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Hey guys. I want to displace my fluid mesh post sim based on a colored ramp. Therefore i use a sin function with @age but its not working like in the example in the second video. First i thought it might have to do with resseding but its also not working when turned off. Any ideas how to set this up? Thanks in advance. wip_III.mp4 2025-03-14 22-12-16.mp4
Hi All, Let me start by saying I am still learning, I am in a situation where I'm doing a large scale destruction with RBD Bulletsolver and 10 frames in Houdini crashed. Do i have to restart the sim from the beginning? or is there any way to setup some check points like Dopnetwork. PS. I do know, I can have a bullet solver in side a dopnetwork! but I have built everything in a geo node piped to RBD bullet solver which is working great except until it crashed! Regards Shyam
- dopnet
- bulletsolver
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Hi, I'm looking for ways to activate and keep active pieces from RBDConfigure with active use bounds on. Here, I have a tentacle come out of the ground, the bounds its my tentacule its self, first bounds active the closest pieces. But a few frames later, The active pieces that go out of bounds become inactive again. This is a ways to force to keep active ? Thank you
Hey there! I am asking for some help regarding water ripples. I've put this together in C4D but of course it's not in any way realistic, need Hou for that. I want to create water ripples emerging from the objects; and I've started using the shallow water solver, but I've not quite grasped the concept with how I would do these emerging waves (creating a volume velocity field was not really successful, (but I'm not super knowledgeable, who knows)). It's looking alright per se if I set the colliding objects as the seabed layer and input a water layer as well, however once I try to create the emerging ripples using the objects as a mask for the source layer, the whole sim breaks. If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it, maybe there's another better way. Thank you in advance! 2023-06-02 16-31-44.mp4
- 3 replies
- water
- shallow water solver
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[Tutorial] Intro: Hello Folks, I came up with a new workaround to work seamlessly between SOPs and LOPs, the idea about; why we can't consider the USD file as a container of data such as standard Let's replace it! So, this idea allows me to write caches on the desk once, instead of writing and usdc configured layer. This HDA allows you to write one USD file or sequences of USD files and stitch them together. You can write normal geometry, volumes, vdb, particle simulation, polylines, and much more! Installation Guide: Place this HDA in your Houdini Preference Folder `"C:\Users\{USER}\Documents\houdiniXX.X\otls"` Requirements: Houdini 19+ Downloads:
I'm trying to replicate this effect to learn. I've attached the ref and my flipbook. Feels like I'm close from a setup perspective? Wondering what I could do differently so it feels more sandy. I'm using a flip sim advected by a AA Flow Noise Velocity field. Somehow I don't get the same "sandy" look. Any ideas how to get closer? sand-ref.mp4
- 5 replies
- sim
- simulation
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Hello Friends, I have a Problem. I build a particlefluid with a normal flip fluid solver. A Object falls with a transform-node in the fluid and the fluid splashes. But when I add the retime node at the end, my mesh from the ParticleFluidSurface disorted between a few frames. Here is a video. Has everyone a solution for this? I tried some settings but the problem remains. Greets Patrick untitled1.mp4
I have tried a lot and i just cant understand why my particles are dying and volume is reducing. I am trying to make a washing machine animation with the water. Any tips? Any suggestions would be appreciated :)) untitled.avi washing_machine.hip
- 2 replies
- flip
- flip fluid
- (and 4 more)
Is there an existing workflow to run a pop sim on the gpu?
Hi all! I have a sim that does both, FLIP and RBD. All works fine so far, but I am struggling with caching it in an efficient way. I am using two separate DOP import streams to fetch the FLIP and the RBD and caching them out. As the sim is too high res to fit in memory that means that after e.g. caching out the FLIP I have to run the whole simulation again to cache out the RBD! There must be a better way... Any input appreciated!
Hello guys. Recently i have run into strange issue. I have my packed objects, that have some orient on it. I need to feed them into the Bullet sim, problem is that if i have orient as attribute on the packed objects, my sim explodes on first frame (no intersecting geo), if i remove my orient, sim behaves as expected. so i have run my sim without the orient coming to bullet (renamed orient to keep_orient) and i thought i will just substranct+add them at the end to get correct orient values for my instancing i do as next step. Problem i have is that i was not able to get correct orient from it. Would someone able to explain me what would be necessary to do to make it work, or why bullet explodes with orient values? sorry i cant share any scene at this point. my whole setup is: points in the space, that have @pscale and @orient (random nodes), that goes into the grain sim, to make sure i have no intersections, then i do copy bunch of rocks onto those points which goes as packed geo into the bullet sim.
Hey everyone! This is my first post here! I have a scene where I'm caching a vellum grains simulation to a disk cache. I'm having trouble understanding why it takes so long. When I cache the simulation to ram in the viewport each frame takes about 15 seconds, however when I drop a File Cache SOP and save it to my hard drive each frame seems to take about 3 minutes. Could someone explain why this may be? I have tried saving to another drive and it didn't help.
Greetings! I'm trying to attach a vellum sim to a pop sim... The idea is that I first do a pop advection sim then attach vellum cloth to that so they collide and interact with each other... It's almost there, with one slight issue. It seems that vellum is calculating the particle point for every frame and I need it to calculate only the newer emitted (birthed) points... Is there a way to tell it to do so or is there a cleaner setup to achieve what I want? Attached is a simple test scene of where I'm at. Any help, guidance, or advice would be greatly appreciated! vellumParticleTest01.hiplc THANKS
Hi, Anyone knows a good way to deform groom using sim curves? as guidegroom deform doesn`t seem to work for me and pointdeform has some other issues. Do I really have to sim low res curves and then apply hairgen for full res? Problem is that i have my groom done already and want to sim approx 10% of curves and only the long ones and deform my groom by those curves. Obviously I can`t acces Furtility, so is there any other good way using Houdini to do it? Thanks Here is the simple example of what I`m talking about: groomDeform.hip
cache How to cache a really heavy flip sim ?
AlbusNolente posted a topic in General Houdini Questions
Hello, I have a really heavy flip sim of a river (around 101 millions of particles), I'm working on my final project for my master's degree. At my uni I can use only during the night as much computers as I want, each of them with 64gb ram. Since it's not possible to use the renderfarm for caches,I obviously thought to use more computers and render on each of them a specific frame range (470 frames total). The problem is that everytime a computer will start to cache, Houdini will always start to calculate the sim from the frame 1 and it will take the same huge amount of time, so what's the point to use more computers? Am I wrong? What kind of procedure would you use? p.s. keep in mind I cannot leave the computer caching after the night. -
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to setup a TOPs network to cache out sims with multiple parameters being sent to the dop network. Seemingly basic stuff, however nothing I'm doing seems to be working how I think it's going to work. What I've tried: Using a wedge node to set a random attribute and trying to use that attribute in an exterior dop network - caches into a view able geo rop output but all the wedges were the same Rebuilding the pyro sim purely in the tops network - it makes something but when viewed all the frames appear empty Have the source inside the tops and the dop outside - same result as the first
I'm trying to create an animation of a ship rising out of the water and simulate the water on it. But the animation is so fast that sails and thin ropes are not recognized as collisions. Perhaps raising the substep is a good idea, but is there any other way? Ideally, the collision should be as clean as this
Hey all, I’m looking to receive some advice on a simulation I’m working on. My aim is to set up two fluid simulations following their own curve which leads to them both colliding and mixing together. What would be the best approach? Hope this makes sense! Thanks I’m advance.
i have around 100 points that are emitting particles. each source point in SOPs has an attribute i would like to use in DOPs to activate or deactivate the birth of particles. i cant use it directly in impulse activation unfortunately How can i do this?
Hi everyone ! I was wondering if it was possible, on a geometry deformed (by a point deform SOP) to simulate only parts of the geometry that were masked with vellum ? (if needed, I uploaded a scene with the mask I want to simulate). Thanks a lot for the answers ! Vellum_on_mask.hipnc
i have some cubes that fall to the ground. I am trying to emit particles at the same time from the front side of each cube creating noodles that collide with the cubes. i thought the multisolver might come in handy but its not working so far. First time i am using it. Essentially i am trying to replicate grain emitted noodles on cgwiki but my source is an rbd object. i am not sure if this is possible. test.hip