
  9. Hi, I want to transfer an attribute to an animated object, but I want the transfer to happen just once at frame 1 and not at every frame. Can I do that? I know that in this particular case I can simply put transform node at the end of the chain and that would be it, but I'm loo...
  10. Hello; I wonder why I can't transfer “P” attribute values, to second geometry, by “Attribute Transfer” SOP..!? Thanks for helping. Att_Transfer.hip
  11. I'm trying to set up Houdini 18 SOP RBD systems combining different fracture methods together going into one rbdbulletSolver. I have everything working but one element I would love to add is the ability to control glue strength with bitmaps. I know there are clusters and procedural ways to vary gl...
  12. Hello, I have having trouble with a particle effect and I can't find anything on how I would achieve it. I have a rough idea of how it might work but my houdini knowledge and experience isn't good enough to actually do it. I am trying to create the effect of an illuminated...
  13. Hay everyone, Hope you are well. This is Probably a really silly question but I am still new to Houdini and FX and I am not sure what to do. So what I am trying to do Is transfer all the Colors from the text Below into the Flip Fluid Particles of their respective Text Shapes. I would the...
  14. Hi, noob here) How can I transfer the value of an attribute from one point to every other point of the same polygon island? I've found a way to do it but I think there should be a cleverer way to do it) for now, I'm applying 'attribute_blur' with a quite large radius to get at least...
  15. Hi everyone just a QQ, I'm playing with some variable viscosity on a fluid sim. I have a simple object (torus) that i've added some aa noise to to drive the viscosity, that's all fine but when i run the sim and the fluid drops to the floor the noise texture doesn't stick to the fluid particles. the...
  16. JP Shep

    Ripple Fade

    Hello, I have a ripple sim created with a sphere moving through a grid and the points deforming based on the velocity transferred to said grid. What I am trying to do is isolate the geometry based on where there are ripples via colour then as the rippled geo begins to settle back into what...
  17. I wondering if this is even possible? I'm animating points through a solver and then turning them into vdb's. I want to apply a random color on each particle. Everything seams to work until I convert to polygons. I tried to apply an attribute transfer after the convert but as you can see in the...
  18. I've run into this issue a few times now. I have a shader that generates several output variables for extra image planes. The variables that are generated would be really useful in SOPs. The only thing I can think of that would allow me to run the same calculation on each point, is to coll...
  19. hello community, i got a weird problem. i'm promoting some point attributes from a colorramped spline to a grpselection on a sweep. at first i do an attribute transer input is the grpselektion and an attribute create node. then i promote it through to my polyextrude. attribute promote = from...
  20. Hi, I'm a beginner with houdini and I'm trying to procdurally paint some geometry based on a particle scattered over the top of it. So would like the particles to represent the hit locations of the paint node. I know I'm supposed to use attribute transfer but was just a bit wondering how...
  21. Hey everyone, So, I'm attempting to recreate this packed objects / dart throwing technique from Simon Holmedal. I feel I'm close, but I'm struggling with a n00b problem and was hoping someone could take a look and help me out. I have an attribute on the primitives that I want to driv...
  22. Hello guys, i think this is a peculiar problem I have to "fuse" 2 meshes and VDB looks just perfect for the job. The 1st mesh is an orange (alembic) and it have some perfect UVs. What I did is a simple vdb setup to combine the 2 meshes + an attribute transfer to get the uvs from the orange bu...
  23. Am I blind or are there no attribTransfer or groupTransfer functions in the HDK? Can't seem to find them anywhere in the docs or via search engines.
  24. I wanted to create an effect where an attribute could be transferred and then spread throughout the object - I found the scene on this page which worked great: http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=28148&view=next&sid=1030caf41e7f90f948b8db61b7222608 Ho...
  25. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to see if I can make a colour attribute transfered to a surface inside of a Solver to actually trail behind the geometry that it's actually transfering the colour. Essentially I'd like the attribute (colour in this case) to get deleted after a while instead of being accu...
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