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  1. Hello, After a few tutorials and google I can create a basic tree from the l-system But the thing is the trunk mesh is quite not clean and has some twisted areas, And the connection between branches to the trunk is not natural for closed up shot. So my question is Is there any way to get a clean shape from the l-system? If i used the skeleton from the l-system to generate the mesh then some area on top has missing connection and the polygon number rises dramatically If I use labs tree generator then the trunk has some twisted areas in the middle and i dont know how to put the branch in the right position Also tried to create vdb from it, but it will increase polygon number dramatically The goal i looking for is the first image Thanks for any advice ASk_TRee.hip
  2. Hello, i am relatively new to Houdini and i would like to ask the community for methods to find a solution for my following project. So far i've been working mainly with C4D and Blender. I would like to find a workflow to create tree shapes from 3D models. Specifically, in my project i would like to take posed mesh from DAZ3D of 2 hugging humans and basically turn them into a "wood sculpture". (probably 2 seperate intertwined tree trunks) I would like to find a way to do this procedural, so i can use this on different shapes in the future. For now my focus is on creating the shapes, not texturing. So far i found 2 guides that might help for an approach: 1. 2. Guide 1 is a great approach, but the branches are too small and look like veins. Also the human shape is "too visible". I am looking to create a more natural tree look with really thick, wild growing branches. More like a tree that naturally grew into the shape of a human by chance. Guide 2 looks like a great way to approach the tree bark displacement, but there are only rock shapes shown and i sadly cant find a guide for a more organic, wood-like look. My guess would be to find a way to combine both of these methods, but sadly my experience in Houdini is too small to find a solution by myself. I'm looking to create pretty much this exact type of tree shape: I found this image under the keywords "foxtail pine tree", after searching for twisted branches. I hope someone can give me some tips to find a solution to realize my vision for this project. I am highly convinced there is a possibility. Really looking forward to what you guys have to say!
  3. Hi! I just wanted to share my tree and plant modeling toolkit Simple Tree Tools. Its available on Gumroad for both Indie and FX users and contains 18 HDAs specifically aimed at trees and plants modeling in Houdini. I hope you guys like it as much as I do! Heres a video of some of the new features in this release. Let me know what you think! Cheers Nisse
  4. Hi all ! I have been using SpeedTree, but every time I need to import a bunch of textures and the point is that I can not control parameters... so to make variation so much repeated work and no efficient. So I was thinking to create trees in Houdini with labs so that I can control more parameters. However.. the nodes are very slow.. I saw Houdini's tutorial and theirs are not really slow tho How about other studios? are they using speedtree with manual? or in-house tools? I found the reason, I didn't turn on pack and instance! it's faster now
  5. cardso

    Tree Simulation

    Hi! First, I would like to say that I have a very basic knowledge of the program's tools, I have a very superficial knowledge of the whole. Maybe I don't really have the ability to do what I want yet but I decided to ask for help here! My intention is to make a tree simulation using Lsystem and 3 more leaves that I developed, I have some doubts in this whole process. I'll start with the part I got with the help of the forum, I managed to do the trunk simulation with the following formula: After that I developed 3 types of leafs with the following formula: What is my problem: within Lsystem I developed rules that have these leafs in the size, angle and places I want. But when I simulate the trunk they distort and the trunk is no longer stuck in its pin group, besides all the leaves don't turn into a mesh, even using a convert node they "break" when the simulation occurs. So my real problem would be not being able to transform them into solid material and then not being able to use them within Lsystem in the simulation, with their rules. I know that maybe it's very complex to help me with all this but if anyone can give me some light, pass a tutorial that addresses the topic in general I would be very grateful! I'll leave the file here too. planta2.hip
  6. Hey everyone, I'm trying to make a tree simulation. I'm using wire solver, but I can't figure out how to deform the tree geo with the simulated curves. I tried wire deform and point deform, but the result is strange. Do you have any idea? tree_deform.hiplc
  7. Hi! I just released Simple Tree Tools 2.0. This is a huge update! Please enjoy https://gum.co/SimpleTreeTools
  8. I released tutorial about procedural tree rigging system. Applying for any model. Procedural setup of the wire dynamics, non simulation wind system and growth setup working in real time. Capture geometry by spines. https://gum.co/Xxeqf I hope you'll like it.
  9. How to do spiral curve base a tree branch which is from speedtree? like the picture? Thanks!
  10. How to do spiral curve base a tree branch like the picture? Thanks!
  11. Hello everybody! I would like to ask if anybody knows a good cgi film/reel/wip with a very realistic tree breaking. I think I saw some where a close shot of a tree slowly breaking but I don't remember if it was a reel or a film like Wolverine. If anybody have an hint to share I would be a happy man :3 I know that there is a big group of real reference on FB but I couldn't find a close up and I would like to see a CGI example done in Houdini, if possible =) Hope is not too much off topic for the general lounge Best wishes!
  12. Tree Rig / Asset + Tree Sample Now In Patreon I happy to share one of my latest houdini digital assets , Tree Rig . the idea came from simulating tree with pyro to make a photorealstic look Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/posts/31800923 Viemo Links : https://vimeo.com/356351056 py Tool + asset : https://vimeo.com/322402973 Stadningmanpage : https://www.facebook.com/standingmanfx
  13. Hi, I need to learn how to make this stuff: from the Houdini 18 presentation (min 11:58), this guy just draw a line and gets a tree. Anyone happy to teach how to make it? I'm not interested in getting a tool that does it, I need to learn how to create it. Thanks.
  14. Hey, thought I'd share this here. Preview of tree and foliage creation and layout tools now available on Gumroad. I've released them as "pay what you want" as my contribution to the community. I plan to keep supporting and improving these tools in future as well as releasing other tools. Let me know if you have any feedback/suggestions and I look forward to seeing what people create with them. Enjoy! https://gumroad.com/l/zWFNX
  15. Tree Simulations for Upcoming Project A Storm Is Coming! Some new research and development for upcoming project , this time I try to figure out how my rig library working smoothly with pyro solver and other solvers tool breakdown : follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/standingmanfx/
  16. Hi all! I am wanting to use Lsystems to create trees, I find the tool very awesome when it comes to the basics of creating a tree shape. But I am having issues with leaf distribution and honestly the code is going a little over my head on what I need to do to get the leaves scatter more randomly , right now I can get them to group in threes but I would like a more even random distribution. I have looked at both http://paulbourke.net/fractals/lsys/?fbclid=IwAR3nA-wwniepOGQ2GfJOjkOSCq3DyMmrusNVKGy0ARNEAWD4H8Hpp5jbVzk and https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/sop/lsystem.html?fbclid=IwAR10o-Y0IfwgRVlLXU2j2h8quGYW1niVRxW1LmTReqonNdeYC8Zo6RdrvFk But again the code is just going over my head on how to achieve what I am hoping to create Hopefully this makes sense
  17. Hi Guys, is there a way to have tree meshes scattered on a terrain with variance in leaf colour on every single tree so that no two are the same colour? back in the Softimage/ICE days i could scatter points on a terrain mesh and give the points a random colour then i'd create a plant or tree mesh with different materials for bark, leaves etc, in Softimage's node based material builder i would plug in an attribute node into a colour mixer merged in with the leaf texture map, this attribute would read the random colour generated on the scattered points then i'd export the tree mesh as a Redshift proxy at render time the proxies would be loaded in, and each individual tree's leaves would be given an individual colour variation within a specified range based on the random colour from the scattered points this would mean each individual tree would have a unique colour added to its leaves and would be quick in the viewport/quick to render because of RS proxies (it also worked for Arnold standins) I've been trying to do this in Houdini but am hitting a wall, I've tried material style sheets but that requires me to create a different override for each parameter i want to control then assign specific trees to those overrides, its still not giving me unique colour variation per tree, its also quite a pain to set up, on top of that mat style sheets don't work if there's more than one material on a mesh which makes it redundant in this scenario I've also tried user data + attributes + shader switch but again you're using a mixer to switch between different specific shaders that you have to individually build, am i missing something? thanks for your help Houdiniers
  18. TD - TREE RIG LIBRARY Beta Version Some Feature * procedural rig for any tree model * tree model library and ease to use ui * live connect to speed tree * fast instancing features * redshift compatibility and mantra Pateron PAGE : https://www.patreon.com/standingmanfx FB : https://www.facebook.com/standingmanfx/
  19. I've been trying to make a tree with a tree top that goes in approaching the top. However, I can't seem to get there. Does anyone have any tips?
  20. Hey guys, how can I duplicate particles recursively? Sort of in a fractal / l-system way, to simulate veins, bramches and stuff like this Thx
  21. Hello everyone : Some test using my tool for creating procedural Tree growing and Rigging : Tutorial Trailer : link to Tutorial : https://www.hossamfx.org/trees-rigging-in-houdini/ thanks Hossam Aldin Alaliwi www.hossamfx.org
  22. hey chaps, been a while since i was on here but i've been keeping myself busy! i'm having a little problem with my setup... i've got a tree (modelled in speedtree) and i've brought it into houdini. I've done a pre transform fracture to get 'splintery' pieces. I've set it up so a ball hits it (its a dragon in my scene but its quite heavy geo so dont want to include it!). now overall it 'works' ...as in the ball fractures the tree on impact. But its just lacking that splintery 'connected bendy' feel... eg if you load the sim and play it you'll see the lower half just kinda crumbles away... It would be nice for that to bend in the direction of the impact as if the tree itself is bendy - right now it feels like crumbling chunks of brick that all break apart - it would be nice to get some kind of bendyness in any branches that stay together? another thing is the pieces seem to lack some sort of 'inherit velocity' from the impact. I've followed a heap of tuts online but i just cant figure anything out - is anyone able to take a look at my scene (attached) and see if anything is possible? ta! ant scene included below - tree alembic also included.... i will shower you in MAOAMS sweetys if you can help me with this scene because i'm really lost tree_destruction.zip
  23. Hi! I`m looking into creating a digital asset of procedural trees, with the idea being to generate a hole bunch of pine trees that you can scatter in a background of a shot for example. I`m sort off lost in the whole procedural way, and the L system is way to complicated for what we are trying to achieve all though that might be something to look into in the future. Also is there a way of copying a line with different length the higher up it goes? Lets say you have a line 8 units long with 10 points, I have grouped every other points and want to copy another line on the grouped points, but I need the length of line to shrink with each copy Any tips would be much appreciated.
  24. Hello, today I am facing very difficult problem, maybe you could help me in this struggle. Scenario looks like this: I received animated tree exported from SpeedTree as an alembic file. Now in Houdini it looks like wind is moving leaves which is perfect. The problem is I would like to collide with the leaves with RBD objects which are bouncing around my scene. I would like to keep my “wind” animation on a tree but make the tree responsive to any objects that may collide with it and make it so the leaves would bend on collision. Is it possible ? If so what would be the way to achieve such effect. Have a nice day and thank you for your input in advance. P.
  25. Hello gang, Do you happen to know of any resources free or paid that deal specifically with dynamic trees / vegetation inside of Houdini, with the possibility of also adding falling leaves? Also something to consider is importing an external model. By dynamic I mean coherently animated across the scene, and not necessarily full dynamic trees. This is for a long term personal project so very willing to learn. Thankies.
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