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Found 20 results

  1. Hey everyone, does anyone have an idea of how one could have an irregular Object (not a sphere or cube, more like a rubbertoy or pighead) rolling around, preferably on a predefined path, on the surface of another object (a Globe or a Hand or something similar)? There seams to be solutions for either flat surfaces and/or regular objects like spheres but I haven't yet discovered a workflow that works for both so I thought I ask the houdini wizards of the internet. Help would be much appreciated! Thank you!!
  2. Hi, I would like to know how to achieve and animate something like this in the first video https://www.behance.net/gallery/175765483/LOEHR-x-Spot-Studio? (Screenshot of what I am talking about below) In regard to 1/ which grain properties to adjust 2/ How to achieve clustering some grains as you can see on top - are these separate vellum grain objects set to different seperation rates? 3/ Would be nice to know how you guys go on about optimizing your grain sims.. I run an 12core i9 and it is struggling even with 200K points Much appreciated.
  3. Hi guys, I am trying to emit color smoke from a shell. I thought a good particle emission will help with the volume source from which I can emit my pyro. But, I am currently stuck at one stage where I am unable to get a nice and smooth particle flow. A lot of stepping!! I've attached the images, the effect I am trying to achieve (for reference) and also the hip file. It might seem like a simple solution to someone out there. Please struck me with some knowledge! Thanks!! Color smoke ref.mp4 Color_Smoke.v68.hipnc
  4. Hi, I'm trying to render out some simple points (rendered as spheres) with Arnold in Solaris. Looking at the Arnold documentation, this should be a simple one-step solution but so far I had no success. There's only a single checkbox under the Geometry SOP and no other options than that. I'm able to get the camera blur however. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Hi everyone, I have been looking to create slow-motion flip sim using a narrow band tank and dropping an RBD object into it. I have seen older advice like this from Atom about adjusting the Time Scale inside the Flip solver: https://vimeo.com/121376943 But when I followed the instructions it doesnt seem to work - as its many versions old from the current H18 there could be a lot of reasons for this. Does anyone have any up to date information of how to achieve this? Currently I am going round in circles adjusting the Velocity Scale and Time Scale in a never ending fight to get it to slow down correctly but also maintain the splash velocity. I cant seem to get the flip sim to match the Time Scale of my RBD at all, the flip is always moving way too fast. Any help would be great!
  6. Hello, I'm playing with bullet dynamics in Houdini. But I'm having quite often one problem - strange motion in e.g. small shards on ground plane. They don't stop moving even after few seconds after they fell on the floor. They are not changing position but just slightly rotating. This motion seems to go on and on... According to docs Linear/Angular Treshold parameter in RBD Packed Object should fix it, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Have you experienced this type of error and if - have you solved it? Thanks
  7. Hey Guys, Imagine an object which fills with liquid over time. When the object is full of liquid i want the motion of the Flip Fluid stop oder decrease over time. For example: - Object fills with Flip Fluid from Frame 1 to Frame 96. - Liquid and all motion of it slows down from Frame 96 to Frame 144, at Frame 144 everything is not moving anymore. I tried some pop wrangle inside my DOP but i cant get this working. Any suggestions? Should i do this after the DOP in SOP Level in a Vop/Wrangle or could I achive this inside my DOP? And How? Thanks and Greets, me
  8. For the folks out there looking for a way to do motion retargeting inside houdini, here´s a tease for a tool that has being working for 2 years now! In a couple of weeks I will share more info about how it works, since I don´t have plans to release it, but I will help anyone who wants to do the same - the tool doesn´t have fancy a algorithm, but works very well. https://vimeo.com/299246872
  9. HI, I know this might be an easy thing but i tried out and seems like i'm making a silly mistake. How can i make the movement of particles stop as it slows down?
  10. Hi! check out my scene file. I created a procedural way of do some parent/child relationships between pieces(prims) at sop level, and also per prim transformations of course. You'll be able to create your own rules for the transformation point position, transform operations and hierarchies description. Here is the link and a Video in which I tried to explain some of the features that it has, pardon my poor english and have fun! Scene File: https://gum.co/polyops Good Luck!
  11. Hello! So I'm not sure if I should be posting this in a Maya forum, but I'm having issues with constrained objects in Houdini. The object was rigged in Maya and then exported to be rendered in Houdini, but when brought into Houdini, on certain frames the parent constraints freak out and cause a weird effect ( show in the picture ) I've narrowed it down to the objects that are being parented. I've tried to delete the constraint and just parenting under the geo, still no luck. Has anyone else ever encountered this? If so what did you do to fix it? Thanks
  12. Hello!, Let's say I have a rotating cube, a grid floor and a direct light projecting the shadow of the cube into the floor.. how can I get the motion vector of this projected shadow? , I already know how to get the vectors of the cube but it's shadow is a mistery.
  13. Hi I am a new user of Houdini living in Korea. I want to give a vector blur in the direction of the dots. I tried to draw a pass and draw a vector blur in nuke, but the direction is straight. I tried it with normal and I tried it. Failed to resolve for a week. So I simply gave the vector blur to the sphere and it did not work. It seems to be a render problem and I do not know what the problem is. I upload two hip files. Why does the value of the copy node remain the same? Finally, how do you study vop? ... I know that it's related to arithmetic math. But it 's confusing and hard to see. Please help me.. vector_2.hip vector_1.hip
  14. Got a DA DNA? Join Moment Factory, THE multimedia leader! julie@polyglotgroup.eu https://goo.gl/dOm7t4
  15. Join Moment Factory, the multimedia leader! julie@polyglotgroup.eu https://goo.gl/OeoWAW
  16. Anyone have this strange problem exporting particles from Houdini to Maya?It doesn't happens on all frames,its just sort of random,some frames render fime if you turn off snapping in timeline and scrub,weird. The render engine its Arnold,i know there is a way to carry the v information in vertex to Maya But this its the only way to avoid this issue? The particles are geo after a copy operator,nothing fancy
  17. We are bringing our D&AD Black Pencil and Cannes Gold Lion awarded design and motion studio Stateside in Summer 2016 and are looking for world-class talent to join our core LA team. You will be one of the elite founding members: ready to jump into high-concept projects for forward-thinking brands immediately. Our formula in London the past nine years has been simple and successful: produce exciting, high-end creative and effective work, executed by best-in-class 3D and VFX technical artists. And, crucially, to have fun doing it. We are all creative contributors, whether we work on the more conceptual or technical end of the spectrum. We thrive on a melting pot mentality, where artists can take pride and ownership in producing shots from start to finish using their broad range of skill sets, while still contributing their knowledge and expertise on a collective scale for the greater good of the studio. We are looking for middleweight and senior talent: Designers, Directors and VFX/3D artists with a strong design sensibility. We are not proscriptive about the path that you’ve taken to get here. Whether you’ve arrived at 3D and motion design via the fine arts, engineering or natural sciences, we appreciate unusual perspectives. Some processes and programs that we like to use: Our main pipeline tool is Cinema4D. We render in Arnold or VRay4C4D. Houdini is our big gun for the more complex stuff. From time to time we like to use Maya as well. Compositing happens either in AfterEffects or Nuke. Available Roles: Senior Designer/Creative Lead 3D/VFX Artist Motion Designer Applications may be sent to LA@mvsm.com. All applicants must be legally able to work in the United States. The ManvsMachine team in LA will enjoy the same generous vacation allowance as their London counterparts. Just like them, you should have a great sense of humor, a belief that mass communication should never preclude good design, and a devastating ping pong serve.
  18. Hi, I've made a very simple scene to create the steam of a steam train, kind of cowboyish one for a little project. There is one scene where we need it to be in slow mo, like half speed. Beeing very new to houdini I would like to know if my setup is "correct/optimized" or if you have any tips to make it look better maybe, but more importantly what would be a good way to slow down the simulation, I've tested the dopnetwork time scale value but the results are not great with my scene. Thank you very much !
  19. Hi I'm actually trying to export a motion vectors pass with arnold for a pyro simulation baked into a VDB. I understand the concept behind the theory, which consist of getting pyro velocity matrix, camera inverted matrix, and multiplying them, but till now, I can't get to make it work. There's an example involving Mantra who work quite well : http://forums.odforce.net/topic/14831-motion-vector-for-volume/?hl=%2Bvolume+%2Bmotion+%2Bvector+%2Bpass The problem with this example is that the nodes used (GetBlurP) doesn't have their equivalent in the Arnold shader. I'm pretty sure I can do it with user data passed to the shader, but I can't figure it out. Does anyone here have ever achieved this? I would be very happy to hear about. Thanks Maxime
  20. I learn that 2d motion vector Nuke use is different from RSMB, it is something like projection, for example, I have a point move from posA to posB during 1 frame, so project the point use ray from real world to camera screen like the picture below, so it is different, I want to know how to write this shader? And the image below is what I search in forum, this is wrong when I render 2d motion vector for my fur object. Now I want to render read 2D motion vector for my fur layer, anyone know? Thanks a lot.
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