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  1. Hi guys, I am looking for a tool, or code, that can chop/slice/deconstruct a 3D model -let's say a scan of classical sculpture of Michelangelo- in part and reconstruct it anew into an abstract shape algorithmically. Any pointers? Thanks!! Impure31
  2. I want to resize and relocate the layout data and the animation data from abc file in Houdini. How can I do this?
  3. As you can see in the image below. If the rigid body is on the left side of the merge node the rigid object doesn't obey the force of the flipfluid and if the rigid body is on the right side the behavior is odd. what's the correct workflow?
  4. Hi everyone, I am looking for a good approach to generating curves that follow the curvature of a mesh. The goal is to generate line art in 3D, so not in post-process. First Approach My first attempt was based on vertex normal to find the lines, but if I push too far the sharp edge detection, I end up with duplicated lines along my curvature which gives an undesirable result. Expected result: Second Approach My second idea was to scatter points on my mesh and push these points in the direction that the principal curvature method gives me. I keep pushing the points in that direction as long as the next position has a stronger curvature than the previous one. The problem is that the principal curvature doesn't give me a constant direction through my mesh, and can flip from one vertex to another. The other problem is that I don't know how to connect the points into a curve. Thanks in advance for your help.
  5. Hello, I have been trying to recreate the black hole effect from the film 'Eternals' for a few weeks now for a thesis project I am doing and I am not really getting close. This is the effect in question: Arishem's FInal Judgement The effect happens at 1:17 My approaches was to create some circles with an animation spinning around the circles driven by the curveu attribute and offset by the 'copynum' attribute I got from the copy and transform node. I was driving a smoke sim from this and then I used the curveu as a temperature attribute to drive some scattering in the pyro shader. However this approach has not really gotten me close. I realise its quite a complex effect but any tips on recreating it would be fantastic! Thank you for reading
  6. Thanks for reading. I'm now creating creature hair & far grooms in houdini with tutorial. But, I have 2 problems I have not solved yet. First, about guide groom node in geometory, in this tutorial, my guide groom node looks like different from tutorial. I have done by following steps it, so I don't know why... Second, I want to convey information ( cheek Hair ) from guidegroom1 to hairgen1, but I could’t do that.... Actually I want to do that like second movie. inmycase.MOV tutorial.MOV You must be very busy, but it would be great if you could let me know your thoughts on the 2 questiions. Thank you. Ryu
  7. Hello, I made this effect in Blender and wondered how would I recreate it in houdini, it's so that I can control how many segments I need without manually adjusting each one to avoid clipping. test1.mp4
  8. Hi Guys, I'm trying to create a constraint network for simulating Car Suspensions, but with no results. I just need a simple "spring effect" between Body and Wheels (please find a video example attached). How I can do it? Any suggestion will be really appreciated. Thank you! I've attached a simple file test I'm working on. Car Example.mp4 Cartest.hip
  9. Hi Guys, I searching some references for my project, and i found this. I'm trying echive this effect, but i dont know if it's possible to make it in Houdini, it's maybe about compositing work. You maybe see some films about war where soldier make warpaint with blood or camouflage with some on their face. My goal is make blood and with my animated character make this smudges with fingers on floor. And with this blood make warpaint. lv_0_20210823213128.mp4 soldier-preparing-for-battle-picture-id1050355366 lv_0_20210823151025.mp4
  10. Hello Guys, I'm here for help or advice how achive this effect. Maybe someone of you tell me how i can start. I'm newbie in houdini, but i'm very interested in how to do something like this. Link on Picture Thanks, David
  11. Hello everybody, I was wondering if anybody could explain to me how I go about creating morphing animations like the following in houdini as I am fairly new. I appreciate your time and help in advance. Link to the reference: https://www.instagram.com/p/CGF53Vdnh92/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  12. Hello, I am trying to recreate the trail explosion at the beginning WITHOUT the rebelway course. I want to challenge myself so please don't say that I should buy the course. I have set the challenge by myself I have figured out how to achive the particle trail simulation and I can do this without any problems. But now I am stuck on the smoke/fire part. I don't know how to attach the smoke correctly to the particles when the particles are moving with fast velocities. Because when I am pressing the pyro fireball shelftool then my particles are showing like smoked points even if I increase the pyro substeps. I can do the particle simulation without problems I hope probably someone could help me here
  13. Hi , is there any guide or starting point to achieve this kind of effect in houdini like this tyflow example ? https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm8nHNfApwE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link the confusing part for me not the sim itself , it's how he slice the geo in a continues sliced way ? any input is really appreciated ?
  14. I have a simple problem, but do not know hou to do it. I want to color my sphere with created vector attributes, and let it change frame by frame based on the points of color vector I created as shown in the geometry spreadsheet. It should be easy to do? But I am a newbie, have tried many ways but failed. Thanks a lot!
  15. Like everyone else, I use a bunch of tools for my work. But I found myself using Houdini more and more for 2d work, including making a sketch or etch style of pictures like these. I did it using sops, and while I imagine there is at least a million ways to do that in Houdini, it was bloody fast, took just a few nodes, and with plentiful variations.
  16. Hello all! I'd like to preface this with the statement that I'm fairly new to Houdini, come from the art side of things, and am trying baby's first Vex. Please forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to create a melty candle effect and am having some issues getting the candle to build up new wax over old wax without reheating it. This is my first real dive into fluid sim, and I think this is one of those "didn't realize it was a complex sim when I started" scenarios. I've seen a few tutorials on how to do this effect if you are generating the particles, by controlling the temp directly with particle life, but i'm trying to do this effect with the melt object preset, and as far as I know, there is no particle life that can help me here. My question is, how would you approach the issue? I made a very apelike attempt at a popwrangle with a if temp > .9 viscosity is 'insert low value here' else viscosity is 'solid value here' kinda deal. I had no clue what I was doing and it failed miserably. I'll leave it in the side of the DopNet for you to chuckle at should you so choose. It is safely quarantined from the other nodes so it doesn't frighten the children. If I'm approaching this all wrong, please let me know. I'm fairly certain I've got some default settings on this sim that shouldn't be, bad preview settings, etc. . . I'd like to learn the best practices for running these sorts of things. I'm a 3D illustrator/generalist and am trying to add some VFX tricks to my sleeves. I came from Maya over to Houdini a few months back and its still daunting. Really fun though! Thanks for your help! Candletest.hiplc
  17. Hi guys, I would love to recreate these 2 effects from Michael Rigley I would love to know how to make the one below first. it looks simple and bautiful. https://player.vimeo.com/video/301087373?app_id=122963&wmode=opaque&autoplay=1 and so far I created this .Hip pelotitas.v01.hip Any idea, tip, tutorial, help with this subject comes in handy Thanks a lot
  18. Hi everyone, we meet a problem here. Our group are using Houdini to do the sand interaction effects, but we do the lighting in Maya. How could we do the transfer? For now, we just do the lighting in Houdini to try to match the lighting which we did in Maya. We use the Maya engine to import the sand particles from Houdini, but it occupied a lot of virtual memory. Is there anyone could help us ? We hope to find out how to solve this problem. Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to any suggestions!!!!!!
  19. Hi!!, I'm new at Houdini and I'm trying to get this kind of effect Following this tutorial I managed to make a smoke ring https://qiita.com/r-ngtm/items/c5483f1f4700359e0540 how can I combine it with a dop network to fill it with particles? if there is any other way to do it or if you can give me some advice I thank you sorry for my ignorance Thanks! Thanks!
  20. Hello everyone!! I have seen these organic creations and I have fallen in love <3 How we can do somenthing like this? We need too much VEX code to achieve it? I'm sure that between all of us we can achieve it! Cheers!!!!
  21. I would like to know how to make the effect of the object go deconstructing gradually as the helmet of the star lord in Guardians of the Galaxy
  22. Hi! The newbie is here with a silly question) I'm trying to melt this arm with "melt object" but something goes wrong. Instead of object form filled with dots I only get few in random place. I tried melting it on default pig head and cube and everything was fine. Is something wrong with this obj?
  23. R&D in Mystique type effect - flipping tiles driven by procedural animation. In this case, I used curvature to drive rotation of tiles in copy stamp sop.
  24. How do I apply noises etc using the gas field vop in an explosion? Seem to be getting weird results when just applying an anti alias flow noise.
  25. I'm wondering what would be the best way of approaching an hourglass effect where the sand goes upwards. The hourglass has to be taken out of Houdini and into Maya and is going to be placed into a scene ontop of a table. Any help with how you would tackle this kind of effect.
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