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Hi Everyoe, I have a legacy RBD object (not bullet) that I need constrain to a plane. I tried "Modify data DOP" to set vel.x to 0, but that just creates another Property called vel.x. If there's a way to use Modify data on only one vector component, that would be great. I noticed that Anchor: world position has a "Constraint to plane" option, but I can't figure out how anchors work. I know this can be easily achieved with bullet, but I need the old legacy RBD because I'm doing a RBD FLIP interaction. Attached is a simplified Hip file with the problem. Any help would be appreciated DopsCOnstraintToPlane.hip
- rbd
- constraint
- (and 4 more)
delete constraints except for cluster by using bounding box
Kaito Ishikawa posted a topic in Effects
Hi. I want the building to collapse so I want to use the constraint box as a bounding box and remove it gradually. I would like to delete it, leaving the cluster(intracluster). However, specifying inside the bounding box will remove all constraints. I tried to remove constraints other than intracluster with a difference in color, but I couldn't figure it out. If you can successfully remove constraint, you can use other methods. I want to use rbd bullet solver. Here are the files in progress. Please tell me. thanks Kaito Ishikawa -
Let's assume a case scenario which counts many many high res solid objects, like rocks or fractured pieces. I can generate proxies and simulate those RBD pieces, then export the sim infos as points. In the end I use transform pieces to bring the original high res objects to the simmed ones. All good if this is performed in SOP, while I am struggling to bring the same aspect in LOP. To set a collection and a Prototype index attribute may help to sort the "variant" (as in copy to points) but Scale and Orient seem to go on their own accord. I do know there is an option to "Create Point Instancer" for packed primitives on SopImport, but don't really understand what it does under the hood. The hierarchy is different from a standard instancer. Also i cannot judge if the performance is as good as the standard instancer. Attaching the ref file below, if someone has good advice. Thanks! LOPinstancePieces01.hiplc
- transformpieces
- rbd
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Hi Everybody, Does anyone know how to change the purple collision resolution? Lowering the collision separation, particle separation, or grid-scale, still makes the RBD very blocky. Any help is appreciated For extra context. This only happens when I use Packed rbd geo. Unfortunately I need to use the packed geo because I want to use popLookat DOP. It's the only way I found to make my ship stay on course for 1000 frames FlipCollision.hip
Hello all, Maybe a dumb thing, but I can't figure it out right now. I rebuild a simple setup to understand the issue (you will find the file attached) I have a simple wall that I want to break (RBD SOP) I created a sphere emitter on the other side, with RBD bullet solvers too (RBD SOP), and switches ($FF%20==1). Plugged this one into RBD (wall) for collision. Issue : Only my first sphere is taken in account. 1) Do I need to use DOP ? (didn't figure out the setup yet) 2) I guess as the sphere are spawn over time, the solver can't understand the data ? Let me know your thought. Thank you RBD_Emit.hipnc
- 3 replies
- spawn
- simulation
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Good morning Guys, I tried to setup a constraint between connected geo with different approch for the RBD sim but I can't solve it correctly.. It missed one direction ( in red on my printscree) and I don't know why.. Thank you for your advices. It works with the red arrow direction: If I keep only 2 pieces in the other direction, there is no connections
Hello everyone, I recently tested out a simulation I wanted to create on smaller objects and everything seemed to work fine. It's basically a ship on water that gets struck by a missile. The part of the ship where it will get struck is already fractured (rbd). It works fine. So I would like to simulate debris coming from the points of impact and use those same source points for my massive smoke. The only problem is, there is nothing in the debris source. I have brought the packed geometry out of DOP's, unpacked, stuck a trail node and everything appears to be working until the debris source node. This is very confusing because it worked in my simple SIM setup previously but for the life of me, I can't figure out why there are no debris source points. I would appreciate some help on this, and I've attached my scene file to this. Thank you. shipanddestruction.hipnc
- 6 replies
- rbd
- not working
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Hello guys, I am trying to build a RBD sim with 2 type of constraint, glue and conetwist when it is breaking.. I can't figure out with it is not really breaking during the sim.. I share my file and the printscreen video, thank you for helping Cheers, SLE Pyro_rbd_013.hiplc
- simulation
- constraint
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I'm looking to transform one shape of packed RBD's into another. I've looked at the forum and a few of the examples. Specially the lego car which is awesome but they all tend to transform the same set of Packed RBD's from a rest shape to complete form. I am looking to transform from one shape of object to another shape of object. this is a pure Position and Rotation transformation and I think I'm just not understanding the way rotate work to show this I've made a simple houdini file. Any Help to better understand this would be appreciated. packedgeo_shapetoShape.hip
hi all i'm trying to work up an rbd sim for some ground fracturing. I have an object colliding with the geo and transferring colour to it. Now in the scene (included) i have a setup that is NON-dopnet based... just using a point deform to shift the pieces - its kinda cool But i wondered if i can get the colour to transfer over to my rbd sim and activate the pieces? red being active and black being inactive? shot_WRLDBRK_0196_scene_for_odforce.hip
Hi guys, I just want to ask one quick question. I am using bullet solver and want to count hit value of pieces with collision geomectory. I tried pop collision detect also but its not working on rbd. thanks
Dear Forumers, I have an issue with a scene I am doing. I am making a car crash for my reel, and learning how from a tutorial of a helicopter crash by Steve Knipping. I have come across this error: Warning Invalid source /obj/fracture/rbdconstraintsfromrules1/switch_use_proxy Error: Not enough sources specified.. Unable to cook the test input. Unable to cook the test input. in an RBDUNPACK SOP. I have gone through my networks and some options a few times but cannot work out the problem. Any help much appreciated. THANKS Nick PS: I deleted the original geo node with the car fbx to make .hip smaller, my current geo is in a cache and attached CARCRASHforODFORCE.hiplc
Hi guys, I hope you can help me with setting up this vellum inflation scene... Basically, I have animated a sphere expanding and used the rest blend node inside the vellum solver to inflate the sphere. What I would like to achieve is an interaction where the vellum inflation sim interacts with a rigid body 'plinth' that it is initially sitting on rather than it just being a static collider object. I have tried using the vellum shape match constraint for this behaviour but have found it tends to deform the shape which is not ideal. Preferably, I would like to know if it is possible to use RBD dynamics inside of a DOP network and have that interact with the inflating vellum sim... The entire sim would also sit inside of a static container too as the plan is to squash the vellum soft body against the walls of the container. Any help on this would be really appreciated. Thanks! Vellum_Rigid_Body_Interaction.hiplc
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- rigid body
- cloth
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Houdini FFX Collection Get it here: Gumroad: FFX Collection is a collection of scene builds and techniques for the intermediate users of Houdini. Those looking for quick setups, wanting to get more familiar with VEX use cases, and wanting to get started in Karma and Material X. This collection of “presets” as it were showcases a variety of topics within Houdini. Builds include FLIP, RBD, Vellum, POP, Pyro Solver, SOPs, LOPs, TOPs, Karma, and Material X. All renders use 100% fully procedurally generated textures created with Material X noises. The only exceptions are the test geometry textures which are directly read from their HDA embeded jpg textures. The HDA is a simple drop down list of all fifty builds, of which you choose the one you want and click “Build It” to have the tool generate the entire build for you. By default there is Network box organization to help understand the flow and processes that are occuring. Additionally there are annotated tips, and helpful explainer sticky notes to help inform an techniques used. These annotations are also optional and can be turned off before building the network. For those wanting to dive straight into everything there is to offer, there is a “Build All” button to create all 50 builds. This option will have each build turned off by default, so as to not overload your machine with too many items trying to cook. All builds involve various techniques and useful information. Each “category” is defined by the primary method used for the solution used. Be that by SOP nodes directly, VEX code, VOPs network, or even by simulation type like Vellum, Flip, RBD, or Pyro. Vellum does have a few builds under the VEX category as well. Builds include: FLIP Attraction To Curve Shape FLIP Fill Solid Object FLIP Melt Object FLIP Object Surface Advoidance ForEach Incriment Point Count Per Curve ForEach Poly Reduce Pieces By Volume Attrib ForEach Stacking Random Cubes PyroSolver Geometry Ripples PyroSolver Pyro Color Change Over Time PyroSolver Pyro Color From Texture RBD Activate Pieces RBD Apply Proxy Sim To HiRes Source RBD Attraction To Curve Shape RBD SOP Emit Every X Frames RBD V W Constrained Axis SOPs 8Bit SOPs Cull Random Curve Segments SOPs Dissolve Curve SOPs Dissolve Geo SOPs Echo Curve SOPs Post Shrink RBD Pieces Over Time SOPs Stone Path Vellum Animate Restscale Via Attrib Vellum Basic Fluid Cloth Two Way Coupling Vellum Cloth Flows Along Curve Vellum Define Cloth Ripping Vellum Flag In Wind Vellum Inject Geo Over Time Vellum Paper Whirlwind Vellum Spheres Expanding In Box VEX Blend Mask VEX Cull Back Faces VEX Custom Guides For Vellum Hairs VEX Falloff Radius Around Curve VEX Geo Look At Target VEX Geometry Ripples VEX Guided Infection VEX Per Poly Transform Via Particle Proximity VEX Per Prim Rotation Around Edge VEX Repeat Ramp Values VEX Ring Waves With Falloff VEX Rotating Grid Tiles VEX Sin Cos VEX Sliding Points Along Curve VEX Vellum Dangling Cables VEX Vellum Sim Forces From SOPs VEX Vellum Source Emission Instancing VEX Voronoi Fracture Animated VOP Blend Mask VOP Orientation Along Curve
Hi, I made a rbd simulation of a glass building and I am trying to remove the inner faces as they show up in the render before any force gets applied to the building. The issue is that when I am applying the dop import after the rbd connected faces, the prim distance doesn't change for each inner face and therefore the faces at frame 1 don't get deleted. I created a simple file with a fractured cube with both a rbd bullet solver (which works) and a dop import connecting a dop net containing a rigid body solver (which doesn't work). I am sure that the dop import settings is the node that has the issue but I am unsure how to solve it. If someone knows how to make the distanceprim attribute work pls help. test_int_faces.hipnc
Collision issue. Why does my falling debris seem to 'float' above the surface after collision? You can see from the cast shadow that the debris is not actually in contact with the collsion heightfield. C__Users_bach4_Documents_00_WorkInProgress_Houdini_DebrisPile_RBD_v06_Megascans.hiplc - Houdini Indie Limited-Commercial 19.5.753 - Py3.9 2023-10-01 21-17-48.mp4
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- bullet sim
- collison
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I created a guided simulation, When I enabled the active with bound in RBD configure the pieces did not move, What did I do wrong?
Hi, I'm looking for ways to activate and keep active pieces from RBDConfigure with active use bounds on. Here, I have a tentacle come out of the ground, the bounds its my tentacule its self, first bounds active the closest pieces. But a few frames later, The active pieces that go out of bounds become inactive again. This is a ways to force to keep active ? Thank you
My popular Custom Velocity Forces class just got UPGRADED! Previous students enrolled should already see the updates now. For new students you can enroll here: Learn more Thanks for the all the support everyone! Updated promo video for the class:
- 1
- positional vector
- directional vector
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Hello, does anyone know how I can make the radial fracture of the glass larger than 10x10?, I have tried all the options and configurations and I can't get it to expand beyond there, I need it to cover the entire surface of my 30x30 geometry. Thanks!
Dear Forcers, How can I make it so certain edge's in my model are NOT effected at all by the detail edge noise setting in glass mode in the RBD fracture material? Thanks 5D
Hey, I'm having trouble emmiting random packed prims in an RBD solver. Wondering if somone can help me as I'm very close to the outcome I want. For some reason the geometry won't stay true to it's attribute "variant"? Anyways I attached the hip file if somone could please help it would be much appreciated! Thanks, RBD_help01.hiplc
- 3 replies
- dops
- packedprim
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Hi Houdini friends, Does anyone know how to use mask field in DOP net? I'm doing a simulation of leaves on the ground reacting to a car passing by. I need to control the wind force to affect only where the car is passing, where other leaves remains more still. Is there any way to mask out the affected area and have the wind force only affect that area and have dynamic change on the mask object? Or if there's other ways to do this? Thank you so much!!!
Anyone expereinced with Houdini to Unreal workflows? Looking for some sort of comparison table to help determine when to use different export options for animated or deforming meshes. - VAT - alembic - fbx via rbd to fbx - fbx via dembones skinning converter So many options!
EDIT* Solved... sort of... it seems that you can't do it in one sim. First do an rbd with forces pushing up below the "waterline" and down above it to simulate gravity. The do a low res flip using the rbds as coliders. Then advect a new rbd sim with those velocities. Then do a high res flip. So lots of back and forth... Hello! How do you achieve this sort of thing? or I can get fractured rbds to float on water but i can't get them to work when I try do do it with constrains and colliders like the above examples. I have a scene with fractured geo (using material fracture sop) and a dopnet with geo as a "fractured object" (not packed) . This is held in place with glue and pin constraints. I have the flip (flat tank) solver feedback set to 1 (I've tried all different values, 0.1-10) and the merge set to mutual. everything is using volume collisions. I have the fractured geo plugged in to the "merge collisions" in the in the fliptank initial wavetank but i've also tried changing the waterline so there is no intial contact between the rbds and flip. It explodes. The fractured object pieces fly off or sink and the flip is out of control (overreacting to the rbd pieces). Thanks in advance!