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  1. "As long as modeling put stuff in the right collection, it'll get the right material". But how do I put a model in a collection? how create a collection in the first place so later it gets picked up in solaris. here is the link with the exact time Chris Rydalch talks about it:
  2. Hey all, I just encountered a very strange issue I cannot seem to find a solution to. I am using an RTX 2080ti with a Ryzen 9 3950X and when I try to render a volume in karma, no matter the light source, as soon as I increase the volume limit above 0, my volume turns blue. Even with a basic distant white light, bounces make the volume turn blue. I am using the default karma cloud material and my scene is as basic as can be. The weird part is when I try to render the same scene on my old laptop with a 1070, it works fine. Which leads me to believe the issue lies in my GPU. I have just reinstalled windows and Houdini, left every setting default, updated all my drivers, nothing seems to be working. Some insight into why this might be happening would be great. Thanks in advance CPU renderview on 2080ti workstation XPU renderview on 2080ti workstation XPU renderview on 1070 laptop
  3. Hi, I have recently created a set of 70+ HDAs called the IPOPs that aim at creating AOVs, Mattes & features for rendering. IPOPs are operator workflows designed to streamline shaders and AOV development in Houdini. With our toolset, artists can easily standardise their networks and access specially developed nodes for various renderers and presets, increasing efficiency and creativity. Get the IPOPs here! Renders in Karma & Mantra. 1. The Standard Library: Set of HDAs that help artists create quick shaders and AOVs and contain useful Utility Nodes such as Fresnel for Karma (CPU & XPU), Mask Falloffs in Shaders etc. The HDA library is constantly updated with new nodes to assist artists in speeding up their workflow and creating a streamlined system thereby increasing efficiency and creativity. 2. The Geometry AOVs: A set of remade common geometry AOVs for artists to quickly generate AOVs, Mattes & Utility Passes for Compositing. 3. The Particles AOVs: A set of remade useful particle AOVs for artists to quickly generate AOVs, Mattes & Utility Passes for Compositing. 4. The Volumes AOVs: A set of remade volume AOVs for artists to enhance their FX using AOVs, Mattes & Utility Passes for Compositing. We have a wide range of Bundles available for various workflows & we support both Houdini Apprentice & Houdini Indie! For any enquiries please email support@chakshuvfx.com I will be posting constant updates and developments here. IPOPs Master bundle: 1. Houdini Apprentice 2. Houdini Indie IPOPs Geometry AOVs bundle: 1. Houdini Apprentice 2. Houdini Indie IPOPs Particles AOVs bundle: 1. Houdini Apprentice 2. Houdini Indie IPOPs Volumes AOvs bundle: 1. Houdini Apprentice 2. Houdini Indie
  4. Hi guys, In Solaris context, I would like to use my (animated) camera to project a map on a geometry, but I can't find the right solution. I know the workflow in the object context (UV Texture SOP->Perspective From Camera), but I need the same thing in the Solaris. There is a LOP node I found here: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/lop/coordsys.html which I think is for this purpose, but I can't figure out how to use it. I would appreciate any ideas and thank you for helping.
  5. help... what should i do.... i can't delete shadow of geometry light... it's possible when i work in mantra... like a shadow mask can i delete this shadow in solaris karma either??
  6. Hello everyone! I have scene with emissive volume and no density rendered in Karma which is being comped over footage. Issue: since its emissive transparent pixels I was unable to replicate the exact look in AE. Currently ignoring the transparency and using screen blend mode. I have read about straight and premul alpha, but couldnt implement these findings. I know its impossible to have volumes emit light, while not blocking any light, but it would save a ton of time to render without density. Anyone stumbled upon this and found elegant simple solution? Essentially I want to have at least some sort of see through edges and full opaque volume inside dense areas. Thank you very much for any help, I might want something impossible, but that's where creativity comes :D
  7. Hey, I just went back to the basics to better understand Houdini. In the course "Houdini for the new Artist", Tyler Bay explains Solaris (stage). When I import a scene, I get the error message "Could not open asset", I used a gltf file from sketchfab (ricocilliers). Is this due to my Houdini Apprentice license? What's missing, what's wrong?
  8. Hi guys, In Solaris, I tried to use the bokeh effect, but as you can see in the image below, it created some weak bokeh. How can I make them more visible? Thanks for helping.
  9. Hi, I have a little problem with my glass material. When I set the IOR to the correct value of 1.4-1.5 the rendered result looks like I had a magnifying glass. In other DCC it looks correct. What should I do for get a glass with correct look and correct IOR?
  10. I managed to find some time to make this tutorial on building USD hierarchies in SOPs. I couldn't find many resources on things like setting pivots and altering transforms so once I figured it all out I thought I'd share the approach. Hope someone out there finds it useful.
  11. Hello! (I've made this post already on the sidefx forums but I figured I'd cross post in here incase there are people who prefer to only peruse odforce.) I'm kind of new to Karma, Solaris and the whole LOP context so please forgive any lack of knowledge. I'm trying to transition from using Mantra to Karma and stage on a project I am working on and I've come across the first hurdle I haven't been able to solve by reading up on the documentation. I am rendering very thin curve geometry and I was looking for a setting in Karma that would be equivalent to the "vm_geometryfilterwidth" parameter you can add for Mantra so that when geometry approaches sub-pixel the renderer always keeps the geometry x amount of pixel in width but compensates by lowering the alpha value instead. Doing this so that I won't have to increase the pixel samples to un-godly amounts just to cleanly render a constant shaded spline without having the thinnest parts flicker in and out of existence. Any advice on this is greatly appreciated, thank you so much for the read!
  12. Hello there, So I have a scene in Solaris, and I have set up velocity and depth AOVs. There are objects in the scene with transmissive materials applied to them, however these objects seem to block the AOVs, Is there any way to Let these AOVs pass through transmissive objects? Here are the passes: (Beauty Pass) (Depth Pass) (velocity pass) Thanks!
  13. [Tutorial] Intro: Hello Folks, I came up with a new workaround to work seamlessly between SOPs and LOPs, the idea about; why we can't consider the USD file as a container of data such as standard bgeo.sc? Let's replace it! So, this idea allows me to write caches on the desk once, instead of writing bgeo.sc and usdc configured layer. This HDA allows you to write one USD file or sequences of USD files and stitch them together. You can write normal geometry, volumes, vdb, particle simulation, polylines, and much more! Installation Guide: Place this HDA in your Houdini Preference Folder `"C:\Users\{USER}\Documents\houdiniXX.X\otls"` Requirements: Houdini 19+ Downloads: https://aymanabolila.gumroad.com/l/USDCacheSOP
  14. Hello! As the title says, I'm having some issues with connecting materials after importing with SOPimport in Solaris. Works with single meshes, but not with the scattering (imported with SOPimport) Do you know where should I look for the issue? Thank you!
  15. HI ! We have just started small new studio and we are at the point of choosing proper pipeline for us. we are free from any legacy and are able to build our pipeline from scratch we plan to switch to usd, but not sure what to use - Karma or Arnold. we have experience using both arnold and redshift in the past ....but think about using karma as the best integrated rendering solution (seems like) sidefx says that it is production ready. but does it make sense ? wouldn't we regret ? so maybe someone has already walked this way and could share some opinions ? what is better option to choose ? Thanx in advance fir any info regarding this matter
  16. Is there a way to connect the octane shader in Solaris to a collect node in order to be able to switch between renderers? There is no shader output by default
  17. Hello wizards, i'm trying to get the camera from the current stage and then get the frustum I'm following the Pixar API, but probably i'm missing something... Here my code: from pxr import Usd, UsdGeom, Sdf node = hou.pwd() stage = node.editableStage() # Add code to modify the stage. # Use drop down menu to select examples. camera=stage.GetPrimAtPath('/cameras/camera1') gfCam = UsdGeom.Camera(camera).GetCamera(1.0) frustum = gfCam.GetFrustum() Problem: GetFrustum() gave me an error, it seems that is not a method of the camera class, but it should... Any idea ?
  18. I am trying out Octane in Solaris, but i can't find some of the options that usually live on the obj level, like OpenSubdiv and Tessellations, essentially the object Octane settings. Any idea where are those? Also how can i set the default Octane render settings? Display Options --> Render , is empty (same goes for my HoudiniGL settings, its empty.) Also i had to search in the forums to find the latest OctaneSolarisStudio 2021.1.6.0 for Houdini_19.5.368 its not production ready yet? Sorry lots of questions, i just installed everything and i am trying to establish the basics, like where are all the settings i was using in SOPs
  19. Hi, I have been using Solaris for couple of months now and while I absolutely love it I came across mildly bothersome issue: Because Houdini compiles each frame in much the same way as it would when creating rib or ifd it makes animating cameras very slow and unwieldy process. My solution was to use Lop import to bring relevant objects to obj level, do all the camerawork there and bring camera back to LOPs. While not ideal it certainly does work but I was wondering if there is any better solution ? Cheers
  20. Hi - hope someone can help. I've got a crowd sim that I'm trying to migrate from Mantra to Karma. In Mantra the materials work via style sheets, works fine. In Solaris, the problem seems to be that agent geo isn't accessible. I can assign a material per agent, but can't access the sub-geometry to get different materials on clothing, hair etc. Here's the scene graph - I've got all agents called 'Suzie' just for testing purposes. The string '/sopcrowdimport1/suzie*' correctly selects all the character geometry. However I can't get it to select the components; using '*default_Ch41_Hair*' selects nothing. This is my first proj using solaris (as you might notice...) so hopefully there's a basic fix ;-) Cheers -- Chris
  21. I have a scene with 20 copies of an asset moving around,the animation its baked. There is a way to offet each copy in time? Thanks!
  22. Hi admins, why not putting a Solaris section? There're so much questions about this new module.. Thank you.
  23. Hi, I'm new to Solaris and Karma, but does Karma xpu allow embedded transparency from textures? I've run into an issue rendering textures with embedded transparency. My example is a tattered cloth texture, where the tatters and holes in the texture are rendering fine with Karma cpu, but not with xpu. I've tried a number of variations using the principled shader in combination with Mtlx tiledimage but to no avail. Again, this renders fine in Karma cpu, but could someone please outline the workflow for this in Karma xpu? Thank you!
  24. Hi, I'm trying to render out some simple points (rendered as spheres) with Arnold in Solaris. Looking at the Arnold documentation, this should be a simple one-step solution but so far I had no success. There's only a single checkbox under the Geometry SOP and no other options than that. I'm able to get the camera blur however. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.
  25. Hello! I'll try to explain it quickly, I have created a tree, with trunk and leafs, and created a packed USD. I am using solaris/karma to render lots of instanced copy of the tree, and it works, but...sometimes the trees lose their leafs for some reason. The odd thing is, if go inside the instancer node (inside lops) and mess around with the "method" parameters, sometimes the leafs comes back, sometimes they disappear again (selecting method that didn't worked before), like a russian roulette basically... It's very odd and it feels like it's a bug, or am I missing something?
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