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  1. Hello everyone, I'm working on a very specific earth/ground blast. Inorder to keep the max control I decided to create pre sim wich would be used as a source for the main simulation later. Or I'm going to build it in directly and blend it with a pyro solver over time. Anyways, the goal of my setup is to create blast trails wich have an outward momentum. But having a vel field wich pushes density outward causes mushroom with a pyro solver because of the nature of divergence correction. A custom solution should help me out but I'm stuck cause the vel field is not expending but keeps clipping to the density source region. Even vel is advecting vel. There is already a post which seem to had a simular issue but it didn't work for me. advecting velocity by itself. Any ideas? vel_clipping_issue.hip
  2. Hey, I'm having trouble emmiting random packed prims in an RBD solver. Wondering if somone can help me as I'm very close to the outcome I want. For some reason the geometry won't stay true to it's attribute "variant"? Anyways I attached the hip file if somone could please help it would be much appreciated! Thanks, RBD_help01.hiplc
  3. Hello. I watched this tutorial video and created a spring simulation. Next to that I want to give Collision to the spring constraints so that they collide with other objects. Do you know of any way to do this?
  4. Hi folks, I've got a vellum sim of scattered strings that have an animated falloff mask attribute, that wipes from right to left. I want to get dopnet's popcurveforce to pull them in as the mask moves. Although the mask attribute is detected, it's stuck to the first frame. Any way I can get this to update per frame so that popcurveforce reads it? lines.hiplc
  5. have a question to a setup i am building at the moment....doing some reaction/diffusion stuff over a mesh and want to add some animated colliders in the process. problem is when they get to close to each other somehow the reaction/diffusion sim bugs and creates new geometry and crashes. when i leave the colliders out everything works fine and stable. added the hip file so if some one wants to take a look---thanks helpfile.hiplc
  6. Hey all I have question regarding a pretty simple DOPs setup that I just can't seem to get my head around... Basically I'm simulating soil and turf being torn up. I'm using Grains for the soil and Cloth for the turf. I'm happy with both material properties now. The issue i'm facing is bonding the two different objects... I know it should be easy but whatever I do, it seems as though the objects remain pinned to their start frame once constrained to one another in a DOP Net, resulting in odd "hanging" behaviour, where only the grains fall and leave the turf behind or vice/versa What I'm aiming for is two-way coupling of the turf (cloth) and soil (grains) sims I've attached a couple of images to demo my setup - as you can see, there's vellum constraints node set to “Attach to Geometry” the constraints node is referencing the Geometry SOP group “Grass” and Target SOP “Soil_Geo” + SOP Group “Soil” When looking at the constraints, after a while of playback, they appear pinned to an static “start frame”, rather than continuously updating geometry I know i'm super close to cracking it his but I just don’t know what small thing it is that I’m overlooking
  7. Hello, I have been trying to recreate the black hole effect from the film 'Eternals' for a few weeks now for a thesis project I am doing and I am not really getting close. This is the effect in question: Arishem's FInal Judgement The effect happens at 1:17 My approaches was to create some circles with an animation spinning around the circles driven by the curveu attribute and offset by the 'copynum' attribute I got from the copy and transform node. I was driving a smoke sim from this and then I used the curveu as a temperature attribute to drive some scattering in the pyro shader. However this approach has not really gotten me close. I realise its quite a complex effect but any tips on recreating it would be fantastic! Thank you for reading
  8. Hi I'm wondering how I would simulate large bubbles as they're forming or "being blown" I guess I'm mostly asking high level is it possible to create this geometry on the fly and also continuously add new constraints to it until it's fully formed, and then flies off on its own to interact with the world. Thanks
  9. Could someone take a quick look at the example file? I cant get the nearpoint function to work. thanks nearpoint in dopnet.hiplc
  10. Hi, I'm trying to simulate blowing snow, like in the video below, but am having a tough time. I'm emitting from scattered points with animated noise on pscale, density and velocity, and I'm advecting the sim with a velocity volume derived from a set of animated curves (to get the wavy motion of the snow). The problem is that the smoke disperses quickly and loses it shape, and I can't get any fine detail into the smoke however many gas disturb/turbulence settings I try (I'm using speed, derived from vel, as a control field). The pyro sim has no temperature field or buoyancy applied. In the reference the snow is fuzzy and keeps its shape throughout, and I'm stuck about how to achieve this. I've attached the .hip if you feel like taking a look. Thanks Blowing Snow Flipbook 2.mp4 Blowing Snow Ref.mp4 Blowing Snow Simulation 09-02.hip
  11. I'm trying to get these two objects to move towards each other after they hit the ground. Blend solvers are being used to allow the objects to transition between their keyframed positions and dynamic states and I need to add an attractive force which is what the spring constraint is supposed to be for. If I plug it in and doing nothing to it outside of hooking up the constrained object and the goal object it works fine. However, I want to control the timing of it so it can work it into an animation. When I tried to keyframe the spring strength or activation parameters the constraint would stop working or not work properly. Result from keyframing the activation parameter. The objects do not pull towards each other, the constraint just keeps them in place. Node network Does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks in advance!
  12. Is there an existing workflow to run a pop sim on the gpu?
  13. I'm having an issue with the Beach tank shelf tool when I try to use the Ocean Waves SOP (along with a couple of Ocean Spectrum SOPs) to seed the waves. As you can see in the video, the velocity of the waves seems to be transferred to the boundary layer of the simulation, but nowhere else, and the passing of the instanced waves seems to have little impact on the simulation, when the waves should in reality be breaking on the beach. I've already played around a lot with this and I believe it could have something to do with the velocities of the points on which the waves are being instanced, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions would be great, thanks! Beach Tank Issue.mp4
  14. Please someone help me with this: I made a Group in POP solver for collision of particles named 'hit'. Now in the wrangle node, I made a chramp for the velocity based on my own custom attribute which is '@customage' from 0-1. Now I want to ask that for POP attract, if I want to make the velocity affect all the particles except my 'hit' group particles, then how can I do that. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks! Particle attracting effect.hip
  15. Hi, I'm getting some very weird behaviour with some of my particles that collide with my VDB. They should come to rest but a small percentage don't ever stop moving. The collider is a VDB created using the Collision Source node and represents the original RBD pieces converted to a volume. I've tried using Auto Sleep and various other methods but these same particles just never stop. In one of the videos the purple colour is the active particles and the red are the sleeping particles. I've upped the substeps in the pop solver to 20 and they sill move. Any advice would be much appreciated. POPNeverStopsFlipbook.mp4 POPNeverStops.mp4
  16. I am building a flock using separation, cohesion, and alignment, but I'm modifying the alignment variable. Research showed that you can use a superfluid equation to define the speed of the turn information traveling through the flock, and that helps give the flock that really fluid look. I'm trying to figure out how to control the speed of the information. I need to 1. be able to dynamically change the speed of the information based on the flocks cohesion (when they're more cohesive, the information travels faster) 2. be able to send out "waves" of information every frame, so 24 times a second 3. send out non-disappating waves (I tried the ripple solver, but one of the problems was the dissipation of the magnitude of the wave) I'm thinking CHOPS might be the best bet, but right now I'm just finding a lot of CHOPS information dealing with sound and audio. LMK if anyone knows of a good node that could help me. Right now I'm looking into just hard-coding it in VEX (basically storing the velocity of ALL of the boids at 10 frame intervals), but that will be VERY intensive.
  17. Hello all, I'm looking to do some basic volume displacement using dual rest (something I've done before in the past), however I'm stumbling at the first hurdle now, when revisiting it a few years on: I cannot get a working rest_ratio and rest2_ratio out of a pyro sim. I could calculate it manually using the frame offset and blend length params, but I seem to remember simply being able to grab it from the solver. I have initialized the rest field in the smokeobject DOP, as well as dual rest mode in the pyrosolver advanced tab, however the ratio detail attributes don't appear to move. Looking inside the sim at the smokesolver_build2/record_sim_settings_to_initialization_data script I can see that the ratios are being correctly calculated, however this isn't being exported properly when I lay down a Dop Import Fields SOP. I've attached a really basic hip file. pyro_dual_rest_ratio_not_working.hip Can anyone help me? edit: using 18.5.633 Thanks in advance.
  18. I have an alembic with a lovely bit of movement happening, lying down on a ground plane. I'd like to make parts of it floppy, which I can do with vellum and a pin to target with an attribute that scales the pin stiffness so it's lower on the floppier parts. No problem there. The part I'm not able to figure out is this: I actually want to hang this up by one of the floppy bits, but still be able to use the shivering/shuddering from the target animation. The target animation is apparently evaluated as absolute coordinates, rather than deltas of a rest mesh, so even with the floppy part being hung up, the pinned parts are still lying on the "ground"/seeking the actual point locations of the target. Is there a way where I can get it to evaluate the target so that even if some of the animated bits drift (and move some of the not-quite-100%-pinned areas) the vellum will incorporate the source object's animation, but at it's new simulated place? Thanks for any help!
  19. Would the deformation of texture maps work DOP networks?
  20. Free video tutorial can be watched at any of these websites: Fendra Fx Vimeo Side Fx Project file can be purchased at Gumroad here: https://gumroad.com/davidtorno?sort=newest
  21. Hi Doing a vellum coiled cable sim and while I'm happy with the feel of it I've noticed I have some spinning close to pinned points, instead of bending. Is there a way to avoid this? Video shows the sweeped curve and then it shows the group used as pinned. phone_coil_cable_spin.mp4 I've noticed that vellum does not transform the input geo attributes (am I missing something?) so instead I used a point deform to preserve the sweep's orientation. Works well for most of the curve but not great on the tips. All constrains are super stiff so the coil shape can be maintained, so this could be the cause of the geo not bending but twisting. Still I wasn't expecting that twist. The Settings I'm using on Constrain and the Solver are below. Let me know if there's something to consider to avoid this behavior or to have Vellum transform input attributes. Thanks.
  22. Hello! I am trying to deepen my understansing of vellum by building the solver netowork myself. I have hit is very enfuriating sustuation were my character litterally walks out of her pants. When I use the sop based solver this dosn't happen. I am sure I am missing something but it seems most things I have tried are giving me the same result. I am using an almebic cache for the collider, and cloth geometry brought in from Marvelios Designer. I am using an collision source node to generate a vdb for collisions, and using a staticObject set to “Use Volume Collision” and “Volume Sample” for division Method. Here is what I am getting
  23. Free video tutorial can be watched at any of these websites: Fendra Fx Vimeo SideFx Project file can be purchased at Gumroad here: https://gumroad.com/davidtorno?sort=newest
  24. I have a basic dops ( vellum to be specific) and i want to add elements dynamically to the sim. in the example > case1 , i create an random line and add it as a vellum hair into the sim .. and this seems to work. case2 and case3: i want to access the current frame of The Dops sim, and i create a line from a fixed point to a point on the mesh( think lightening ) .. but doesnt work. cant seem to access the current mesh and create a line(s) and adding it back to the sim.. any tips and pointers would be appreciated. thanks sideFx.hipnc
  25. Hey folks - long time lurker joining the party with a tutorial showing a workflow for integrating the FLIP and pyro solvers, allowing for bidirectional interactions. I cover a few other tips and tricks along the way, so I hope you find it useful! Hip file attached (and linked through from the video). flippyro_diffusefx.hiplc
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