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Found 25 results

  1. Hey everyone, I'm trying to add vellum geometry and constraints dynamically inside a dopnet using sopsolvers. I'm getting an error, but I don't really know why... If someone could have a look into it! Cheers vellum_create_geo_and_cnstrs_during_sim_b.hip
  2. Hey I have a simple problem! I have a Vellum DOP Network with a SOP Solver in it. In the SOP Solver I´ve just transferred the Cd from my original Geometry to my ConstraintGeometry to control some parameters like the restlgenth via the color of the Geometry. -> It´s working fine for the first frame each ball having it´s individual color. However as soon as I start simulating, the colors don´t stay attached to the individual balls. So each ball doesnt have a unique Constraint Color, like in the first frame, the color start shifting. Can someone please help me with this problem, the attributetransfer node seems to just transfer the Cd correctly in the first frame but not in the following frames. I´ve attached the HIP. Thanks in advance! SOP_CONSTRAINT_COLORS.hipnc
  3. Hey, bit of a specific use case here, but has anyone successfully used the .asCode() Python function with the SOP solver? I can't seem to get it to save and recreate the nodes inside of the sop level solver node. I spent some time researching it but haven't found anyone even mentioning this problem. Everything else seems to work fine with the function even the DOP level SOP solver. It's just the SOP level solver that has this issue. I'm kind of at my wit's end trying to figure this out. I might be missing something super simple or obvious here, but I'm hoping someone else has encountered this and figured out what is happening. I suppose it could also be a bug, I haven't taken the time to dig through all the change logs on the SideFX website. I'm currently encountering this in Houdini 18.0.348 (which has known issues with the .asCode() function) as well 18.0.597 (where those issues have supposedly been resolved). If anyone has any insight I'd really appreciate a nudge in the right direction. Cheers, Brandon
  4. When I plug in a pop sim into a sop solver and dive into the solver only the initial particles on frame one are simmed and then nothing else how could I fix this?
  5. I have some fracturing happening in a sop solver inside a dopnet on a simple booled piece of geo. I have the fractures working on the geo over time and all is good. The problem I'm getting right now is the bool is failing. It works as expected if I add a fracture to the geo before the dopnet, but I want the fracture to only happen in the sop solver using the conditions in there. Is it something with groups on the assemble node? or the boolean itself?
  6. Hi all, I'm learning houdini since a few weeks/months and I still have some beginner issues. I think I know the way to do it and it must be easy but I have no idea where to found what I'm looking for or what should I tweak. For this project I follow the basis from this tutorial: After that I wanted the ground to be a wall and the debris to fall another way so I changed the gravity forces and it was pretty easy to have what I wanted. For the next step I wanted to know if it was possible to import a curve like an .svg or .ai so instead of a straight line I could carve a simple logo or only one letter into the wall. But I tried and didn't found anything about importing bezier curves, or the one that I tried didn't go as planed. I think it will go with another question, like if I want to carve a 6. Is it possible that only the outline fall and to keep glued the hole in the 6 ? Also, is there a way to do like a box arround the wall and when some debris fall farther than the box they disapear to save some space on the .abc at the end ? Thanks in advance, sorry if it's too basic and doesn't belong here. I have attached my file but don't know if it's useful. Cheers ! FRACTURE_FOND_2.hipnc
  7. OK I read the section , Thank you for informing us about broken group and sop solver DOP , but how can we do that? I need to know about workflow.
  8. Hey guys! I am transferring color on the model using attribute transfer and using SOP solver to make the change permanent. I am trying to isolate either R or G on my model after running it through a SOP solver so that I can then use different parts of the model for different effects. Here's the link to the effect I am trying to recreate.(Transformation effect) Any suggestions on how I can do it?
  9. Question 1 Hi guys/girls, so my issue is I have a branch-like structure growing around a bottle with some fruits being grown out at ends, however I used the findshortestpath node to get the branches to be correct size as they're grown and now the point sorting is all messed up and I was wondering if there is a better way to get correct scaling of branches? Question 2 How can I get the growing plants to offset there growth in time in an orderly manner once copied to the branches. Question 3 Any tips on how to properly generate UVs on the growing structure? I've attach the Hip file, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. growth_on_bottle_test_01.hip
  10. Hi guys! Recently I was asking for some advice on how to deform spherical parts of volume into different shapes (in my case skulls). And here is the best reply I've got: "You need a dop I/O node - target your dop network and then point it to your smoke object. Add an import field with the little plus button and import the field named "Pressure". This value is very small but if you use volume visualize nodes or volume vops you can fit the values to pull out the pressure range where these mushroom shapes occur. Once you know the range (usually somewhere around 0.02 to 0.00 for these shapes) you now have the correct mask range. You can now set "Pressure" as the control field in your disturbance tab on the pyro solver. Just make sure you use the correct range, then you can dial the strength of your disturbance applied in only the areas highlighted previously in your volume visualizer. One thing to note - if you want to identify them each you're going to need a sop solver. Once you have the pressure field isolated, you can convert the vdb to poly and use connectivity to seperate them out and then pack them to get a centroid for the specific mushroom. But you're going to want to blend the point position of that centroid over time as it may jitter or pop in and out of existence depending on the tightness of your isolation range. Once those points have a history they'll have velocity and direction you can use to orient your custom field that warps it into a skull or whatever." However, I'm stuck on the last step where I have to setup sop solver and feed the output back in a sim. I would be very grateful for any advice or more detailed instructions on how to set the last part up P.S. I've attached a basic setup file in case if needed sklsmk_test.hipnc geo_02.0001.bgeo.sc
  11. Hi, At this point I need a new pair of eyes on this one and maybe a new brain. I have a simple test scene with a rbd ball smashing a wall, the wall is holding together with ConeTwist constraint. I then use the good old sop solver to 'removeprim' the constraints when the angle is larger than X. I can see the Angle attribute in the spreadsheet and all, but for whatever reason (I know it's a very simple one), the constraint bend but don't break! If someone as a few minutes to spare and take a look it would be much appreciated. Sorry if I sound sarcastic but I'm getting frustrated by my own stupidity! coneTwist_test.hipnc
  12. Hello All, I'm looking to create a pile of RBD objects that are emitted and scale over time. I was able to get relatively close by watching a few tutorials and finding a thread on here where a similar question was asked. However I don't have a lot of experience with dynamics and I'm having trouble dialing in the effect. Attached is a my project file. My specific questions are: 1. I'd like the RBD objects to start very small and then ease out to a specific scale. Is this possible with Vex? 2. As they get bigger they get pretty unstable in my file. Which settings are causing them wiggle and explode? Thanks! RBD_Emitter_02.hiplc
  13. Hi, I have been searching for a solution to this RBD problem for a few days now and can't seem to get this to work fully. I attached a scene file with some descriptions inside to help explain. The basic notion here is to dynamically create spring constraints when some packed rbd cubes get close enough to a collision sphere that is at the origin. I can't seem to get the constraints to work unless they are created/exist on frame one. I create them inside a sopnet in the dopnet and use a sop solver to get them into the constraint network setup. Haven't tried creating constraints like this before so might be totally wrong in this approach. This setup works as long as all constraints are there on frame one, and then in the sop solver I set a high strength if the cube is close enough to the sphere, which semi locks the cube to the contact point on the sphere, which is what I want. However if you change the search radius on the wrangle node in the sopnet so that only the closest cubes to the sphere have constraints on frame one, then only those constraints ever evaluate. Any help sorting this out would be appreciated. I couldn't find anything in other posts to help with this. Most posts I saw were about dynamically deleting constraints and not creating them after the sim is going. Thanks E RBD_CONSTRAINT_TESTING_CLEAN_V2.hip
  14. Well, I went out into the RBD Constraint Forest Unprepared, and now I am lost in the woods. Any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to do something that should be fairly simple, and most likely is, but I don't have the combination to the Houdini lock to get the setup to work. In the example file I have an rbd box that has 10 faces per side that have been made into unique faces. They have glue constraints holding them together and are a rbdPacked object in my dopnet. There is a low rez smoke sim that pushes this rbd box into a collision sphere that is above it, and when the geometry collides with the sphere, some of the glue constraints start to break. All I wish to do is apply either a gravity force or a popForce to these rbd pieces that have lost their Glue constraint. I want the main chunk of the rbd box that still has a bunch of pieces glued together to keep on moving with no gravity or popforce. I might be trying to go about this the complete "wrong" way since I have very little experience with Glue constraints, But I see data in the geometry spreadsheet while in the dop net called ConstraintGeometry and this has a primitive group called "broken" which contains the glue constraints that have been broken due to collision. I would think I would want to try finding out which rbd piece that broken constraint belongs to and then use that to create an "applyGravity" group of rbd pieces so that I can do what I want to do. I just don't know how to do this in dops. Is this something that needs to be done in a sopSolver or geometry wrangle or....? I'm not to familiar with how to read data from the ConstraintGeometry and apply it to the Geometry data. When I middle click over my rbdsolver, it shows the main rbdpackedobj1 with Geometry and then CosntraintGeometry below it. They are like separate entities and I'm not sure the best way to get access to both in one node, if this is even the way to do it.? For example if I change a geometry wrangle to point to "ConstraintGeometry" instead of the default "Geometry", I can then read and manipulate data on the ConstraintGeometry, but then don't have access to the main rbd "Geometry" that I am use to normally working with. Like everything in Houdini, there are probably dozens of ways to go about this, I tried about 20 yesterday, without ever getting one to fully work. I ran out of search phrase ideas to try throwing at google after about the 6th hour of searching. Maybe using some of those copyData and applyData nodes would get the ConstraintGeometry data onto the Geometry stream so they can both be read in one wrangle or maybe that too is a completely wrong direction to take. I don't want to speculate any further since you could try things for a week and not get it to work if it just isn't the right approach. I love Houdini for its vastness and unbelievable tool set, but man, it can destroy you if you don't know how to do what you want to do, and can't articulate it well enough for a search string.! Thanks for any help. E rbd_constraints_v01.hip
  15. hi I was trying to use Sopsolver expression to output the previous timestep, but i am not getting the result. this is the expression i use inside sopnetwork using object merge node. stamps("../OUT", "DATAPATH", "../../.:agents/Geometry") flocking_system.hipnc
  16. Hi- I'm manipulating objects in a sim with a sop solver, based on their dop object names. The simple case is to say, turn on or off the @active attrib in a bullet sim base on the object name. Right now I'm adding a string attrib with the name to the packed primitives on the SOP side, before they get made into an RBD packed object and checking that name the sop solver in the sim, using a point wrangle to make changes, etc. It occurs to me though that OBJID is and the object name are both available but I can't figure out how to read them while in the sop solver. I know I can use a function like dopoptions to get the name but that requires me to have the OBJID of the dop oject that the sop solver is working on and I can't figure out how to get that in the sop solver itself. In short, what node/expression will get me access to the object's name or id in the sop solver inside a dop sim? Thanks
  17. Hi! Just want to share my last work, a magic reconstruction of a world globe. It contains DOP sop solver, smoke by color, advection by smoke and fog, basically. Hope you like it. Pol https://vimeo.com/207149300 Job searching as vfx generalist. https://vimeo.com/polvilla particles.mov
  18. Hey everyone! I am trying to create a hailstorm effect with raining huge blocks of ice (hail). I set up a simple simulation where there is a grid and each frame a random point is selected and a hail is copied onto it, then with a sop solver it gets merged in. It all works, but after a few pieces, the simulation slows down drastically. They are packed and the DOP uses autofreeze, but still it's slow... Please somebody with experience look at it and tell me why? Thanks! Jegeso_001.hip
  19. Hi, everyone. I have a pop, there is something not working right. I take a sopsolver in new pop, initial a "s" attribute to 1, and then jump in sopsolver created a pointwrangle with f@s +=1; But it just increase once, then not increase at all. I just begin study the pop. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. pop_sopsolver.hip
  20. Hi everyone, I am having some hard time understanding the sopsolver especially when it comes to colliding two rbd objects. I already read through a couple of forum post and looked at the respective example files - even the included Houdini one (Torus and Particles) However, when trying to change the collision object to a simple RBD object the whole system stops working. I have no idea why and I am desperate to try to understand whats going wrong. I tried dozends of variations, I checked the detail view to see if impact data are recorded, but nothing worked. I'll upload a test object which is basically the demo from Sidefx but with some alteratoin to try it out how to use rbd impacts. Hopefully someone can explain to me how to do this. Cheers and thanks Lud SopSolver_Issue.hipnc
  21. I confused is it a right way to describe this question. I have some spheres turn to RBD object .When it falls down, the sphere will come to smaller. It is simple to do this use sop Solver. But the sphere transform smaller all the same as each other. If i want to do a unequal transform, how to ? Is it possible to do this stuff use 'stamp' expression function in sop solver. such as `stamps("../dop", "OBJID", 1)` I have try this, but failed. And is it a way to do the RBD packed object scale by sop solver. It seems i can not dop import the packed object each. Any help will be appreciation. Thanks! sopSolver_stamp.hip
  22. hello fellas i was hoping someone here can give me a hand, or maybe a just help, using sopsolver with solid solver. you see when i append the them both in a multisolver, i get a free simulation behavior just by adding a sopsolver. without the sopsolver it would just drop flat on the ground.. ps: im following the FEM masterclass, but sadly they didnt include the denting example file. please help sop solver gotcha.hipnc
  23. kev2

    Shredding cloth

    I'm trying to tear cloth that snags on hooks by deleting the "snagged" points. In the attached hip file, I've set up a simple cloth object constrained at 2 points and being blown into a box object. In DOPS, I added a SopSolver that references a SopNet. In it, I objectMerge in the box object from SOPs, attach a delete node and that's it. The SopSolver and the clothsolver get atached to a multisolver.The problem is that when I turn on the SopSolver, the cloth object disappears. I think this is b/c the SopSolver is grabbing the P data for the cloth but don't know how to prevent this. I'm have worked in DOPs a little but not with the mulitsolver and SopSolver. Thanks, Kevin cloth.hipnc
  24. Hi Guys If anyone could help i would really appreciate it. For some reason on initial impact the sop solver doesn't dent the geometry even though it it shows it in impact data. The geometry dents no problem the second, third etc just not the first. Attached is a simple version of what I'm working on. Thanks for looking at my post sop_solver.hipnc
  25. Hi, In dops we're trying to activate rbds over time by using a multisolver setup and in the sopsolver by reading custom attributes off external points. But it seems that the sopsolver is not evaluating the objectmerged points over time so the active custom attribute used to drive the activation of the rbds is never triggered. I'm currently using a workaround that is to bake the active attributes directly on the input geometries and then forcing deforming rbds. But it's not as elegant. I've prepared a very small test example, dopnet1 is the non-working setup (rbds stay passive). Could anybody take a look at see what we're doing wrong ? I'd be very curious to see what needs to be changed for this setup to work correctly :-) Thanks for taking a look Houdini used is 12.1.179 L dop_sopsolver_not_evaluating.hip
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