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Hello everyone! For the past 2 months I have been working on a procedural building generator as part of my studies at Breda University of Applied Sciences, that will be incorporated into an upcoming student project. We were tasked with finding a tech solution that fitted with our game, and I decided to try my hand at a polished building generator! For my second project I again opted to create a building generator. As opposed to last time, I worked with the labs building generator tool for the base of this system. The generator allows you to change the different parameters such as the location of stairs, the details on the windows and much more that will be showcased later. During my last project I often ran into the issue that I was using a bunch of MatchSize nodes, which forced me to work linearly when generating my building. this added a lot of time to the generation as every part of the building was recalculated after. To fix this issue, I exported the pointcloud of the building and used this to adjust my settings such as stair location, corner generation and roof generation. By utlizing points which are absolute instead of the local MatchSize nodes I was able to create a more robust building generator that also works quicker than my old project. Here is a video that showcases the Building generator in action. This time around I wanted it to be useable in Unreal Engine, as it would be used by my teams environment artists instead of me. This will hopefully be the last building generator I make at this study, I will be focusing on USD integration next! Thank you everyone for reading, if you have any questions please ask away!
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Machiya house generator in Houdini and Unreal
SikandarMaksoedan posted a topic in Tools (HDA's etc.)
Hello everyone! For the past 8 weeks I have been working on a Japanese Town House generator! This project was made for Breda University of Applied Sciences as a part of my Block A. This is my first Houdini project, so if anyone has feedback for me it would be greatly appreciated. The project was made from scratch as I did not find the built-in Labs building generator easy to build upon. The building generator allows you to change both the roof tiles, the lattices, the windows and the flags for different variances. The size of the building is determined by user placed bounding box, so the tool is able to generate an entire street from just a blockout! Here you can see a diagram of the basic logic used to generate the buildings, excluding the preview mesh generation. I have also made a short video using PDG to showcase different ways that the building generator can create distinct and unique outputs: WhiteOutSpedUp (1) (1).mp4 Here is the tool working in Houdini SpedUpHoudiniShowcase.mp4 And finally, the tool working in Unreal! ToolInUnreal.mp4 Thank you everyone for reading, if you have any questions please ask away!- 1 reply
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Hi, I made one building but it is very heavy it consumes all my RAM (64GB) when it is ready. The building parts comes from Megascans in the high resolution. How can I create a whole city when just one building is so heavy? Thanks for suggestions!!!
Hey! I'm Daniel, Long time fan of OdForce forums. Here's an open-world procedural environment I made in Houdini | Unreal! All of the tools and assets were created from scratch: Open to work offers, Thanks!
Hello and Welcome to : Description : Hello everyone. and welcome to this course procedural City Vol 1 building generator . One year ago I received an email from one of my customers. He asked me To record a tutorial about procedural City in HoudiniFX and I did it In this course you will see with me how I can convert those boxes to this nice building Just buy one click. step-by-step I will start with you on this journey to see how we can create a smart system in Houdini FX. This system can decide where to add a window, where to add a balcony , how to create procedural UV, and How to use the imported materials from Quixel megascans , manipulate and modify it. Using this tool you can generate an infinite number of buildings. I will use those buildings in vol 2 to create a beautiful city. I will show you how to create every tiny detail you see in this building from scratch !!! I will stay away from complexity and the use of code . In addition to procedural modeling skills, this course will give you a broad idea of creating procedural UV’s and manipulating textures . Creating a PDG network is on our list in this course and the final render will be explored in Mantra & RedShift. Now I'll let you watch this presentation of the final result of testing this system to randomly generate 50 different buildings !!! Notice : Watermarked Tutorial, link to download will be sent AFTER 72 hours as maximum thank you !!! Course Link : Kind Regards !!! Hossam Aldin Alaliwi
had to finish building explosion in just few days. this is my first try with pyro, had been learning Houdini for 1 and a half year. mostly working on smokes, particles, and cloth. this is my first preview to them 2 days ago. Explosion.mp4 I felt good about that explosion, want to try higher resolution simulation with more trails coming out of it. New_HD.mp4 here's how it looks now. lol what a dumbass. shouldnt have did that. realized that the trails are moving out too fast, too much, and too big. it all in 1 simulation. so I'll try a new simulation, hopefully this one is better. I'll seperate the simulation, explosion only. and the other one is the trails simulated seperately, gotta slow the trails, and reduce the ammount. wish me luck!
Dear friends I´m a new Houdini user and I´m trying to do something different from most of the sand sims. I have a thread of sand falling from the hole of an hourglass, and I´m trying to do build a sand object as the sand falls on the container bellow the hole. The question is, how can I direct my sand particles to become the object that I want? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Hi, Im creating a façade of a building, the lower part of the building can have indents. on these indents another model needs to be placed. Also on the corner, a corner model needs to be placed. to specify the placement I simply use points with a copysop. These points vary from position on the Z-axis to randomize the indents and corners. I have made an example for just a representation of how it could look. The method used can be ignored. I have tried to solve this issues by creating a pointVOP and setting the distance by using a constant. This didn't work. I have no idea what I'm doing . Another approach to solve it is to detect if a point has a neighbour by selecting it with a box. Again. I have no idea what i'm doing. I hope I'm clear enough. I hope someone can help me thanks in advance Model detection.hipnc
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Hello everyone, I created a digital asset that outputs a neighbourhood with buildings and vegetation, based only on a masterplan drawing. It is divided in three modules, one to create the masterplan geometry, one to create the buildings and one for the vegetation scattering. It allows for alot of controls on the vegetation and on the buildings to create different variations. Here is also a test of the asset inside Unreal, using the Houdini Engine: Cheers!
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CREATING PROCEDURAL JAPANESE CASTLE Hi, In this tutorial you will learn how to create a procedural Japanese castle generation tool in Houdini 18. How to automatically generate interior and exterior using point instance. The method allows to add portions that can interact with the player (e.g., opening the doors). Provides the ability to speed up the creation of content for games. The tool can be reused in different projects with different types of stylization, because we will use prefabricated props. *Free Demo version: *Full version Gumroad: *ArtStation Marketplace: Video Presentation WHAT'S INSIDE? 27 Video Chapters (12 hours of tutorial) Houdini 18 Project File Unreal Engine 4.24 Project File + all assets PDF Documentation (54 pages). HDA Asset INTRODUCTION Chapter_1_[1]Project_Setup - 2 min. Chapter_1_[2]Creating_Custom_Nodes - 9 min. Chapter_1_[3]Size_Controls - 15 min. Chapter_2_[1]Creating_Wall&Corners - 40 min. Chapter_2_[2]Creating_ExteriorCeiling&Floor - 44 min. Chapter_2_[3]Creating_Stairs&Ceiling - 38 min. Chapter_2_[4]Creating_InteriorWalls&Doors - 47 min. Chapter_2_[5]Procedural_Tatami_Layout_Generation - 42 min. Chapter_2_[6]Unreal_Engine_Test - 12 min. Chapter_3_[1]Creating_Exterior_Wals&Corners - 31 min. Chapter_3_[2]Creating_Stairs&Ceiling - 25 min. Chapter_3_[3]Creating_Interior_Walls&Doors - 28 min. Chapter_3_[4]Creating_Tatami_Layout - 25 min. Chapter_3_[5]Unreal_Engine_Test - 7 min. Chapter_4_[1]Creating_Interior_Walls - 21 min. Chapter_4_[2]Creating_Exterior_Walls - 24 min. Chapter_4_[3]Unreal_Engine_Test - 5 min. Chapter_5_[1]Creating_Interior_Bridge - 42 min. Chapter_5_[2]Creating_Stairs&Floor - 19 min. Chapter_5_[3]Creating_Exterior_Walls - 27 min. Chapter_5_[4]Creating_Balcony_Structure - 45 min. Chapter_5_[5]Unreal_Engine_Test - 10 min. Chapter_6_[1]Creating_Sides_Floor - 16 min. Chapter_6_[2]Creating_Stairs_Zone - 38 min. Chapter_6_[3]Creating_Ceiling - 22 min. Chapter_6_[4]Creating_Corners - 14 min. Chapter_6_[5]Completion_HDA_Asset - 80 min. TOOLS Houdini 18 Unreal Engine 4.24 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Beginner-Intermediate Houdini Knowledge *Free Demo version: *Full version Gumroad: *ArtStation Marketplace: Thank you!
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Hi Everyone, I have just create a building destruction effect on Houdini . In this tutorial we cover how to use Houdini to creat byuilding destruction with custom deforming. we will learn how to create custom cutting, also learn how to custom clumps for destruction. We also using VEX code to control simulation inside DOP. Please, Feel free to Check in here: Regards, Nhan Vo
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Hello, I am relatively new to houdini - I have used it years prior for some things but now I have just acquired an indie license for development of my unreal game. At the moment I am making a building facade system that will place premade modular pieces depending on a few variables. I was hoping that perhaps some guru's could peruse this little plan i have drawn up for how i envision it to work. at the moment I am trying to workout step 4 by using bounding boxes made from the original geo to select the new resampled walls and place them into sections. I want to bound them and in the groupSOP name the sections per iteration of the foreach node they are inside. finding the correct syntax for this has been a problem so any help would be greatly appreciated. Ill be keeping this thread alive over the course of my findings. Cheers Az BuildingGenerator.hiplc
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Hello everyone, Recently I tried to create a completely procedural building, which at the same time is ready to be destroyed with Houdini and this is what I ended up with.
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Procedurally generated cyberpunk building I've done this project before one year ,I draw a simple concept then I try to develop a complete procedural system inside houdini , it was fun experience Hope You Like it vimeo link : behance:
Hey all! I'm pretty stuck in a rut trying to think my way through what I want to accomplish with a brick tool I've been working on. Currently I can feed in a box, tube, or an L-shaped box that I've modeled and I can get well stacked bricks around the perimeter. What I'm stuck on is then taking this and adding in holes for windows/doors/etc. Similar to what is seen here: What I want to be able to do is copy a pre-fractured brick to the points, like the simple box I have now in the attached hip file, with rotations to help vary the layout a bit. Thus, should I boolean out holes from the mesh after generating bricks? Maybe taking into account where windows are (will be) and then not placing brick points there? (then I would have to have half bricks to copy). Not sure the booleans would behave as I want to be able to instance high detail geo to the pieces after simulation. The solution in the link looks to be a boolean as the simulation then only runs with simple bricks clustered to add some interest to their breakup ( I don't think I'm seeing this problem clearly right now and would really appreciate some nudges in a direction to help grease the logic wheels! Hartman- BuildingForDestruction.hiplc
Looking at the rest of the work here, I'm almost embarrassed to share. But here it is. I guess I should be proud this is from an actual production. "10.0" a made for TV disaster film set in LA. Flat, render, and comp. No details, sorry, it's kinda old and from long ago. No special sauce and it didn't take too long. The part that took the longest, actually, was rebuilding the model from the original asset, which was unusable. But thanks to Houdini's procedural tools (and eye-balling it) I cranked it out pretty quick.
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I can see the other way, pinning a wire to a rigid body (like a pendulum effect or a wrecking ball), but I want to do the opposite. I want to sim the flexible steel beams as wires inside the building and then have the rigid part (the awnings, glass, and frames) break from the forces from being attached to the wires. See attached hip file with a wire outline of a building being shaken in an earthquake. I want to glue/pin the pieces of window geo to the wires and then have internal glue in the window pieces such that they burst from forces. I have a gluenetwork kinda working, but the rigid bodies want nothing to do with the wire part of the sim using the connectAdjacentPieces SOP. Any hints on what I'm doing wrong? wireBuilding_03.hip
These are my Building Demolition simulation WIPs. Planned to do simulate More buildings to create similar effects from the movie "2012" Demolition Building01 V01 without smoke and debris
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