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  1. Hello everyone, I'm working on a very specific earth/ground blast. Inorder to keep the max control I decided to create pre sim wich would be used as a source for the main simulation later. Or I'm going to build it in directly and blend it with a pyro solver over time. Anyways, the goal of my setup is to create blast trails wich have an outward momentum. But having a vel field wich pushes density outward causes mushroom with a pyro solver because of the nature of divergence correction. A custom solution should help me out but I'm stuck cause the vel field is not expending but keeps clipping to the density source region. Even vel is advecting vel. There is already a post which seem to had a simular issue but it didn't work for me. advecting velocity by itself. Any ideas? vel_clipping_issue.hip
  2. Hi I am Vu Pham from Vietnam. My FX Showreel, destruction fx, water fx, particles, explosion, .. Thanks for since update my portfolio here, I got 2 animated feature in working as remote freelance works, 1 is large scale and other is magic, both job are amazing keep me busy more than month. Odforce forum is so great, except it does not show on Google SERP. https://youtu.be/OwrdEKKOpQc Contact: info@vubao.com.vn
  3. Hey guys. I want to cut a smoke object with a collider so the collider leaves a gap in the smoke and advects it slightly. managed to get the advection stuff going but the smoke always closes after the collider. i used a trail sop to build like a wall behind the collider and i works okayish but there must be a better way of doing this. also i cant get rid of the flickering when the collider goes through the smoke. maybe some one has an idea how to solve this stuff. SmokeTrail.hiplc
  4. i want to break the smooth, mashroom like shape off, when the mashroom shape get rough enough, stop break. my solution is to add a Gasdisturb to simulation, to get rid of the mashroom like shape, and the strength of Gasdisturb decays with temperature. But there's a problem: when Gas disturb is not controled by temperature field,the strength off Gas distrub is decay from blank area to the area which density is 0.05,as the picture 1 When Gas disturb is controled by temperature field, distribution of strength is as picture2 i think it is because The outermost layer of the smoke, that is, the junction of the smoke and the vacuum area, has a low-temperature area.As a result, when the temperature is used as the control field of gas disturbance, the outermost layer of smoke is very little affected by the disturbance, so that the mushroom head cannot be broken. test.hip
  5. Hello, I can't figure out why I can't get the Cd attribute from my pyro sim into the Redshift volume, each time I try, it's not working at all, anyone knows how to fix it or had a similar issue? I'm attaching the file for you to have a look at it thanks test_Color_redshift.hiplc
  6. Hi gang ! I'm stumbling across a weird issue and I'd sure like to get some insights about this. I'm trying to color a smoke simulation (having seen Steven's volume III course). But I'm getting a weird issue that I can't wrap my head around. Basically my color field gets contaminated and the disease spreads on. here is what I mean: I'm using both types of pyro solvers, sparse and classic. This issue happens on both. Here is a screen of my simple scene: If you guys have any idea why this is happening that would be fantastic Cheers color_smoke.hip
  7. Hello All , iam trying to create a dragon fire but i have some issue with the pyrosolver 1) Its creating a trails like fire 2)how to bring the shape of the reference that i had added in this post(need some insight) 3)what is blocking in pyro Min substep 4 Max substep 8 Global Substep 1 Dragon_Breathe_Shot_07_v029.hip rebelway_competition_sc007_F994_F1090_dragon_fxflame.abc
  8. Hi guys, I tried to add color to a smoke sim, but as you can see in the image below, the "Volume Visualization" SOP shows the volume output in a weird way. How can I fix it? Thanks for helping. Color Smoke_01.hip
  9. I have those patterns , I want to simulate only One of the color in smoke 2d(that intersect with other colors shapes) , Best Approaches to do that ????? Thanks .. 2dSmoke.hiplc
  10. Hi, what would be the best approach to create this type of simulation (machine gun smoke simulation)? Any Ideas, scene file strategies would be very helpful! Video file: M1A1 Abrams Firing From Hull-Down Positions_1.mp4 Here 's a gif preview -
  11. Hello ! I'm actually Working on a project of underwater Bubbles using the pyrosolver. I'm using a first sim for creating a velocity field (mixing turbulence and an animated 3dmodel) and for the second sim i'm creating a smoke that I'want it to be advected by the first one (using the velocity of the first pyro sim) but I don't find the good way to do that, this is the vel from the first Sim and this is the second whant that need to get de vel from the first one. I don't know how to use the vel from the first sim and if I have to put something in "velocity update" or "advection" . Any Idea please ? thanks =)
  12. Hi, I'm currently doing a sim of a rocket launch with a pyrosolver and pyrosource. The rocket is dissembling in the sky and I need the smoke trail to stop. The houdini 18 pyro solver doesn't have the frame range tab and when I tried to animate the density the sim just stops. The smoke is visible on frame 1 but not on frame 2, 3, etc.... Does anyone has an idea how I could solve this ? Thank you so much !!
  13. Hi guys, I'm really struggling with what seems to be a rather easy setup: Covering a collider object in smoke and at some point suck in all the smoke through various holes. Negative divergence seemed the way to go however it's completely ignoring the collision (see attached flipbooks) Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you! smoke_negative_divergence.mp4 smoke_base.mp4 smoke_suction_fail.hiplc
  14. Hello, I've encountered an issue while rendering pyro sim splitted into multiple domains. The best example is the shelf tool's Smoke Trail Effect. I've added additional velocity field to this and several micro solvers. smokeTrail_02.mp4 Is this a render glitch? or a pyro issue? smokeTrail_02_RNDR_VRAY_Issue.mp4 Renderer: v-ray To check that out I cached out an VDB and imported into blender... Which was quite interesting as the vdb cache which was exported was only containing the first part of the domain (splitted domain) The Screenshot of vdb is of the default smoke trail Shelf tool with no customization. I did this to check if the custom setup I was using was having some issue. Anyone with any idea fixing either of the issue (Vray Rendering or VDB Caching), Please help me out.
  15. Hey there, I am trying to get an effect of an art directed shockwave done. In my particular case I am trying to shape the shockwave in the shape of a heart going outwards. I literally have no Idea how to get this effect going. I was thinking about feeding my animated shape into a pop network where I create the particles aswell as the necessary attributes for the pyro solver. Has anybody here an idea how to archieve this kind of effect. In my thinking there needs to be a way to get this to work with any kind of shape. I am thankful for any advice helping me out!!! (I am relatively new to Houdini, started last year and focused more on some vellum sims. Now I want to expand my skillset with some personal projects adressing different parts of the software)
  16. Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. I have a little question. Is it possible to control my simulation so that it is attracted by my tube? Like a pop attract, but for smoke ? I made a first simulation to have my base, which I freeze to import it into a second dop, the one in which I would like to "attract" my smoke towards the tube...
  17. Hello. I'm having a bit of a trouble. I would appreciate any tips on creating slowly swirling / rolling - wind blown (wind is quite strong, so smoke should move sideways quite a lot - staying in the same level - not rising, not falling) smoke cloud over the battlefield ? Imagine smoke left after explosions continues moving across field as the wind blows. For now I just tried having a velocity field with some curl noise and different wind strength based on height from ground. I also add a lot of initial temperature/density/velocity variations and in beginning it looks nice, but after like 100 frames, smoke looses most detail, smoothens out and does not swirl anymore. It would be nice for it to somewhat keep initial billowy shapes and maybe not spread out so much. Is this something achievable with Pyro or should I approach this differently? Just hoped for some tips.
  18. I have a dataset that contains animated volumetric smoke density. The dataset is stored as NPZ files (numpy array save file). How can I load the density of a saved smoke simulation as an animated volume to render it ? For context about the float data in the volumes. This is what simulation number 70 snapshot 150 looks like in matplotlib with a viridis color map, but the data in each voxel are simple float64 values. The other snapshops and simulations look similar. This is how you load a single npz file, if you want to try it with the dataset. It just generates a generic numpy float array. So you could just make a tiny numpy array filled with random data yourself for the purpose of testing like this np.random.rand(3,3,3). import numpy as np def npz_to_nparray(filepath): """ loads npz file from location :param filepath: string to file location :return: numpy array """ data = np.load(filepath) data = data[data.files[0]] # normal strange operations to get the the actual array inside data = np.transpose(data, (3, 1, 0, 2)) # turning the inner array layer outside and rightside up return data[0] I have tried: -I can load the npz files in python and in Houdini's python shell as a numpy array. I dont know how to put the data into a Houdini volume or which file format Houdini needs to import it. -I tried to translate the npz files to vdb with the pyopenvdb libary for python. But after multiple days of trying I am unable to import pyopenvdb. I build pyopenvdb library on windows with vcpkg and cmake, but I cannot import the build package. I setup an ubuntu VM and tried importing pyopenvdb there, but I can not import it. tl;dr: How to import animated smoke voxel data that is currently stored as a 4D python array?
  19. Hey folks I have set up a particle simulation where I have then attached a pyro sim to it (through the rasterize attributes volumes node)... Also I have imported a few objects where the smoke sim should interact with... Everything is fine, until one point: When I am wanting that the pyro sim should collide with the object (seen on the screenshot), then the smoke is just going through the "wall of dirt" (its just a wall with some grass and dirt... ) I just need the collisions so that I can then export the smoke simulation as a vdb sequence... What I have tried so far: - I have give it more thickness with poly extrude node (also added the collision guide thing to look if everything is fine) - also I have increased the substeps on the smoke sim - I have add a object merge node in the pyroFX node (as seen in the screenshot) - just ignore this one node where I have add the red line... But everything I've tried so far, I got no luck to fix it..
  20. Hey folks, I am messing around with a particle simulation. Now I want to hook up a pyro simulation which will be driven by the particle sim. This is my smoke sim setup from the particles: (it would be awesome if someone knows, how I could set it up so that there will be the typical smoke mushrooms visible during a rocket lift-off). Because I can't figure it out how to make the smoke going outwards and not just sticking to the particle simulation.. I have tried to increasing the turbulence and disturbance in my pyro solver to break up the thing that the smoke is sticking to my particle sim... but this hasn't worked out yet. Help would be much appreciated Thanks!
  21. Hey Odforce, I´m a complete noob and I was just dialing some parameters with the standard billowy Smoke Setup. But the problem i encouter is, when i decrease the uniform scale of the base sphere(smoke source) from 0.1 to 0.01 and then of course increase the voxel size and particle seperation to counter act it, the simulation becomes really slow an looks less detailed than the standard billowy smoke setup. I´ve played for hours now to dial the right parameters but the end result is always that it looks worse and the simulation is much slower. My assumption is that the scene isn´t set up for such a small smoke source and i somehow have to shirnk down the overall voxel grid maybe? Help would be really appreciated
  22. Hello I have a big pyro sim going on, and now I want to export this simulation as VDB's. I have set up a up-res container but when I import the exported vdb files from the high res container into Blender, then the result is kinda awkward... There are just points of smoke (as shown here in the screenshot: 2. Screenshot 1 is showing the vdb export node with the settings and pyro fields I have even set the density quite high but still the same ugly result there... have I exported it in the wrong way? or why is it like this?!
  23. Hi guys! I recently work on this test of Pyro dust . i will try to do more soon. I used Arnold to render and pyroclastic method for the sim with scattered points for divergence. Render time about 15 hours on my machine... Can i have our feedback and advices. Cheers https://vimeo.com/206276685
  24. Hello, I have a massive smoke simulation going on, and now I want to export this simulation in vdb's, to import them into a another 3d software (Blender). But when I click on the cache button or render to disk button, everything goes well, until frame 70 +-10 frames or so.. and then it stops because I am getting out or RAM. As I have 64 GB RAM, I would love if someone could explain me, how can I export the whole simulation, without decreasing the smoke division size... or smoke quality! I have tried to just export the density field, but then the smoke looks kinda low res and only if I am exporting ALL pyro fields, like: density, temperature, fuel, vel x, vel z, vel y.... and so on, then the smoke is high-res in Blender. But if I am exporting all fields, then it stops after frame 70 because of the RAM... is it possible to cut this simulation in parts and exporting them seperatly or somehow optimizing the fields or the pyro sim or vdb's so that I can export the whole simulation without any problems AND in high-res quality? Thanks for advance Daniel
  25. Hello! So I have an alembic file (5 gb) with an RBD simulation of a wall falling down, and I want to apply some smoke to it. The thing is that the geometry is too heavy and I have to reduce de polygons in order to simulate. I tried with poly-reduce and despite reducing the geometry it applies it per frame so I have to wait 30 secs for a frame to load. I also tried with point deform but I couldn´t manage either. I suppose my question is how would you prepare a heavy alembic geometry with pieces for a pyro sim? Cheers. T.
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