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Hello, I'm trying to do a particle morph effect and all I want to do is to have the animated data imported into the pop network. The effect is from a tutorial by Nicolas Donatelli ( Morphing works great but only works on a static geometry and I would like the animated data to be imported as well. It probably an easy solution, would be great if someone could figure it out. Attached is my HIP file with animated geo. I've tried the pop attract node which does the job but it can be quite tricky to control. ParticleMorph_WIP_1.hiplc
FFX Geometry Explainer is an assistive HDA for Educators, and DIY learners. As a beginner, have you struggled with understanding how Vertex, Point, Primitive, Detail, UV Seam, Edges, Half-Edges, Normals, Normal winding, and Shared/Unshared points relate in Houdini? This HDA should help. For Educators, there is an unlocked option, so you can dive into the tool build and customize it to your specific needs if you like. For learners, there's a cheaper basic version that is locked, but has all the same learning info.
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Hello, I'm breaking a tree with bunch of branches. So everything work fine with RBD and I manage to create bone for each branch then stick them to the animated rigid mesh. But when I use point deform to deform the original mesh with the bones then I get a heavily distorted result I checked multiple times with attributes and I'm pretty sure the values are matched. I google for weeks and can't get around it. This is the file. I think this amount is enough but if not I can update it right away. I hope someone can point out where did you do wrong. Thank you for reading this. ASk_PointDeform_v2.hipnc
Hello, I have quick question here, bases on the current situation. I've made a series of curves on Illustrator, and I'm gonna be feeding them to a File node. Problem is last point (or first, I should check on Illustrator) of every curve doesn't get loaded. Is this a common thing? I find it quite odd, and it's there from the File node; nowhere down the pipeline it gets deleted by some of the nodes. Any fix? I attach an image of the network, plus one with how the curve looks at these nodes. Thanks in advance!
Hey, I´m trying to sort and rearrange points based on their randomized y-scale attribute along a curve. Sadly I only manage to number these points correctly based on the attribute, but fail with rearranging them. I wish to sort them from smallest to highest. The best solution would be to make the distance between the points dependent from the attribute aswell. big scale = more distance between the points, smaller scale = smaller distance between the points thanks a lot already : )
Hi all. This should be easy, but it's killing me... I have a control object living outside a DOP network, a simple particle system. I've plugged it into the second input. Inside the DOP I access this control position without issue, in a VOP. However I then want to follow up by killing particles in a POP wrangle, based on distance to the control object... Easy right? Here's my vex: f@dist = distance(@P, v@opinput0_P); if ( @dist <= ch("threshold")) { removepoint(0,@ptnum);} ... simple. But it kills particles around the origin, not the control object, as if v@opinput0_P = {0,0,0} I've tried multiple variants on opinput, explicit path and the point function etc but it always gives me a "kill" radius around the origin, not the control object. Anyone see what I'm missing? Thanks in advance!
Hi, my title may be confusing, but it's a noob question. I'm having trouble accessing points attributes in detail mode. I can create points easily, but when I want to access let's say it's position, it always returns 0,0,0 with the point() function. Also it seems that points created AND removed still appear in detail attributes but not in my points. I'm not sure I completely understant the logic of detail vs point(...) and it's relation/interactions. I have attahched a file containing both examples of my problem noobQuestion.hipnc
I want to sort the points of a curved object according to its shape, as shown in the attached picture. Is there any good way to do this? Question_sort.hiplc
[SOLVED] Copy To Point failed even had Normal vector on points
Max_Steven posted a topic in Modeling
Hello, After searching the forum I managed to get points from the L system's leaf Now I want to instance leaves to those points, but even the point has Normal direction right, copy to points not give me the result I want It just point to the same direction. Can you point me where I did wrong? Thank you CopyToPoint_Normal.hip -
PC.hip as you can see in the images below when I connect the position of the second input pc doesn't work correctly , what did I do wrong? and what's the warning in the last image? PC.hip
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Hey guys , I need a good resource to learn point cloud in vops with basic examples , Plz help me Best regards.
Hello, I want each of transformpieces 1&2 to follow the Animation correctly. Now, they are following the Animation incorrectly. Despite matching in the "class" attribute, The point attribute is convert to strangely by transformpieces. Anything way to match animation these? Thank you. transform pieces.hipnc
I need to transfer a Cd attribute from points to primitives and back from primitives to points. How do I do that?
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Ive followed Entagma's tutorial to make a the custom snowflake growth solver, everything is working great. Ive added an ID point attrib to keep a constant point id. What I am now trying to do is to create an emitter from the latest points 'created' in the past 3 or so frames. I fully understand that I can import into a popnet and use all the age/life/birth/jitter options to get the effect im thinking of.... the problem here is that all points from the start of the snowflake growth sim, exists on every frame, which reads into the POPsource, not giving me the effect of NEW points making a trailing emitter. so ive been trying to do something as simple as using a SOPsolver IN SOPs(not dops/pops), to fade @Cd.r=1 every frame to black, then just using a blast or removepoint in wrangle to delete a threshold of points below a certain chf('threshold').....but i cant get it to act on the newly created points of the snowflake solver.... my second attempt has been: int prev = pointattrib(1, 'id', @ptnum, 1); if(@Frame > 1){ if (@id == prev){ @Cd.r=1; } else{ @Cd.r=0; } } [ NOTE: Im using colour to just automatically visualize this before swapping to removepoint or using a blast node w/ threshold ] So, wiring the stream from the snowflake sim, into a timeshift( $F-1 ), then into opinput1 of my pointwrangle, so i can read the id point attribute from the previous frame, compare it to opinput0, in which....logically in my head, should colour the current frame points to be RED, and the PREV frame points matching CURRENT frame points to be BLACK.... even if this worked, id be slightly lost on how to blend it with the past few/N # of frames.... to dumb my question down to the most basic, im needing to add an manual AGE attrib based on the per point creation frame or even just a time/seconds float.... keep in mind, this is not set up in dops/POPnet as of right now. im probably missing something fairly simple, unfortunately a search of odforce, cgwiki and sidefx forums havent provided me with a solution. THANK YOU!
I have particles in my scene. I want to fade out my particles pscale based on controller geo and a falloff. But I want to add a bit randomness to it. In cinema 4d I would just grab a linear field and a random field. In Houdini, my plan was to use a grid with maskfromgeometry and attribtransfer that on the particles. However, this will just scale down all the particles that are in one axis the same way. I have no idea how to add randomness on the particles scale, (I want that some particles scale down faster, and some particles need longer to be scaled down)
Hello I'm almost newby haha I have big problem that is this : I want know Object point value(px,py) on render view after rendering and that parameter for python script (Sorry I 'm not good English...ㅠ_ㅠ) MY goal is find the obj Maximum , Minimum point values( and than I draw box window with those points. how can i do?
Hello fellow magicians, I have a Point Wrangle with 2 inputs: each input has 1k pts which are sorted to match. I am trying to create a primitive (line) pointing from a point from the set 0 to the corresponding point from the set 1. I have adapted some VEX (as in the image) I found on the forum but it doesn't behave as expected. Instead of connecting corresponding points, it connects all the points from one set to a single point in another. Finally, what would be the best method for creating a normal in the direction of the created primitive?
Hello! I want to reduce the particle points and tried to do using "point wrangle", but there are no results. How do you know to reduce the particle particles using "point wrangle"? I threw off a short video GIF examples here and another project: particle_point.hipnc
Hello, i am new with houdini and am trying to make a melt effect, i made it to transfer the uvs from the object to the melted object but now i want to transfer the vertex color from a ply file to the vdb but attribute transfer seams not working, Do you have any idea? I attach the file Thanks in advance Phaidonas melting.hip
Hello good people, Let's say I have a particle simulation, I would like to store the position of every point at the starting frame and then later on, say frame 25, I'd like to reevaluate each point position. If the new number is different than that on frame one, ie the particle moved, something happens to the particle, it stops, turns green, whatever. Basically some kind of if statement, if newVal != oldVal: turn green Any help is welcome!