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  1. "As long as modeling put stuff in the right collection, it'll get the right material". But how do I put a model in a collection? how create a collection in the first place so later it gets picked up in solaris. here is the link with the exact time Chris Rydalch talks about it:
  2. So I have point attribute named - frame. And I have multiple files named "code (1).png", "code (2).png", "code (3).png".... To pass attribute to material network I use RSUserDataColor node, but I'm not sure how to pass that value to the texture string, pls help me. hip_file.zip
  3. Hey guys, I created a simulation in Houdini and wanted to export it to cinema 4D with alembic. It worked completely fine but the Material (Redshift) doesn't stick with the Simulation. As you see in the pictures the half of the simulation gets white and this keeps going until its completely white. I just used the default glass Material and didn't change the geometry. Does anyone know how to fix that?
  4. following the documentation OpenGL Shaders (sidefx.com) say i can grab one parameter from spare parameter and add a "build-in" tag or i can drag and drop form the "render properties" tab. i want to viz curves using the hair opengl is what i am trying to get but, i have try it and doesnt look like that at all in the view port? is there a secret to make the object in the viewport look like the shader? how_to_opengl.hip
  5. Hi, I guess thats a pretty easy question but I couldn't figure it out yet. So I have an obj import that consists out of a big amount of pieces. Importing it to other apps brings in the materials too. So I just can work on those materials insteat of reselecting everything. Importing that obj to Houdini doesn't show any materials. Why is that?
  6. I want to apply a “dirt mask” only in part of my geometry considering its position (P.y) for that. Let’s say I have a 3 meters cube, I want to get a black color in the geometry part below 2 meters and a White color to the last meter. "Rest Position" and "Global Variables" are not working because they are considering the camera position and not the one from geometry.
  7. Hey guys, I'm copying this post from Reddit to get more exposure. Since you guys are pros, maybe you'll know the answer: I'm having an issue with my landscape material. I've got an HDA pulling in a landscape with six layers. I've setup each layer as a material function so I can blend each function in a material based on their layer name. The problem is the material only works with three layers at a time. I can't do more. This is what it looks like with three layers as expected: Three layers with blend mode set to Opaque The shader fails when I plug in more than three. It shades in a tiny square on the terrain (not shown here), the rest of the terrain is the standard checkerboard: Six layers fail with blend type set to Opaque The only way to view all layers is to set Blend Type to Alpha Composite, however I completely lose my directional lighting: Six layers with blend type set to Alpha Composite (no directional lighting) It must be something with my layering weights.. I just can't figure this out for the life of me. Here are my layer settings: Layer Blend settings Let me know if you've run into this issue; I'm sure it's an easy fix. Thanks guys, Colby
  8. Hello everybody, I'm new here, and i hope i'll be clear to explain you my problem. I made a moving flag on houdini. But now, i try to apply some material to it. But what happen is my material is filling the hole between the moving rope/flag and my flagpole. The Flag is made of two parts: - The rope (on the left in houdini screenshot) - The flag (on the right in Houdini screenshot) The two are merge together, and after i applied some vellum constraints, vellum solver and file cache. It worked with houdini/mantra material, but not with octane. I guess i'm doing something wrong. I let you some screenshot, hope it will help you. Thank you! Take Care
  9. TLDR Version: I'm trying to render an fbx in houdini, and the objects are colored using vertex colors. In maya, we do `mesh display > Toggle Display Colors attribute`. Is there a similar way to do this in Houdini? Longer Version All the models I am working with use Vertex Colors as their color/diffuse base, and sometimes use vertex alpha for transparency. For Blender, I know you need to create a material using the Vertex Color Node. If using the .fbx in Maya, you may need to refresh the Vertex Color display to view them. to do so, you select the top-level group in the Outliner, then select Polygons -> Colors -> Paint Vertex Color tool. Simply activating this tool once will show the vertex colors. You can also select “Toggle Display Colors Attribute”. from autodesk documentation: "Turning on the Display Colors attribute lets you view the color per vertex information as well as any assigned shaders on a polygonal mesh when the display is set to shaded mode. The default Display colors setting for any object is off until color per vertex information is applied" Is there a similar option / method of viewing vertex colors in Houdini? I'm attaching a .blend file with the vertex colors showing, as I desire them to in houdini. I'm also attaching the fbx file with the geo/ vertex color info I am using.
  10. Hi, I try to make a car glass bullet hit... I can't figure how to make the connected pieces which stay attached to glass, I tried "soft constraint" of the "Material fracture node, but I can't figure how to break the soft constraint in some distance, pieces always returning back no matter how far they are.. which looks more like a STAR GATE portal opening Sklo_TEST_11.hip
  11. Hi, I am looking for way to create Material Stylesheet programmatically using Python. However, most of the search hit on stylesheet talks about UI stylesheet. Is there specific code example which illustrate how one could create and manipulate them ? Cheers
  12. Hey, so I'm using redshift and houdini. I want to animate the hue of one of my materials, but keyframing is not allowed in the mat context. I tried using $F to animate the material, but the parameters are RGB, not HSV. I also tried using the vex function `hsvtorgb`, to fill the RGB params accordingly: R = (hsvtorgb($F, 1, 0.5).x) , G = (hsvtorgb($F, 1, 0.5).y), B = (hsvtorgb($F, 1, 0.5).z) , however it looks like this vex function isn't available in the parameter context. Any suggestions? Fingers crossed that there's a simple fix Btw, not to complicate things too much, but I'm actually attempting to animate the color values of a RS volume, which has no inputs, and outputs an OutColor, which I plug into the volume input of the RS material output. So I'd prefer any solutions which would work for my situation, but am also curious to know if there are other solutions to animating hue, even if they might not work in my particular scene. Thanks you!
  13. I'm having a hard time getting the "Hair Generate" node of my geometry to be projected in its UV when using the "Bake Texture" node. The error presented is that there was no normals and UV map for OUT_GROOM when I tried with the settings of the image (geometry and hair are inside subnet1). I already tried on a "Geometry" node to use the "Object Merge" to bring the geometry and the hair together, and this works so that at least I can project something on the UV. Still, that way I can't apply a material like the "Hair Shader" to the "Object Merge" of the hair, the hair always stays white. No surface base color is showing.
  14. I'm pretty new to Houdini, and try to understand how shaders work. Here is what I don't get. I have simple yet functioning setup in mat: If I select all the nodes above and collapse them into a material, meaning I create a material builder from them, the displacement is broken. See this screenshot: (left side desired outcome, right side broken material builder) Could somebody enlighten me, what is actually happening here? Looking forward to your answers. daily_20_056_material builder wtf.hipnc
  15. Guys, I guess it might be a veeery silly question but I just can't do it. How do I display textures on viewport? In this case I have this ramp applied (not an image texture) Thx! Alvaro
  16. Hi all, Excuse my lack of understanding, however I have attempted to google with no avail. I have an alembic file that I've imported however I cannot for the life of me work out how to assign/apply a material to it - using the material node doesn't work. I've read about unpacking or converting the alembic but this doesn't alter what I'm seeing on the render. There must be a simple solution? If it helps, I'm using Houdini 17.5.173 and Redshift 2.6.41. ~ If anyone has some ideas please comment! Thanks
  17. Can anyone give me advice in rendering my water simulation? PLEASE WATER SURFACE CACHE is flickering for some frames! I attached image of 2 frames, first one is flickering and the other one is not. Just some of this frame has this problem and I have no idea what is wrong with surface cache. I rendered this water surface with glass material, and I've tried render with other material but it was same with flickering. And Surface_cache seemed fine with it's shape. Is it problem with Normal? Please let me know if you have any ideas. THANKS!
  18. I tried to create a muzzle flash base on this vimeo. In Houdini, I converted the polygon to volume, but I don't know how to apply material to it since the effect is not create by Pyro DOP Network. I tried either pyro post porcess and flame material, both didn't work. How should I apply the material properly? shading volum.hipnc
  19. Hi guys it's been a while since I was on here due to work but I'm digging into Houdini again. I have a simple scene.. a ball.. I scattered some points on it.. then used those points in the new rbd material fracture tool. It seems to work.. the points fracture the ball.. giving me smaller pieces in the impact area.. and the rest is bigger chunks. However I can't for life of me get those bigger pieces to remain static! Is there any sensible way to do this? So far all the pieces fly away. Ideally I want to use this tool because I like the interior detail and edge random features it has. Can anyone help here ? It's probably really simple but I have been trying all day. I'm not great with wrangles either :/ Ta Anthony
  20. Hello; I want to pass several different materials to several objects, using an id attribute. I add an "Assemble SOP" to create needed id and a Bind SOP in material network, to switch between shaders, but it doesn't work! Any ideas to fix it? Thanks for helping. Cards_01.hip
  21. Hey Im a few steps above "noob" title in Houdini but sill not so far off. I can do some stuff in modelling department and also some sims but not materials and i really need help with creating some for my uni project. I know how to do something like what i need in Substance Painter but its not an option for my procedural stuff Maybe merging similar textures into a material would be possible or something like it idk my main reference is a Disenchantment cartoon from Netflix (screenshot from this series is attached). Main action of my project is in a woodland area so currently im trying to figure out how to do similar thing also attached file with one of my waves of thought process but its not there yet https://sun9-59.userapi.com/c852016/v852016956/1d676a/Na-OBXwYpcE.jpg tower_v001_edit.hipnc
  22. Hello; I would like to assign one material, to several objects, but changing Texture/Color based on an attribute (as an integer ID), so I add an assemble SOP to generate IDs, and a switch node in the material network, but it doesn't works. How can I fix it? Thanks for helping. Muti_Color_01.hip
  23. What's the simplest and most bullet-proof way to display a texture on a simple grid in Houdini viewport (i.e. real time openGL)? I've tried using simple materials (like "Constant" or "Principled") but it seems clunky. I always run into issues like requiring several settings in "Display properties" for the texture to show up, or the textures (read from files) not updating in the viewport, if I change the texture path etc. Ideally, the texture path would be just a string attribute on a grid, and the viewport would show it right away, and react to all path changes instantly.
  24. Hey guys How to do a light-shadow ramp to use within mat context as a mask? An example would be: lit areas do not emit light while areas in shadow emit light. Any hint appreciated.
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