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Dear Forumers, I have an issue with a scene I am doing. I am making a car crash for my reel, and learning how from a tutorial of a helicopter crash by Steve Knipping. I have come across this error: Warning Invalid source /obj/fracture/rbdconstraintsfromrules1/switch_use_proxy Error: Not enough sources specified.. Unable to cook the test input. Unable to cook the test input. in an RBDUNPACK SOP. I have gone through my networks and some options a few times but cannot work out the problem. Any help much appreciated. THANKS Nick PS: I deleted the original geo node with the car fbx to make .hip smaller, my current geo is in a cache and attached CARCRASHforODFORCE.hiplc
Hi, I made a rbd simulation of a glass building and I am trying to remove the inner faces as they show up in the render before any force gets applied to the building. The issue is that when I am applying the dop import after the rbd connected faces, the prim distance doesn't change for each inner face and therefore the faces at frame 1 don't get deleted. I created a simple file with a fractured cube with both a rbd bullet solver (which works) and a dop import connecting a dop net containing a rigid body solver (which doesn't work). I am sure that the dop import settings is the node that has the issue but I am unsure how to solve it. If someone knows how to make the distanceprim attribute work pls help. test_int_faces.hipnc
Dear Forcers, How can I make it so certain edge's in my model are NOT effected at all by the detail edge noise setting in glass mode in the RBD fracture material? Thanks 5D
Hello everyone, Wondering if someone has suggestions on how to achieve this level of details with Houdini? I tried with grains, displacement, geometry, textures... I can't seem to get it to look right. VDB's seem to be quite versatile to achieve some of the general textures and shapes, but the end results is always too round and soft. Looking for: - Fine powder - Sharp cracks and fractured pieces - Mix of smooth and crumbled / rough areas - Small random chunks Are there suitable techniques I am missing or out of luck for this level of details? Thanks!
Is there a way to keep continuous @name between pieces using Boolean Fracture separately? name.hiplc
- boolean
- name attribute
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How do i get my edge fracture to look more like boolean fracture. I want to control where the cut happens The boolean fracture doesn't do well with vellum. I want the sphere on the left to have fractures like the one on the right using edge fracture. Can somebody please help me with this problem? VELLUM EDGE FRACTURE.hipnc
Hello, In an RBD simulation, I would like to control the transform/rotation of the elements, to stop them from moving forever. The fractures travel too far away..! I tried to use the "Drag" node, but it's hard to achieve the right value in its parameters! So what's the best solution to fix it? Actually, I want to achieve a falling behavior like what they made in this TVC: Thanks for helping. RBD Limiting Drag_02.hip
Hi everyone, recently I tried to make a PreBaked destruction asset, I followed this tutorial by Simon, but after following the whole steps I haven't had any result. I complete the whole tutorial without any problem, but in the exportation step (create a RBD_to_fbx select a Note to Export and an Export Path), but after clicking in Render, this process takes a few seconds and it created a .FBX archive empty. Anyone can help me, please? Thank you so much
- simon prebaked tutorial
- rbdfbx
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Hey guys ! I'm currently doing a RBD project and I was wondering if you guys had any tips on how I can make my sim more optimised so that it doesn't take 25 min for only 10 inactive frames. The fracture is pretty low res and all the substeps settings are low but the sim is still really slow and practically unworkable. I have 100K pieces correctly named and the building is world scale so i dont know what to do to make it workable, any tips? I would greatly appreciate ! Thank you
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- rbd
- destruction
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Hello all, I am struggling since some months on a problem which I cant solve, I have tried so many things like, have searched YouTube Tutorials but they are for older versions... My goal is, i am trying to do a easy fracture sim like a ball hitting a wall and the wall crumbles. But then I click on the "debris" shelftool and after that I am stuck on the problem, attaching some of the fractured pieces on the particles... I want to learn this on some easy fracture set-ups so that I could apply it later to some complicated set-ups if necessary. I would appreciate some help. and if someone of you had time I would be veeery glad about a Hip file for this problem
The gist of the effect I need done is this. I need this Logo to start out fractured into a ton of pieces and off screen in all directions then I need the pieces to kindof suction in towards the screen center where they come together to form the full logo My current workflow is basically run the sim backwards (the logo starts off fully formed and i explode it outwards, then reverse the RBD sim) The problem when I reverse the sim I get a very harsh stop on each piece once the piece gets to its start pose I fix this sort of by running a jiggle or lag CHOP motion effect over the points after i reverse the sim, adding some overshoot to the sim so it overshoots the rest pose and then settles back into the rest pose the issue is now i get intersections with the pieces. Was hoping someone might know how i could maybe run another simulation on top of the reversed sim? Like have it follow the same motion but adjust for self collisions?
Hi all, I'm learning houdini since a few weeks/months and I still have some beginner issues. I think I know the way to do it and it must be easy but I have no idea where to found what I'm looking for or what should I tweak. For this project I follow the basis from this tutorial: After that I wanted the ground to be a wall and the debris to fall another way so I changed the gravity forces and it was pretty easy to have what I wanted. For the next step I wanted to know if it was possible to import a curve like an .svg or .ai so instead of a straight line I could carve a simple logo or only one letter into the wall. But I tried and didn't found anything about importing bezier curves, or the one that I tried didn't go as planed. I think it will go with another question, like if I want to carve a 6. Is it possible that only the outline fall and to keep glued the hole in the 6 ? Also, is there a way to do like a box arround the wall and when some debris fall farther than the box they disapear to save some space on the .abc at the end ? Thanks in advance, sorry if it's too basic and doesn't belong here. I have attached my file but don't know if it's useful. Cheers ! FRACTURE_FOND_2.hipnc
Hello guys, greeting. I'm just getting started with Houdini and there are lots of things I still don't understand. currently working for disintegration effect. My goal is I want to kill the remains Fracture from the geo(obj) or make it gone after a certain frame. in my first attempt, I'm using pop kill in the rbdbulletsolver container with random mode and keyframing at a certain point. it works when I preview in the container, but when I go back to geometry to see the whole process, it turns my logo back to its shape. I'm guessing that every time the fracture killed by popkill it turns the fracture back to my obj shape. how do I fix this ? or is that something wrong with my node ? I put the picture below.
Hi everyone! I've been stuck on a particular problem today. I've been using a simple voronoi in Houdini to fracture a rock, but I'd somehow like to bake a layered texture or vertex map so you can see the lines emanating from the shell of the model. I've attached a picture of some agate so you can get a better understanding. This is so I can export the alembic into C4D and apply different textures to these 'ridges' using the vertex map, or just a baked texture outright. I'd only need a couple of bands at the outer edges, not going all the way to the center I initially tried converting the rock before the fracture to a volume and baking a ridged texture using the depth from this, but I just can't seem to figure it out. I also tried copying the rock a couple of times, sizing it down a little, then used these copies to bake the vertex colour, but it still wouldn't budge! I'd be very helpful for any tips as it'd be great to get a procedural solution to this problem
Hi everyone ! I'm having issues with the voronoi fracture on concave geometry. I'm trying to fracture a pillar which was created in C4D. To do so, I create a VDB and scatter points in it, then I use the Voronoi Fracture SOP on the base geometry. It works quite well overall, however on some curved concave areas the voronoi fracture fills the area, which I would like to avoid. I attached images to the post; on the second picture the darker parts of the fracture fill the hollow space. Does anyone know how to fix this issue ? Thanks ! PS I have not attached the .hip file since it's based on a heavy alembic file, but I can do so if necessary.
how can I convert a duplicated object a separated objects to work as fracture object inside DOP NETWORK? Duplicated_Objects_as_Fractured.hip
Hi everyone I have an RBD fracture that works fine however the texture doesn't stick to the object once it fractures and moves. I tried several things such as copying the uv attribute however it still doesn't work. Any ideas of how can I make it work? Appreciate any help !!!! I attatch my file and a screenshot of my nodes many many many manyyy thanks in advance Julia frac4_foru.hipnc
Hello Everyone! I would like to add an interior detail for fractured pieces but I cannot seem to find the option in the voronoi fracture sop even though Houdini knowledge base says exactly this: "you can enable the Add Interior Detail checkbox on the Interior Detail tab of the Voronoi Fracture SOP node. This gives you access to parameters to bricker the flat planes and add some noise." (Link: I also tried using RBD material fracture as an alternative as I can link it to an RBD interior detail but it messes up my geometry and distorts the etched logo so voronoi fracture sop is the cleanest reuslt I was looking for. thank you very much in advance! voronoi.hip
Hi all! I recently made a free public post on my Patreon, a bit of a New Year's gift. In my destruction classes & SideFX conference presentations I've mentioned that I often use geometry grouping to define the clustered sections in my RBD sims. However, it takes a bit of work to create the feedback for-each loops to set that up, so I've finally wrapped it up into a helpful HDA. Demo HIP file included as well. (I also included the HDA in the November 2020 'quick tip' post, but this version fixes a bug in the size-based prioritization, so for patrons that have that version I highly recommend downloading this one instead!) Hope you find this useful, and that you enjoy the new year! :-) ~ Keith
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Hi! First post here. After months of lurking and picking up tips from other users topics I need more direct help. I'm quite new to Houdini and I hope you share some ideas. With given FBX meshes, I have to simulate a gate being rammed out from a wall. Chunks of portal around the gate are supposed to be pulled out with it, hit the ground and crumble into bricks while the rest collapses. Gate itself is animated with bones, not physics-driven. After many experiments, I couldn't achieve that two-step fracture (big pieces falling on impact and then crumbling). This is what I've already tried: 1. I've split all wall FBX into bricks using Voronoi fracture fed with array of points (four pieces total: the portal, left, right and top parts of the wall). 2. I've divided the portal into chunks by grouping fractured elements with separate glue constraints. 3. I've created set of constraints for each piece.). 4. I've constrained all parts of the portal to the animated gate. 5. I've imported gate and wall as RDB Packed Objects to a DOP and fed it to bullet solver. 6. I've set up constraints networks for each piece with SOP solvers connected. The idea was that the portal is connected to the gate by glue constraint with infinite strength (-1) and pulled that way out of the wall. After few frames the constraint is severed by deleting lines in SOP solver. Constraints for individual chunks remain until they are broken by impact with ground. Meanwhile the result is that: when portal-gate constraint is removed while the portal is still in the wall, it's being abruptly shot upward. It looks like the animation (which I can't alter) forces meshes to overlap, so they pop when it loses control over them. When the constraint is removed few frames later when the portal doesn't collide with anything, it gains such high acceleration already, that bricks spray all around as if it has been an explosion. I suspect that my pipeline my be noobish, but I couldn't find any resources on similar cases. Unfortunately I can't share screenshots nor files as they are part of a commission. I'll appreciate your help.
Before elaborating, I am not a huge fan of the material fracture solution, which also gives similar issues. Apart from the node just taking 10 seconds to place. 10,605 children in 18.0 and >11,000 in 18.5. Also, the performance I was getting out of it was really not useable, so I'd always go back to looping over pieces and shattering (the usual) where I'd have control over the iterations and such. But maybe I'm just really too dumb to use the materialfracture correctly to get well tweaked results out of it, in a workable speed. So instead I've been trying to build a more lightweight solution to use which is a voronoi fracture which brickers the cutting geo and replaces the voronoi with a shatter. The issue is that the shatter apparently just gives bad output geometry when trying to fracture a second time, the geo is just completely broken. This is the base output which is marvellous. It almost stays interactive (0.1s / frame) while the materialfracture SOP would take around 10 seconds to calculate for a similar result. This is a preview of the cutting planes generated from the voronoi source points. When looping over the pieces from the first iteration, the outcome is always broken like following. I've tried quite some variations of loops, but apparently the first fracture just screws up the geometry. Any sort of cleaning/fusing would also give no better result. Is there any way the fix the boolean shatter itself? Or to get behind why it's outputting the fracture geo in the first place? The simple file with the asset included is attached. voronoifracture_plus_185_v01.hipnc Thanks in advance, Martin
Hi, I try to make a car glass bullet hit... I can't figure how to make the connected pieces which stay attached to glass, I tried "soft constraint" of the "Material fracture node, but I can't figure how to break the soft constraint in some distance, pieces always returning back no matter how far they are.. which looks more like a STAR GATE portal opening Sklo_TEST_11.hip
Hi there, I want share with you some of my tools/HDA I created in the time. Some is free and some not. For more of it you can I write also the documentation and create some tutorial. I'm also on orbolt and I think to publish some new tools soon... for now that and thanks for visit... mm Split RGB v.02 - tool for Houdini (Free/donation) Description: This tool was created for my patreon channel and from the question of my student in Italian school. Assign RGB Color with based on the range from 0 to 1. You can split the simulation like RBD or Particles, but also the elements (created with the copy sops for e.g.) and assign or extrapolate it with the color RGB. Video ______________________________________________________________________________________ mm Plexus FX v.01 - tool for Houdini (free and pay) Description: You can create a Plexus effects inside Houdini. This tool is available in 3 version: lite (free-ware), complete and open HDA (you can edit it). LITE: The restrictions for Lite Version are Scatter Points limit to 50 Not available Load points options. Not available Extra points Shapes tab. Not available noise on line options. Not available triangles by Geometry options. Not available splitted BGEO cache options. Not available all ABC (Alembic) export options. If you use in Commercial Works quote my name and the name of tools (I appreciate a lot). Complete: Open HDA: ______________________________________________________________________________________ mm Volume Fracture V 01.0 for Houdini 16 and up (free and pay) You can create the Voronoi Fracture and drive it with the Volume (vdb), apply the noise (if you want) on it and control the position of it in the space XYZ (if you want). Also you can: Apply more details on cut edge like a noise/distortion. Create a new smaller pieces inside your pieces based on the percentage of your original Voronoi Fracture. LITE: Complete: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Digital Asset "mm_Fast_ScatterFX" Houdini and Cinema 4D Very easy tools for create a fast and smart scatterFX, I think this digital asset for Cinema 4D users... The price is very symbolic for help me and continued to develop more tools also for Cinema 4D, Houdini and so on... video:
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- cache split
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Hello guys, I am learning Houdini and I am currently working on my personal project where I want to combine RBD fracture and Flip simulation. I have found this video which represents exactly what I want to recreate - I want to have an interaction between the fractured pieces with constraints and fluid simulation. I did manage to achieve of similar result with RBD solver but unfortunately, I have found out that RBD solver does not support glue constraints. I did try to use also the bullet solver but that didn't quite work. Could someone help me how to achieve of similar result like in the mentioned video? I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you.