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Found 22 results

  1. Hello, I need help to connect points with a single line without crossing it, the points are out of order so it does not work to use the Add node. I am trying to use For Each and arrays in VEX but nothing works for me. I have a "start" and "end" group with the correct points, I need to iterate from point 0 looking for the nearest point and add a polygon, I have tried everything but nothing works. I attached a test scene. Any help will be welcome Thanks!! PtsToLine.hiplc
  2. HI! I want to create a spider web-like feel like the image.. but I can't come up with any good ideas. The lines I created have regular lines. I ask for your advice. Thank you
  3. Hey guys, Anybody knows how can I get this effect? maybe with attribute transfer? I tried doing a plane with 10-1, resample, unroll, then tried to deform the body with ray sop and with attribute transfer with no luck. Maybe with particles that flows until touchs the surface and then continue?, I also tried doing a bunch of planes with a cookie sop but I get a mess. I'm also attaching 2 more samples that are similar, I'm more interested in the girl body one, I dont know why but I have the feeling that an attribute transfer may be the way to control at least the face, but im newbie. Thanks!
  4. Hey All, I'm looking to create a stroke on effect with multiple lines offset in time. I found a thread here that showed a technique for offsetting animated points in a foreach loop but I wasn't able to get it working with my current set up. I believe it's because the point number is changing due to the carve sop but admittedly I don't have very much experience building something like this. Attached is a file, I'd really appreciate any help or advice. Thanks! Line_StrokeOn_v01.hiplc
  5. hi I hope you are well. I'm studying this project from Ben Watts and I need help. I wanted to know how the simulation of these lines is done?(00:05) thx.
  6. Hello, I have nooq question I don't want to create lines in same object. So I know use the class to delete. But I don't know how to write it.. I attach my scene and screenshot below. Thank you Delete Inner Line.hipnc
  7. I am struggle how to remove the inner line after boolean for drawing contour. I know that line comes because of connecting primitive as same height, but the both side of points are not neighbor so they are random... If you know how to remove that line, I would like you to tell me.
  8. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has dabbled with building a custom environment for Python development in Houdini. My goal is to simulate the hython shell in visual studio code and run my script with corresponding feedback in a Houdini session. The SideFx documentation on Command-Line Scripting is a great start. I understand bash scripting and setting $PATH variables but with that said I am a noob for creating this kind of interwoven setup and could use some guidance.
  9. I am noticing a strange effect of 'sinking', or warping of the water line level of the flat tank around the back portion of my collision geometry. It's like a big invisible blob is pressing on the liquid surface. I have attached two cross sections taken from the back and the front of collision geometry. In the attached cross sections a discrepancy can be observed between the front and back relative water line level of generated flip sim. The red line represents the 0 elevation of the water line. The collision geometry is generated from a ~100m vessel. Has anyone encountered something like this before?
  10. Hi, I wonder if it's possible to initialize a curve from a line and be able to modify the curve from the Curve node. I'll explain what I'm doing right now. Of course, it doesn't work, but I'm sure it will help you to understand what is my goal. Fist, I have a Null node called curve_setup. This node contains parameters that controls my line. So, the length of the line and the number of points on the line. Next, I have an Attribute Wrangler node. This node creates the line using the parameters in the curve_setup. At this point, I did some research on the Curve node and the documentation says that I can "use a space-separated list of coordinates in this field to specify points". Then, there's a list of different format to specify different points. There's one format that got my attention. It's the Pn format which "copy the coordinates of point number n in the input geometry". So, I said to myself : "Is there a way to copy the coordinates of all the points of my previously created line in the coordinates of my curve ?". Then I did more research. I learned that the Coordinates parameter is a string, so I have to use expression functions. That said, I learned that there is a expression function called pointlist that returns a "space-separated list of point numbers". Since this function returns something like this : "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9", I though that I could format the string and add a "P" in front of every number in the list. Since Pn "copy the coordinates of point number n in the input geometry", It would create a curve based on the line I created earlier and since I can see those points from the Curve node, I would be able to modify those points using the Curve node handle. Now, I just need to learn how to format the string within the Coordinates parameter of the Curve node.
  11. Hello, I'm working on a school project and I need to align a curve to the end of a line both in position and rotation. My goal is to be able to create a curve, anywhere in the scene, and snap the start of the said curve (point 0) to the end of the line. The end of the line is extracted with a carve node on the line itself, so nothing complicated here. So far, I've been able to simply copy the curve onto the end of the line, but it only work with the position of the curve, not the rotation. It's important to note that I purposely created the curve in -Z axis. I know it will work if my curve is properly aligned in the Z axis, but I want my asset to be the most fail-safe possible. That said, It would be very appreciated if someone could help me with this issue. There is a attachment showing my current network and what it looks like in the Scene View. Thank you !
  12. Hi All! I want to create a line from some randomly numbered points (see pic.) In order to use the Add sop the numbering must be ordered by proximity. Sort by Spatial Proximity does not work good! The numbering that it gives is ok at some areas and messed up in others. I cant use the Match topology sop because there isn't any geo I can use for that. So I guess I have to find an alternative way to do it. Any ideas? Thanks!
  13. Hey, I have a line that I would like to transform in the direction of the curve. How can I rotate the pivot rotation to match the line? I am trying to match the Z axis to the line by rotation the pivot rotation y. Thanks
  14. Hi, i've two geometry with a scatter node applied and i wont connect these point using an add node by color attribute create with a color node after scatter node. so... geo 1 geo2 scatter1 scatter2 color1 color2 merge add Now i need to calculate the distance between the connected poit. How can I do? Thanks
  15. ch3

    2D dynamics

    What's the best way to simulate dynamics with just 2D shapes? Is it possible to use any of the existing solvers to simulate rigid bodies, but also flexible curve/polygonal shapes that respect line to line collisions ? I've tried using the wire and the grain solver (with rest length on a network of lines that connect the points), but the collisions only happen on the point level, resulting in penetrations between shapes. Is there anything else I should look into, or a working example I can take a look? thanks a lot georgios
  16. Hey, For a side project I'm working on I'm trying to create random/periodic lighting strikes. I'm trying to get a line with animated noise on it to increase its length to a set max value, pause for a few frames, return to a length value of 0 then have it hit the max value again after holding its value again. I have multiple [lines] with different length values (with a point VOP to create the noise) feeding into a [switch] I've tried using multiple expressions like floor($F/24) and $F % 2 and a fit range. I've gotten the values to switch after 24 seconds but not switch back; and to switch back and forth but it does it every frame and it's too fast. I've also gotten the switch to count up every X seconds (i.e. 1, pause, 2, pause, 3, pause) but not count back down. Anyone have any ideas?
  17. Hi,I'm copy bunch of line on a model,how can i use vop blend line to match surface? I'm play with normal and tangent ,still can not work out. Please help me ! thank you very much!
  18. I want creat some animation in vex like the Attachment I saw this on vimeo Swirly trails https://vimeo.com/134057856 It's awesome But i can't found a way to push the dir together like the picture It's not like I have a spline , then I can get the vel It's like noise motion Please help me with this
  19. Hi everyone, I am trying to simulate a bacterial growth scene by using wire objects. In story short i am splitting a wire object every 15 or so frames and getting an exponential growth. But my problem is that, i want the new split wires to try to come to constant length (like a pressed spring). and i want them to push each other away. Please take a look at my file. Am i even in the right direction?. how can i make the lines grow back to a size? by giving them a rest position every frame? thanks in advance. bacteria.hipnc
  20. Hello all, I'm using Peter's great Tutorial "particle wave" as reference but I'm not trying to replicate it. I'm using a vopop to add $CR value to the position of the particles, but it look like the particles are NOT going back to their original position( 0 in Y). what am I doing wrong? thanks for any help or link to previous post.. EDIT: if someone can think of a better way to do this, without pop, with an attribute transfer, a vopsop...anything, that would work too. I'm mainly trying to get the bar to scale up in Y. They will drive something else later. curve_wave_01.hipnc
  21. Hi There, How Can I cache out .sim files of a dopnet through the command line? I tried searching, but most is for rendering through command Thanks!
  22. Good day, I'm looking for a simple way to convert a line or a curve in a curve composed only with right angle edges. I have try to use Fuse SOP in Snap/Grid mode but this gave me 45 degrees angle too. Any idea?
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